Manage Dictionaries
  • 27 Feb 2024
  • 13 Minutes to read
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Manage Dictionaries

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Article summary


Dictionaries contain values that populate drop-down lists and multi-select drop-down lists in the application.


Clients often want to add custom values or custom dictionaries and selectively enable or disable dictionary values for specific organization levels.

There are two types of dictionaries:

  • System Dictionaries: These are provided by default. The dictionary names cannot be modified and the dictionaries cannot be deleted. However, you can configure values in these dictionaries. System dictionaries can be private or public:

    • Private: Values can be updated (renamed). You cannot add or delete values.

    • Public: Values can be added, deleted, and updated.

  • Custom Dictionaries: These dictionaries are created for clients. Their names can be edited, they can be deleted, and their values can be configured.

You use the Manage Dictionaries screen to work with system and custom dictionaries. The Manage Dictionaries screen contains three tabs (Dictionary, Organization Level, and Import/Export) or two tabs, if the client is not using organization levels.

How to Access the Screen

  1. In the Global Toolbar, display the Settings menu and select Settings.

  2. Select the System Configuration tab, if necessary, to display system configuration options.

  3. Display the Show drop-down list and select Dictionaries. The Manage Dictionariesscreen displays. It contains

Tasks You Can Do on This Screen

  • Add icon

    - Add a new dictionary.

  • Save icon

    - Modify and save the currently selected dictionary.

  • Dictionary tab - Update dictionary values.

  • Organization Level tab - Enable or disable dictionary values for specific organization levels (available only if the client is using organization levels).

  • Import/Export tab - Import or export dictionary values.

Adding a Dictionary


If a client adds custom drop-down or multi-select fields to the application you need to add custom dictionaries to house the drop-down values.


You can create a new custom dictionary, then use the Dictionary tab to add values or use the Import/Export tab to import values as a group.

Leading Practice: When creating a new dictionary, use the following naming convention:



  • C identifies the dictionary as a custom dictionary.

  • SECTION refers to the functional area with which the dictionary is associated (job, candidate, activity or system).

  • FIELD NAME refers to the name of the field for which the dictionary supplies values.

You use the Add icon on the Manage Dictionariesscreen to display the New Dictionary – Custom Dictionary screen, which allows you to add a new dictionary. After you save the new dictionary, you populate it by adding new values manually from the Dictionary tab or by importing values using the Import/Export tab.

How to Access the Screen

  1. In the Global Toolbar, display the Settings menu and select Settings.

  2. Select the System Configuration tab, if necessary, to display system configuration options.

  3. Display the Show drop-down list and select Manage Dictionaries. The Manage Dictionaries screen displays. It contains an Add icon, and also three tabs (Dictionary, Organization Levels, and Import/Export) or two tabs, if the client is not using organization levels.

  4. Select the Add icon. The New Dictionary – Custom Dictionary screen displays.

Field Descriptions on This Tab

Screen Item


Dictionary Title

Specifies the name of the dictionary.

Sorting Type

Specifies the element by which the dictionary values—once added—are sorted.

Sorting Order

Specifies whether the dictionary values are sorted in ascending or descending order.

Dictionary Values

Lists the values added to the dictionary. You cannot add values until you save the new dictionary, at which time additional screen options appear.

Value in English(US)

Specifies the Dictionary value in English(US)

Alpha Key

Specifies the Alpha Key value.

Add, Delete, Update

Adds, deletes, or updates a value/Alpha Key according to the option chosen.


Enables the values/Alpha Key.

Apply button

Applies the values/Alpha Key.

Creating a New Dictionary

  1. Display the Manage Dictionaries screen.

  2. Select the Add icon

    Add icon

    . The New Dictionary – Custom Dictionary screen appears.

  3. Select the Active check box, if it is not selected by default, to make the dictionary active. Note: You can change the status only for custom dictionaries. You can deactivate a custom dictionary only if it is not currently in use.

