Manage Job Templates
  • 27 Feb 2024
  • 20 Minutes to read
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Manage Job Templates

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Article summary


A job template provides default data for clients to use when constructing job requisitions.


This data can include field values, workflows, participants, approval processes, and evaluations (prescreen, phone screen, and interview questions). Job templates are tied to organization levels.

You use the Manage Job Templates screen to work with job templates. The Manage Job Templates screen contains three tabs:

  • Job Template Details tab

  • Participants tab

  • Evaluations tab

How to Access the Screen

  1. In the Global Toolbar, display the Settings menu and select Settings.

  2. Select the Job Settings tab to display job workflow configuration options.

  3. Display the Show drop-down list and select Job Templates. The Manage Job Templates screen displays.

Tasks You Can Do on This Screen

  • Add icon

    - Add a new job template to the system.

  • Save icon

    - Modify and save a job template.

  • Copy icon

    - Copy a job template.

  • Delete icon

    - Delete a job template. Note: If a job template cannot be deleted, the Delete icon does not appear on screen.

  • Job Template Details tab. Specify default job details.

  • Participants tab. Specify the participants associated with the job template.

  • Evaluations tab. Specify the evaluations associated with the job template.

Adding a Job Template


When you add a new job template, you must fill out the required fields in the Job Template Details tab. Specifying information on the Participants and Evaluations tabs is optional.

  1. Display the Manage Job Templates screen.

  2. Select the Add Add icon icon.

  3. Specify a template name and description.

  4. Specify necessary information in the Job Template Details tab.

  5. If applicable, specify necessary information in the Participants tab.

  6. If applicable, specify necessary information in the Evaluations tab.

  7. Select the Save icon Save icon.

Copying a Job Template


If an existing job template is similar to a job template you need to create, you can copy an existing template and assign a new name. When you copy a job template, participants and evaluations are copied as well as job details.

  1. Display the Manage Job Templates screen.

  2. Use the Show statement to filter the list of templates by status, template number, or a requisition number.

  3. In the list pane, select the template you want to copy.

  4. Select the Copy icon Copy icon.

  5. In the Template Name text box, enter a name for the template.

  6. If necessary, modify information in the Job Template Details tab.

  7. If necessary, modify information in the Participants tab.

  8. If necessary, modify information in the Evaluations tab.

  9. Select the Save icon Save icon.

Modifying a Job Template


You can modify a job template if necessary. When you modify a job template, existing jobs created with the template are not affected. However, any new jobs created with the template reflect your modifications.

  1. Display the Manage Job Templates screen.

  2. Use the Show statement to filter the list of templates by status, template number, or a requisition number.

  3. In the list pane, select the template you want to modify.

  4. If necessary, modify information in the Job Template Details tab.

  5. If necessary, modify information in the Participants tab.

  6. If necessary, modify information in the Evaluations tab.

  7. Select the Save icon Save icon.

Deleting a Job Template


You can delete a job template, but there are restrictions.

You can delete a job template only if:

  • The template is not the system default template.

  • The template is not tied to any jobs.

  • You have the required permissions to modify job templates.

  1. Display the Manage Job Templates screen.

  2. Use the Show statement to statement to filter the list of templates by status, template number, or a requisition number.

  3. In the list pane, select the job template you want to delete.

  4. Select the Delete icon Delete icon. Note: The system does not display a confirmation message before deleting the job template.

Specifying Job Template Details


You use the Job Template Details tab to specify the default fields, organization levels, locations, workflows, and posting options for the template.


You use the Job Template Details tab to specify the default job details, such as prepopulated field selections, organization levels, available workflows, and job posting details.

You can also use this tab to make fields required or optional and to specify which dictionary values display in template drop-down lists.

How to Access the Screen

  1. In the Global Toolbar, display the Settings menu and select Settings.

  2. Select the Job Settings tab to display job workflow configuration options.

  3. Display the Show drop-down list and select Job Templates. The Manage Job Templates screen displays.

  4. Select the Job Template Details link.

Field Descriptions for Job Template Details

Screen Item


Active check box

Makes the selected template active or inactive.

Status (list pane)

Indicates whether a template is active or inactive.

Job Template (list pane)

Lists all existing job templates for the parameters specified in the show statement.

Template Overview


Template Name

Specifies the name of the template.

Template Description

Provides a brief description of the template.

