Manage Display Text
  • 12 Jul 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Manage Display Text

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Article summary

You use the display text feature to selectively change how text displays on individual system screens. Display text includes instructional text.


For example, a client may want the City field to display as City in a job requisition template but may want the same field to appear as Job City in the Advanced Applicant Search screen to make it clear the field refers to the city where the job (rather than the applicant) is located.

Display text is categorized as follows:

  • All messages.

  • Buttons and page messages.

  • Errors, warnings, info,  and validations.

  • Field labels.

Additionally, display text items are associated with system entities (for example, job requisition, activity form, field driving rule, and so on). The entity, and the item associated with the entity, is referred to as a key.

For example, entity.jobRequisition.City is a key that refers to the City label associated with the job requisition entity. When you view the display text for this key, you see entries for every screen on which the City label, as related to the job requisition entity, displays.

Each key and the item associated with it is referred to as a key-value pair. If multiple languages are enabled, you can add display text in additional languages. Each display text item you add in another language is referred to as a translation.

You use the System Configuration: Manage Display Text screen to modify display text on individual screens.

How to Access the Screen

  1. In the Global Toolbar, display the Settings menu and select Settings.

  2. Select the System Configuration tab, if necessary, to display system configuration options.

  3. Display the Show drop-down list and select Display Text. The Manage Display Text screen displays.

Tasks You Can Do on This Screen

  • Save Changes button - Modify display text.

  • Add Translation button - Add display text in an additional language (add a translation).

  • Upload icon

    - Upload key-value pairs in a csv or xls format.

  • Download icon

    - Download key-value pairs to a csv or xls format.

Field Descriptions on This Screen

Screen Item


Key (list pane)

Displays a list of keys for which you can view display text. Select a key in the list pane to display the text. Note: You can enter all or part of a key name in the Key text box to filter the list pane content.


Identifies the key currently selected in the list pane.

Used On

Lists the screens on which the display appears.

Display Text

Specifies how the text appears on the associated screen. This is where you modify the display text.


Indicates the screen associated with the text in the Display Text box. Note: This column should contain a Display Text box for each page on which the key-value pair is used. The GlobalKey screen indicates the default display text that is used if there are no screen-specific variations.

Candidate Portal

Indicates whether the key-value pair is referenced in one or more candidate portals or system-wide.


Indicates the language in which the text in the Display Text box appears.

Remove icon

Remove icon

Removes the adjacent translation.

Save Changes button

Saves your changes.

Add New Translation: Display Text

Provides a place to specify display text when adding a new translation.

Add New Translation: Language

Provides a way to specify a language when adding a new translation.

Add Translation button

Adds a new translation.

Modifying Display Text

You can modify the display text.

Because display text encompasses the entire system, it can sometimes be a daunting task to find the display text item you want to modify. The Show statement on the Manage Display Text screen is very useful for finding the correct item. The Show statement contains the following options:



Show statement

Specifies the screen to access – in this case, the Display Text screen.

Of Type

Identifies the type of display text you want to show:

  • All messages.

  • Buttons and page messages.

  • Errors, warnings, info and validations.

  • Field labels.

Related To

Identifies the entity with which the display text is associated.

For 2x and screen

Specifies a specific screen on which the text appears. If you don’t know which screen to select, or if you want to see all screens on which the text appears, select All.

And Contains

Indicates specific text that should appear in the key.

  1. Display the Manage Display Text screen.

  2. Use the Show statement to limit the key choices in the list pane.

  3. In the list pane, select the key for which you want to display text values.

  4. Modify the text in the Display Text box for the appropriate screens.

  5. Select the Save Changes button.

Adding a Translation

If multiple languages are enabled for the system, you can add a Display Text box for each language and specify the language-appropriate text. This is referred to as adding a translation.

Note: Available languages are configured at the database level during the initial setup of the staging site. This is not a system configuration. If additional languages are required but not available in your site, contact the database administrator.

  1. Display the Manage Display Text screen.

  2. Use the Show statement to limit the key choices in the list pane.

  3. In the list pane, select the key for which you want to display text values.

  4. In the Add New Translation section, enter the appropriate text in the Display Text box, select the appropriate language from the Language drop-down list and then select the Add Translation button. The new translation is added to each screen on which the display text appears.

  5. If necessary, modify the text for individual screens.

  6. Select the Save Changes button.

Uploading and Downloading Key-Value Pairs

If you need to make large scale changes to display text, you can download the key-value pairs to a csv or xls file, make your changes and then upload the new pairs to the system.

For example, if you need to replace “requisition” with “job” throughout the system, you can download the key-value pairs, perform a find and replace operation in the csv or xls file and then upload the revised key-value pairs to the system.

To download key-value pairs:

  1. Display the Manage Display Text screen.

  2. Select the Download icon Download icon. The File Download dialog box appears.

  3. Select the Save File option. The Save As dialog box appears.

  4. Specify the location in which you want to save the downloaded file and then select the Save button. The Download Complete dialog box appears.

  5. Select the Open option to open the file.

  6. Make your changes and save the file.

    To upload revised key-value pairs:

  7. Select the Browse button in the Display Text header. The Choose File dialog box appears.

  8. Navigate to the location of the file containing the revised key-value pairs and then double-click the file name.

  9. Select the Upload icon Upload icon to upload the revised key-value pairs.