Manage Forms and List Options
  • 01 Mar 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Manage Forms and List Options

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Article summary


Product: BrassRing on Cloud

Managing Forms

During implementation, your company provided Infinite with the specifications for all the forms in your BrassRing on Cloud site. This included the req form, candidate forms, candidate and req subsidiary forms, and Talent Gateway questions. Infinite then created and configured the forms and the questions that appear on them to meet these specifications. Workbench administrators can manage the options that display for certain form field types on these forms, edit, add, and inactivate these form field options in Lists. BrassRing on Cloud system administrators have no control over the options for those form fields.

Example: A field on the req form asks, Does this position require travel? The possible answers are Yes, No, and N/A. The certified Workbench Administrator makes any changes to the question, and a BrassRing on Cloud administrator makes changes to the options available for that question.

  • Workbench administrators can edit, add, and inactivate form field options for single-select, multi-select, radio button, check box, and search-select form fields.

  • A new value that is entered in the description field for a list option automatically populates the code field (in the background). The value that appears in the pull-down menu is the description field.

  • Only the description field for an option might be updated, not the code value.

  • When changing the description field, be aware that this changes all instances of the previous description to the new description. This can lead to data integrity issues.

  • Only single-select and multi-select option lists can be administered within BrassRing on Cloud.

During Implementation, each form is designated as either:

  • Single Candidate: A form that can only be filled out one time for a candidate and is linked only to the candidate record. Example: EEO Form.

  • Multi Candidate: A form that allows multiple instances to be attached to the same candidate record and is linked only to the candidate record. Example: Resume/CV Review.

  • Single Candidate/Req: A form that can only be filled out one time for each req to which a candidate is filed. The form can only be completed from within a req folder and is linked to both the candidate and the req for reporting purposes. Example: Disposition Form, Offer Form.

  • Multi Candidate/Req: A form that allows multiple versions of the same form within the req to which a candidate is filed. The form can only be completed from within a req folder and is linked to both the candidate and the req for reporting purposes. Example: Interview Evaluation Form.

BrassRing List Option Types

  • Single-select list: A field associated with a pull-down menu. Only one option from the list can be selected at a time.

  • Multi-select list: A field that allows the user to select multiple options simultaneously. The Ctrl key is used to select multiple options.

  • Autocomplete: Appears automatically when more than 200 options are available for a user to choose from in a list. Users can type in a portion of the word or phrase they are looking for and the field displays the value that is similar or exactly as the portion of the word or phrase. The drop-down error displays the first 100 values.

  • Radio button: A field in which a relatively small number of options is displayed, allowing the user to choose only one of the options.

  • Checkbox: Similar to a radio button, except the user can select more than one option.

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Add a List Option

Best practice is to number options in a list with intervals, such as 05, 10, 15 to allow for easy changes later as you might want to insert new options between existing options. By numbering options with intervals, it frees up space to enter future options between the existing ones.

  1. Select Menu → Admin → Admin+ → Lists.

  2. Select the Administer this list icon. A list of the options that are associated with the field appears.

  3. Select Add new option.

  4. Name a unique option in the Code field. Special characters (for example: ;”*!@~#+?\,’%[{}]) are not accepted.

  5. Add a Description. 255 characters are accepted. Special characters (such as “&” in place of “and”) are accepted. Note the caution message on this page.

  6. If available, indicate the Sort order. By default, options are sorted in numerical order, then alphabetical order. If you are entering a numeric value, the order in which options are to appear is designated. Numbers less than ten should begin with a zero, for example, 03.

  7. Select Save.

Edit a List Option

Changing the description field changes all instances of the previous description to the new description. This can lead to data integrity issues.

  1. Select Menu → Admin → Admin+ → Lists.

  2. Select the Administer this list icon. A list of the options that are associated with the field appears.

  3. Select the Edit description icon for the option to edit.

  4. Update the option as needed, and select Save.

Deactivate a List Option

  1. Select Menu → Admin → Admin+ → Lists.

  2. Select the Administer this list icon. A list of the options that are associated with the field appears.

  3. Select the deactivate icon for the option to deactivate.

  4. Select OK.

Reactivate a List Option

  1. Select Menu → Admin → Admin+ → Lists.

  2. Select the Administer this list icon. A list of the options that are associated with the field appears.

  3. Select Inactive.

  4. Select the activate icon for the option to activate.

  5. Select OK.

Export Option List to Microsoft Excel

  1. Select Menu → Admin → Admin+ → Lists.

  2. Select Actions → Export list to MS Excel.

  3. In the File download screen, Select Open.