Job Overview

Note: The fields that display in the template vary based on the client’s business needs and preferences. The following fields are fields commonly used by clients or fields directly related to functionality. Not all these fields appear on all templates and some templates use fields not listed here.

Organization Level

Specifies the organization levels that have access to the template.

Job Code

The job code for the job, as defined by the user. Note: If position management is enabled in Job Settings, the Job Code field is mandatory.

Working Title

The job title.

Always Open

Specifies whether the job remains open after applicants are hired. Note: When you select this option, the system disables the One Position, Multiple Positions, Number of Openings, and Job Expiration fields.

One Position

Specifies the job has only one position. Note: This field is available only if position management is enabled in Job Settings.

Multiple Positions

Specifies the job has multiple positions. Note: This field is available only if position management is enabled in Job Settings.

Total Number of Openings

Specifies the total number of openings for the job. Note: If position management is disabled, the value for this field must be one or greater. If position management is enabled, this field displays a value based on the number of positions indicated in the Position Number field.

Number of Openings Filled

Indicates the number of openings for a job that was filled. Note: This number is calculated automatically by the system and displays in read-only mode for all non-draft jobs. This number always displays once the job is Open, irrespective of the job status.

Current Number of Openings

Indicates the current number of openings for a vacant job. Note: This number is calculated automatically by the system and displays in read-only mode for all non-draft jobs. This number always displays once the job is Open, irrespective of the job status.

Position Number

Lists vacant and backfill position numbers for the selected job code. Note: The list of position numbers available is based on the selected organization level and the job code but excludes the positions associated with open requisitions.


Displays details for the selected position number.

Job Industry

Specifies the job industry.

Job Category

Specifies the EEO job category.

Job Group

Specifies the EEO job group.

Priority Job

Specifies whether the job is a priority job. If selected, the job displays as a priority job in the search results for a specified number of days after the external/internal posting date. The jobs are first sorted by the priority jobs and then by the date the jobs were posted. Note: This option is available only if it is enabled in the Manage Field Sequence screen.

Priority Job Days

The number of days for which the job is shown as a priority job. This field is mandatory if the Priority Job check box is selected.

Resume Required

Specifies whether an applicant is required to submit a resume when applying for the job.

Tax Credits Check

Determines whether the tax credit check is enabled for the job. When selected, the system displays the tax credit screen to the applicant. Note: This option is available only if the Enable Tax Credits check box is selected in the Tax Credits system settings screen.

Reason for Opening

Specifies the reason for the job opening.

Job Expiration Date

Specifies the job expiration date, at which time the job status changes to Expired and the job is removed from any job boards to which it was posted.

Screen Item


Job Location



Specifies the job is available for a single location. Note: The Standard and Multiple Locations options appear only if location management is enabled in system settings.

Address 1

Specifies the street address where the job is located.

Address 2

Specifies the secondary address information, if any, such as a building or suite number.


Specifies the city in which the job is located.


Specifies the country in which the job is located.


Specifies the state or province in which the job is located.

Zip or Postal Code

Specifies the zip or postal code for the job location.

Multiple Locations

Specifies the job is available for multiple locations.

Job Location

Specifies the primary location for which the job is open. Note: This field appears only if you select the Multiple Locations option.

Additional Locations

Specifies additional locations for which the job is open. You can select multiple locations from this list. Note: This field appears only if you select the Multiple Locations option.



Various fields

Specify compensation details. Note: These fields vary based on client needs.



New Hire Portal

Specifies the new hire portal with which the job is associated.

Job Notes

This Posting section enables you to enter notes and keywords for the job posting.


Displays any notes entered by previous users.


Enables users to enter keywords to correlate to job searches applicants run. For example, if the template is for a Nursing job, you might enter Registered Nurse, Practical Nurse, and Critical Care Nurse as keywords to ensure the job is returned in a search a candidate might run when looking for a nursing job.

Job Aging

This Posting section enables you to enter aging time lines for the job posting.

Time to Fill for This Template

Specifies the target number of days it should take to fill the job.

Time in Construction Phase

Specifies the target number of days the job should be in the Construction phase.

Time in Selection Phase

Specifies the target number of days the job should be in the Selection phase.

Time in Hiring Phase

Specifies the target number of days the job should be in the Hiring phase.

Specifying Job Template Details (whether adding a new template or modifying an existing one)

  1. Display the Manage Job Template sscreen.

  2. Select the Job Template Details link, if necessary, to display the Job Template Details tab.

  3. Select the name of an existing template in the list pane or select the Add icon

    Add icon

    to add a new job template.