  4. Enter a name for the dictionary in the Dictionary Title text box.

  5. Select the Save icon

    Save icon

    . The screen expands to include the Dictionary, Organization Levels, and Import/Export tabs.

  6. Add dictionary values manually (refer to Updating Dictionary Values) or import dictionary values (refer to Importing and Exporting Dictionary Values).

Updating Dictionary Values


Although dictionary options vary depending on the type of dictionary you are working with (system versus custom, private versus public), the process for managing dictionary values is the same for all dictionaries.


Management of dictionary values includes changing the sort type and order, changing the value text, adding or deleting values (if allowed), and enabling or disabling values.

You use the Dictionary tab on the Manage Dictionaries screen to update dictionary values. You can:

  • Work with individual values within a dictionary.

  • Do minor changes.

  • Add, modify or delete a small number of values.

Note: For extensive changes, use the Import/Export tab to make changes in an xml or csv file, and import the changes back into the system.

How to Access the Tab

  1. In the Global Toolbar, display the Settings menu and select Settings.

  2. Select the System Configuration tab, if necessary, to display system configuration options.

  3. Display the Show drop-down list and select Manage Dictionaries. The Manage Dictionaries screen displays. It contains three tabs (Dictionary, Organization Levels, and Import/Export) or two tabs, if the client is not using organization levels.

  4. Select the dictionary for which you want to update values.

  5. If not already selected, select the Dictionary tab.

Field Descriptions on This Tab

Screen Item



Displays fields for adding or modifying dictionary values in other available languages. Note: If you select a different locale from the Language drop-down field, the dictionary value also displays in the default language and also appears as an additional column by the Alpha Key column.

Active check box

Makes the selected dictionary active or inactive.

Status (list pane)

Displays the status (active or inactive) of each dictionary shown in the list pane.

Name (list pane)

Displays the name of each dictionary shown in the list pane.

Dictionary Title

Indicates the name of the dictionary.

Sorting Type

Specifies the element by which the values are sorted. The following sort enter are available:

  • Alphabetic: Sorts values in alphabetical order.

  • Numeric: Sorts values in numeric order.

  • Currency: For values containing currency symbols, ignores the currency symbol and sorts the values numerically.

  • Custom: Sorts values in an order you specify manually. To change the position of a value, select the value and select the Promote Order icon or the Demote Order icon to move the value up or down in the list.

Sorting Order

Specifies whether values are sorted in ascending or descending order. Note: This option does not apply to the Custom sorting enter.

Dictionary Values

Displays all values currently defined for the selected dictionary and indicates whether the values are enabled.

Value in English (US)

Identifies the value currently selected in the Dictionary Values list. Note: By default, the value is displayed in US English (the base language) unless you use the Language drop-down list to specify another available language.

Alpha Key

Enables users to provide the client’s alphanumeric codes for each of the dictionary values.


Adds a new dictionary value.


Deletes a selected dictionary value.


Updates a selected dictionary value.


Enables a selected dictionary value.

Enabled System Wide

For organizations using organization levels, enables a selected dictionary value for all organization levels.

Apply button

Applies the selected action (add, delete, update, and so on).

Updating Dictionary Values

  1. Select the dictionary whose values you want to update. Tip: To find the dictionary you are looking for, enter the dictionary name, or part of the name, in the Name text box in the list pane. The list of dictionaries refreshes to display only those that match the text you entered.

  2. If not already selected, select the Dictionary link to display the Dictionary tab.

  3. To change the sort enter or order, display the Sorting Type or Sorting Order drop-down list, respectively, and make a selection.

  4. To update a dictionary value, select the value in the Dictionary Values box, change the text in the Value in English text box and then select the Apply button.

  5. To add a new value, select the Add radio button, enter the new value in the Value in English text box and then select the Apply button. Tip: If you need to add a value in another language, select the language from the Language drop-down list. A Value In <[language] > text box appears. Enter the value entry in the Value In text box, select the Add radio button, and then select the Apply button.

