Manage Job Settings
  • 27 Feb 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Manage Job Settings

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Article summary


Job settings affect the processes around creating job requisitions, including the generation of requisition numbers, job aging, and viewing candidates who apply for open positions.


If a client uses location management or candidate pooling, those settings are also in job settings.

You use Job Settings on the Manage System Settings screen to manage job settings. You use the Platform tab to specify job settings that apply to the platform: Enable Location Management. You use the Onboard tab to specify Job Requisition Settings for Onboard. IMPORTANT: The selections you make control which configuration screens display.

Location Management

Location management settings provide location support to accommodate clients with a retail structure. Location support enables users to view only the jobs and applicants for the locations with which they are associated. Locations are maintained as dictionary values. Administrators can associate specific locations with users as they are entered into the system.

How to Access the Screen

  1. Display the System Configuration: Manage System Settingsscreen.

  2. In the list pane, select Job Settings. The Job Settings screen displays.

Tasks You Can Do on This Screen

  • Save icon

    - Modify and save job settings.

Field Descriptions on This Screen - Platform Tab

Screen Item


Enable Location Management Settings


Enable Location Management

Enables the location management functionality and makes the Job Location field required on the Construct Job and Add Users screens. Important: If a user has location based capability but a job does not have the Job Location field enabled or the field is empty (if configured as an optional field), the user may not be able to see the job if the user has the capability to view only the jobs tied to his/her location. Likewise, if a user has location based capability but the user's profile does not have the Location Field enabled or the field is empty (if configured as an optional field), the user may not be able to see jobs if the user has the capability to view only the jobs tied to his/her location.

Field Descriptions on This Screen - Onboard Tab

Screen Item


Job Requisition Settings


Auto Incremented

Indicates whether job requisition numbers generated by the system increment automatically.

Enter Starting Job Requisition Number

If the auto-increment feature is enabled, this option indicates the starting job requisition number from which incrementing begins.

Construct Job Wizard Mode

Specifies the Construct Job screen displays in wizard mode, which enables users to toggle between tabs as needed and to validate content on demand. Note: This check box is selected by default for new client installations; however, clients can choose to clear the check box to use the Construct Job screen in its original format.

Job Description Fields Mode

Indicates the default mode (view or edit) for the Job Description fields on the Construct Job screen. This field is set to View by default to improve system performance.

Specifying Job Settings

  1. Display the Manage System Settings screen.

  2. In the list pane, select Job Settings. The Job Settings screen displays.

  3. Select the Platform link to display the platform-specific options, or the Onboard link to display the Onboard-specific options.

  4. Specify information as needed.

  5. Select the Save icon

    Save icon
