- 27 Feb 2024
- 6 Minutes to read
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Manage Conditions
- Updated on 27 Feb 2024
- 6 Minutes to read
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If you are tasked with creating a conditional workflow for a client, you must first define the conditions assigned to workflow activities.
The system determines whether a conditional activity is executed based on whether the condition is satisfied.
You use the Manage Conditions screen to define conditions that can be used in conditional workflows. Note: You cannot access the Manage Conditions screen unless the Create Manage Conditions check box is selected in the Administration settings for your user type.
How to Access the Screen
In the Global Toolbar, display the Settings menu and select Settings.
Select the System Configuration tab, if necessary, to display system configuration options.
Display the Show drop-down list and select Manage Conditions. The Manage Conditions screen displays.
Tasks You Can Do on This Screen
- Add a condition.
- Copy a condition.
- Modify and save a condition.
- Delete a condition.
Field Descriptions on This Screen
Screen Item | Description |
Language | Enables you to add conditions in additional languages. Note: The drop-down list is not available until you save the condition in the base language. |
Existing Conditions (list pane) | Lists all conditions that were defined. |
Condition Name | Specifies the name of the condition. |
Description | Specifies a brief description of the condition. |
View Condition | Displays the condition expression. |
Start Grouping icon | Denotes the start of a grouped condition (a condition within a condition). |
Field | Specifies the field to which the condition applies. |
Condition | Specifies the condition applied to the specified field. The list of available conditions varies based on the type of field specified. Depending on the condition you select, additional fields, such as a Value or Date field, may appear to allow further definition of the condition. |
End Grouping icon | Denotes the end of a grouped condition. |
Operator | Specifies an operator for multiple conditions, if necessary. Select AND to specify that all of the conditions must be met. Select OR to specify that at least one of the conditions must be met. |
Add button | Adds the currently specified condition. |
Edit button | Opens the currently selected condition for editing. To select a condition, select it in the Selected Conditions list. |
Delete button | Deletes the currently selected condition. To select a condition, select it in the Selected Conditions list. |
Cancel button | Deselects the currently selected condition. |
Remove Grouping button | Removes the grouping (parentheses) from a condition. |
Selected Conditions | Lists all condition expressions for the currently selected condition. You can select a condition in this list to select it. |
Copying a Condition
If an existing condition is similar to a new condition you want to add, you can copy the existing condition and modify it to create the new condition.
If a template cannot be deleted, you can deactivate it to prevent it from being used.
Display the Manage Conditions screen.
In the list pane, select the condition you want to copy. Tip: To filter the list of conditions displayed in the list pane, you can enter all or part of a condition name in the Existing Conditions search box in the list pane. As you enter, the list refreshes to display only the conditions with names that contain the text you entered in the search box.
Select the Clone icon
to copy the selected condition.
In the Condition Name text box, enter a name for the condition.
In the Description text box, enter a brief description of the condition purpose.
Modify the condition details as needed.
Select the Save icon
Adding a Condition
When adding a new condition, you can specify multiple conditional expressions using the AND/OR logical operators.
Display the Manage Conditions screen.
Select the Add icon
to display empty fields for adding a new condition.
In the Condition Name text box, enter a name for the condition.
In the Description text box, enter a brief description of the condition purpose.
In the Create Conditions section of the screen, select the Field text box and start typing the name of the field you want the condition to evaluate. As you enter text, a pop-up list displays, listing system fields that contain the entered text.
In the pop-up list, select the name of the field you want to use in the condition.
The field name is added to the Field text box.
Display the Condition drop-down list and select the condition you want applied to the field. Note: The values that appear in the Condition drop-down list are based on the type of field you selected. For example, if you select a date field, such as Date of Birth (Applicant), the conditions that display in the list are related to dates, such as On or before, Between, and so on. If you select an integer field, such as Max Additional Compensation (Job), the conditions that display in the list are related to numeric values, such as Equal, Does not equal, Less than, Greater than, and so on. Depending on the condition selected, a value or date field displays to enable you to complete the condition.
Display the Value drop-down list or the Date Picker and select the appropriate value or date for the condition.
Display the Operator drop-down list and select the appropriate value for your condition (And, Or, or None).
Select the Add button to add the condition to the Selected Conditions list.
The full conditional expression appears in the View Condition box.
If you need to create a grouped expression, select the Start Grouping icon
to denote the start of the group. Tip: You use grouping to set off multiple conditions that require the use of a logical operator. For example, if the condition states the Job Code field is either Job Code Entry One OR Job Code Entry Two AND the country is not India, then group the condition for the Job Code Entry field and separate it from the condition for the Country field, as shown in the following example:
(Job Code(Job) Equal 'JobCode Entry One' Or Job Code(Job) Equal 'JobCode Entry Two') And Country (Applicant) Does not equal 'India'
Repeat steps 6-10 to add more conditions as needed.
If you created a grouped expression, select the End Grouping icon
to denote the end of the group.
Select the Save icon
Modifying a Condition
You can modify conditions by changing the name or description; by adding, deleting or modifying conditional expressions; or by removing grouping (if applicable).
Display the Manage Conditions screen.
In the list pane, select the condition you want to modify. Tip: To filter the list of conditions displayed in the list pane, you can enter all or part of a condition name in the Existing Conditions search box in the list pane. As you enter text, the list refreshes to display only the conditions with names that contain the text you entered in the search box.
If you want to add a conditional expression, specify the expression details and then select the Add button.
If you want to modify a conditional expression, select the expression in the Selected Conditions list, make your changes and then select the Edit button.
If you want to delete a conditional expression, select the expression in the Selected Conditions list and then select the Delete button.
If you need to cancel the selection of a conditional expression, select the Cancel button.
If you want to un-group expressions that were grouped, select one of the grouped expressions in the Selected Conditions list and then select the Remove Grouping button.
Select the Save icon
Deleting a Condition
You can delete a condition only if it is not currently in use in a workflow.
If you cannot delete a template, you can deactivate it to prevent it from being used.
Display the Manage Conditions screen.
In the list pane, select the condition you want to delete. Tip: To filter the list of conditions displayed in the list pane, you can enter all or part of a condition name in the Existing Conditions search box in the list pane. As you enter, the list refreshes to display only the conditions with names that contain the text you entered in the search box.
Select the Delete icon
Select the Save icon