  6. To delete a value, select the value in the Dictionary Values box, select the Delete radio button and then select the Apply button. Note: You cannot delete a dictionary value if it is currently in use.

  7. To enable or disable a dictionary value, select the value in the Dictionary Values box and then select or clear the Enabled check box. Note: If your organization is using a multi-layered organization level structure, select the System Wide Enabled option.

  8. Select the Save icon

    Save icon


Enabling/Disabling Dictionary Values for Organization Levels


Many organizations use organization levels to selectively choose which Talent Suite elements (for example, workflows, correspondence templates, and so on) are made available to users in different parts of the organization.


Although dictionaries are available to all parts of an organization, some dictionary values might not be applicable to all organization levels. For instance, some department names or job titles might be applicable for one organization level but not another.

You can enable/disable dictionary values for a single organization level or multiple levels. You can also choose to include an organization level’s sub levels, which are referred to as propagating changes to sub levels.

You use the Organization Level tab on the Manage Dictionaries screen to selectively enable or disable dictionary values for individual organization levels or for multiple organization levels.

How to Access the Tab

  1. In the Global Toolbar, display the Settings menu and select Settings.

  2. Select the System Configuration tab, if necessary, to display system configuration options.

  3. Display the Show drop-down list and select Manage Dictionaries. The Manage Dictionaries screen displays. It contains three tabs (Dictionary, Organization Levels, and Import/Export) or two tabs, if the client is not using organization levels.

  4. Select the dictionary for which you want to enable/disable values for organization levels.

  5. Select the Organization Levels link to display the Organization Levels tab.

Field Descriptions on This Tab

Screen Item


Configure/View Dictionary Values PER Org Level

Enables the selection of a single organization level for which values are enabled or disabled.

Configure/View Dictionary for Multiple Organization Levels

Enables the selection of multiple organization levels for which values are enabled or disabled.

Organization Level

Display a hierarchical tree from which you can select organization levels.

Propagate Changes to Sub Levels

applies settings to the sub levels of the organization levels you select.

Dictionary Values

Displays the dictionary values for the selected organization level. Select the check box for each value you want to enable or disable.


Enables the selected dictionary values for the specified organization levels.


Disables the selected dictionary values for the specified organization levels.

Enabling/Disabling Dictionary Values for Specific Organization Levels

  1. Select the dictionary whose values you want to enable/disable for organization levels.

  2. Select the Organization Levels link to display the Organization Levels tab.

  3. To apply the settings to an individual level, select the Configure/View Dictionary Values PER Org Level radio button.

  4. To apply the settings to multiple levels, select the Configure/View Dictionary for Multiple Organization Levels radio button.

  5. In the Organization Level section, select the appropriate organization levels. Tip: To enable or disable values for organization sub levels, select the Propagate changes to sub levels check box.

  6. In the Dictionary Values section, select the values you want to enable or disable.

  7. Select the Enable or Disable button.

  8. When the confirmation message appears, select the Yes button to apply your configuration changes or select the No button to modify your selections.

  9. Select the Save icon

    Save icon


Importing and Exporting Dictionary Values


The dictionary import/export feature enables you to work with dictionary values as a group if you need to make extensive changes and then reload the values into the dictionary.


For example, if you need to complete a job title audit, you can export the current values in the Job Title dictionary to a csv or xml file, add or delete values, and import the values back into the dictionary.

When you import a file for a dictionary, the following occurs:

  • The system imports the file content into the selected dictionary.

  • All newly added values are enabled system-wide.

  • If an existing value is in use, the system disables the value without replacing it.

  • If a new value is added, it is appended to the list of existing values.

  • If an existing, but disabled, value is re-entered via the import process, the value is enabled system-wide and you need to manually disable the value.

You use the Import/Export tab on the Manage Dictionaries screen when you need to populate a new dictionary or make extensive changes to dictionary values.