  4. Enter the template name and a brief description in the Template Name and Template Description text boxes.

  5. Select the Organization Level link and select the organization levels that access the template.

  6. In the Job Overview section, specify the values that you want defaulted when users create a job requisition using the template.

  7. If you want to make a field required or optional, select the field label. If a field label displays in light blue, underlined text, it is optional. Selecting the field label makes the field required, at which time the text displays in highlighted, underlined text with an asterisk (*). Selecting the field label for a required field makes the field optional. Tip: Some required fields cannot be made optional. If a required field can be made optional, the mouse pointer changes to a hand icon when you hover over the field label. If the mouse pointer does not change when you hover over the field label for a required field, the system does not allow you to make the field optional.

  8. If you want to modify the dictionary value selection for a drop-down list, complete steps 9 - 11; otherwise, proceed to step 12.

  9. Select the open-book icon

    open-book icon

    by the drop-down list to display a pop-up showing the current selection of dictionary values. You can specify at the template level which values appear in drop-down lists when a user creates a job using the job template. One box shows the dictionary values, if any, not selected to display in the drop-down list. The other box shows the dictionary fields currently selected to display in the drop-down list.

  10. To move specific fields to either box, select the fields and select the arrow icons to move the fields. To move all values, making them unavailable in the drop-down list, select the None button. To move all values, making them all available in the drop-down list, select the All button.

  11. Select the Save button to save your changes.

  12. Specify necessary values in the Job Location and Compensation sections.

  13. In the Posting section, select the check box for each place to which the job posts.

  14. If you want to make the selected workflow required, select the Must Use check box.

  15. Enter the description, requirements, and responsibilities, as appropriate.

  16. Select posting options, as appropriate.

  17. If you want to specify goals for the time spent in each phase of the hiring process, enter values in the Job Aging fields. Tip: If you want the system to automatically calculate job aging based on job aging metrics, specify values for the Job Template Aging Auto Calculation and Percentage Time Elapsed for Late Job Warning fields on the Job Settings screen.

  18. If you want to specify keywords to correlate to job searches applicants run, enter them in the Keywords text box.

  19. Select the Save icon

    Save icon


Adding Participants and an Approval Process


In addition to specifying job detail information, you can optionally specify default participants and a default approval for the process for the job.


You can identify participants as the primary recruiter and the primary hiring manager for the job, if needed.

You use the Participants tab to specify default job participants and a default approval process, if applicable.

How to Access the Screen
  1. In the Global Toolbar, display the Settings menu and select Settings.

  2. Select the Job Settings tab to display job workflow configuration options.

  3. Display the Show drop-down list and select Job Templates. The Manage Job Templates screen displays.

  4. Select the Participants link.

Field Descriptions for Participants

Screen Item


Active check box

Makes the selected template active or inactive.

Status (list pane)

Indicates whether the template is active or inactive.

Job Template (list pane)

Lists all job existing job templates for the parameters specified in the show statement.

Primary HM

Specifies that a participant is the primary hiring manager for the job. Note: You can specify only one primary hiring manager.

Primary Recruiter

Specifies that a participant is the primary recruiter for the job. Note: You can specify only one primary recruiter.

Delete icon

Removes a participant from the template.

Requisition Approval Process

Approval Process

Specifies the approval process used for the job. If the job does not need an approval process, select None.

Must Use

Specifies the selected approval process must be used.

Allow Ad Hoc

Specifies that users can use an ad hoc approval process.

Add New Participant


Specifies the name of a participant as a search criterion.

Search By

Specifies a user type as a search criterion.

Add button

Adds a participant to the approval process.

Specifying Participants and an Approval Process

  1. Display the Manage Job Template sscreen.

  2. Select the Participants link to display the Participants tab.

  3. Enter the first few letters of a participants first or last name in the Name text box. Suggested names appear in a pop-up list as you enter letters.

  4. In the pop-up list, select the name of the participant you want to add. Tip: You can select a user type from the Search By drop-down list to filter the list of names that appear in the pop-up list. You can also use wildcard characters in the Name text box to filter the list.

  5. Select the Add button to add the participant. The Primary HM and/or Primary Recruiter check boxes appear beneath the participant name if applicable (based on the participants user type).

  6. If applicable, select the Primary HM check box, the Primary Recruiter check box, or both. Note: You can specify only one primary hiring manager and one primary recruiter; however, you can designate a single participant to serve in both roles.

  7. Repeat steps 3 - 6 to add more participants as needed.

  8. If you want to specify an approval process, display the Approval Process drop-down list in the Requisition Approval Process section and then select an approval process. Note: The values that display in this drop-down list are determined by the organization level that is selected in the Job Template Details tab.

  9. If you want to make the selected approval process mandatory, select the Must Use check box. If you want users to use an ad hoc approval process, select the Allow Ad Hoc check box.

  10. Select the Save icon

    Save icon


Specifying Evaluations


Clients can require the addition of evaluations to a job template to help distinguish between qualified and unqualified applicants at various stages of the hiring process.


Evaluations can include the following:

  • Prescreening questions – Identify and optionally disposition unqualified applicants before any workflow activities are completed.

  • Prove It! assessments – Assess applicant skills. Assessments can be given at any point in the workflow.

  • Selector assessments – Assess applicant behavioral qualities. Assessments can be given at any point in the workflow.

  • Job Fit assessments – Identify candidates whose job preferences match specific tasks or characteristics of a job.

  • Phone screen questions – Evaluate applicants during the phone screen activity.

  • Interview questions – Evaluate applicants during the interview activity.

Note: In order to use Prove It! and Selector assessments in a job template, you must enable the assessments in the External Application Settings screen. In order to add phone screen and interview questions to a job template, you must include the phone screen and interview activities in the workflow that is associated with the job template.

You use the Evaluations tab of the Manage Job Templates screen to add evaluations, assessments, prescreening questions, phone screen questions and interview questions to a job template.

How to Access the Screen

  1. In the Global Toolbar, display the Settings menu and select Settings.

  2. Select the Job Settings tab to display job workflow configuration options.

  3. Display the Show drop-down list and select Job Templates. The Manage Job Templates screen displays.

  4. Select the Evaluations link.

Field Descriptions for Evaluations

Screen Item


Active check box

Makes the selected template active or inactive.

Status (list pane)

Indicates whether a template is active or inactive.

Job Template (list pane)

Lists all existing job templates for the parameters specified in the Show statement.

Add New Evaluation

Displays buttons for adding prescreening questions, Prove It! assessments and Selector assessments, if enabled. Note: If phone screen or interview activities are included in the workflow, sections for adding phone screen and interview questions automatically appear on screen. They do not appear in the Add New Evaluation section.

Prescreening Questions


Select Category Drop-down List

Lists categories of prescreening questions. The category you select determines which questions you can add.

Select Question Drop-down List

Lists the prescreening questions for the category you selected. Select a question that you want to add.

Add button

Adds the selected question to the job template and displays question options.


Specifies the question is a knockout question. If the applicant answers incorrectly, he or she is automatically rejected for the job.

Answer Required

Specifies the applicant must answer the question.

Must Use

Specifies the question must be used for any job that is created using the job template.


Specifies the question can be repeated for an applicant even if he or she has already answered the same question for another job. If this check box is not selected, the question is not presented to the applicant if he or she has already answered it in another job and the response from the previous job carries over to the current job.


Limits the question to applicants applying externally.


Limits the question to applicants applying internally.

Favorable Answers

Lists all available answers for the question. Select each answer that should be considered a favorable answer. Note: Favorable answers display only for controlled list questions.

Delete icon

Deletes the question from the job template.

Remove This Evaluation

Removes the prescreening evaluation and any selected prescreening questions from the job template.

Phone Screen


Template Drop-down List

Lists available phone screen templates. The template you choose determines the available screen questions.

Select Question Drop-down List

Lists the phone screen questions for the category you selected. Select a question that you want to add.

Add button

Adds the selected question to the job template and displays question options.

Answer Required

Specifies the applicant must answer the question.


Limits the question to applicants applying externally.


Limits the question to applicants applying internally.

Favorable Answers

Lists all available answers for the question. Select each answer that should be considered a favorable answer. Note: Favorable answers display only for controlled list questions.

Delete icon

Deletes the question from the job template.

Screen Item


Prove It!



Lists available assessment categories. The category you choose determines the available tests.


Lists the tests for the category you selected. Select a test that you want to add.

Min Score

Specifies the minimum score that is needed to pass the assessment. Note: The minimum score displays as read-only on the Construct Job screen..


Specifies the weight given to the minimum test score.


Limits the question to applicants applying externally.


Limits the question to applicants applying internally.