IMPORTANT: Importing When Using Organization Levels. If a client is using organization levels, it is important to ensure the initial dictionary settings for each organization level are specified in the Manage Organization Levels screen before any new or modified values are imported to a dictionary. If values are imported and dictionary settings are subsequently specified in the Manage Organization Levels screen, dictionary values that were previously enabled for sub levels are removed.

How to Access the Tab

  1. In the Global Toolbar, display the Settings menu and select Settings.

  2. Select the System Configuration tab, if necessary, to display system configuration options.

  3. Display the Show drop-down list and select Manage Dictionaries. The Manage Dictionaries screen displays. It contains three tabs (Dictionary, Organization Levels, and Import/Export) or two tabs, if the client is not using organization levels.

  4. Select the dictionary for which you want to enable/disable values for organization levels.

  5. Select the Import/Export link to display the Import/Export tab.

Field Descriptions on This Tab

Screen Item


Export Dictionary Values

Enables the export of dictionary values to an xml or csv file.

In Format

Specifies the file format in which the values are exported. This option appears only when the Export Dictionary Values option is selected.

Import Dictionary Values

Enables the import of dictionary values from an xml or csv file.

Browse button

Enables you to browse for the import file.

Upload File button

Uploads the specified import file.

Go icon

Go icon

Go command.



Exporting and Importing Dictionary Values

  1. Select the dictionary whose values you want to import/export.

  2. Select the Import/Export link to display the Import/Export tab.

  3. Select the Export Dictionary Values radio button. A drop-down list appears, enabling you to specify a file format for the export file.

  4. Display the Export Dictionary Values In drop-down list and select xml or csv from the drop-down list.

  5. Select the Go icon

    Go icon

    . The File Download dialog box appears.

  6. Select the Open button to open the export file or select the Save button to save the file to a location of your choice.

  7. Modify the export file as needed and save your changes.

  8. Select the Import Dictionary Values radio button and select Browse to locate the updated CSV file. Note: It is not possible to edit or delete dictionary values via the Import function.

  9. Select Upload File to import the dictionary.

  10. Once the file is uploaded, a drop-down menu displays. Select one of the two choices:

    • Add. Deletes all existing dictionary values not in use and disables the values in use before adding new values. The import replaces the current dictionary completely.

    • Append. Appends new values to the dictionary without modifying any existing values. The import is added to the current dictionary.

  11. Select the Save icon

    Save icon


Exporting and Importing Dictionary Values in Code-Value Format or Other Formats

You can use codes with dictionary values. Existing data, however, does not include code values. In order to import dictionary values successfully, you must use unique code values. If you don't follow the following guidelines, the dictionary can become corrupted, and a script is needed to repair the data values.

  1. Export a xml or csv file, saving it locally.

  2. Modify the export file as needed and save your changes. For example, for a csv file:

    • Remove the #EntryOrder column.

    • Add records to the dictionary.

    • #DictionaryAlphaKey must not be blank, and each must be unique. Important: When the purpose is to insert new values, you must create a new value with a unique #DictionaryAlphaKey instead of updating existing dictionary values.

    • #DictionaryValue must not be blank, and each must be unique.

  3. Import the a modified xml or csv file.

  4. Select the Save icon

    Save icon


Exporting and Importing Dictionary Values for System Private Dictionary

  1. Select the D_DISPLAY_ENTRY_CODE dictionary.

  2. Add/update dictionary values through the Manage Dictionaries screen, if required.

  3. Add/update in default locale.

  4. To add new dictionary values in the code-value format (for example, D_STATES) select the Import/Export link.

  5. Export D_STATES in CSV or XML format.

  6. View the XML. There is now a new field code.

  7. Add necessary data correspondingly and import the format.

  8. Select the Save icon

    Save icon

    . D_States now has code and state data together (for example, MI Michigan).

  9. Navigate to any screen using the D_STATES field list and view the values in the drop-down list (displayed in the chosen display enter format).