Auto Test

Specifies that applicants must take the assessment before the job application process can be completed. Note: If selected, the system automatically sends an email to the applicant requesting him/her to take the assessment.

Must Use

Specifies the assessment must be used for any job that is created using the job template.


Specifies the assessment is a knockout assessment. If the applicant does not meet the minimum score, he or she is automatically rejected for the job.

Pass Score Validity

Specifies the number of days for which a previous assessment score is valid for a job based on the defined minimum passing score.

Notify Recruiter

Specifies the primary recruiter is notified of the assessment results.

Notify Hiring Manager

Specifies the primary hiring manager is notified of the assessment results.

Remove This Assessment button

Removes the assessment from the job template.




Lists available tests. Select a test that you want to add.

Min Score

Specifies the minimum score that is needed to pass the assessment. Note: The minimum score displays as read-only in the Construct Job screen.


Specifies the weight given to the minimum test score.


Limits the question to applicants applying externally.


Limits the question to applicants applying internally.

Auto Test

Specifies that applicants must take the assessment before the job application process can be completed. Note: If selected, the system automatically sends an email to the applicant requesting him or her to take the assessment.

Must Use

Specifies the assessment must be used for any job that is created using the job template.


Specifies the assessment is a knockout assessment. If the applicant does not meet the minimum score, he or she is automatically rejected for the job.

Pass Score Validity

Specifies the number of days for which a previous assessment score is valid for a job based on the defined minimum passing score.

Notify Recruiter

Specifies the primary recruiter is notified of the assessment results.

Notify Hiring Manager

Specifies the primary hiring manager is notified of the assessment results.

Remove This Assessment button

Removes the assessment from the job template.

Job Fit



Lists available tests. Select a test that you want to add.

Min Score

Specifies the minimum score that is needed to pass the assessment. Note: The minimum score displays as read-only in the Construct Job screen.


Specifies the weight given to the minimum test score.


Limits the question to applicants applying externally.


Limits the question to applicants applying internally.

Auto Test

Specifies that applicants must take the assessment before the job application process can be completed. Note: If selected, the system automatically sends an email to the applicant requesting him or her to take the assessment.

Must Use

Specifies the assessment must be used for any job that is created using the job template


Specifies the assessment is a knockout assessment. If the applicant does not meet the minimum score, he or she is automatically rejected for the job.

Pass Score Validity

Specifies the number of days for which a previous assessment score is valid for a job based on the defined minimum passing score.

Notify Recruiter

Specifies the primary recruiter is notified of the assessment results.

Notify Hiring Manager

Specifies the primary hiring manager is notified of the assessment results.

Remove This Assessment button

Removes the assessment from the job template.

Specifying Evaluations

  1. Display the Manage Job Templates screen.

  2. Select the Evaluations link, if necessary, to display the Evaluations tab.

  3. To add prescreening questions:

    1. In the Add New Evaluation section, select the Prescreening Questions button.

    2. Display the Select Category drop-down list and select a category.

    3. Display the Select Question drop-down list and select a question.

    4. Select the Add button.

    5. Specify question options as appropriate.

    6. Specify favorable answers, if applicable.

    7. Repeat steps [a - f] to add questions as needed.

  4. To add phone screen questions:

    1. In the Phone Screen section, display the Template drop-down list and select a template.

    2. Display the Select Question drop-down list and select a question.

    3. Select the Add button.

    4. Specify question options as appropriate.

    5. Specify favorable answers, if applicable.

    6. Repeat steps [a - e] to add questions as needed.

  5. To add a Prove It! assessment:

    1. In the Add New Evaluation section, select the Prove It! button.

    2. In the Prove It! section, display the Category drop-down list and select a category.

    3. Display the Test drop-down list and select a test.

    4. Select the Add button.

    5. Specify assessment options as appropriate.

    6. Repeat steps [a - e ]to add assessments as needed.

  6. To add a Selector assessment:

    1. In the Add New Evaluation section, select the Selector button.

    2. In the Selector section, display the Test drop-down list and select a test.

    3. Select the Add button.

    4. Specify assessment options as appropriate.

    5. Repeat steps [a - d] to add assessments as needed.

  7. To add a Job Fit assessment:

    1. In the Add New Evaluation section, select the Job Fit button.

    2. In the Selector section, display the Test drop-down list and select a test.

    3. Select the Add button.

    4. Specify assessment options as appropriate.

    5. Repeat steps [a - d] to add assessments as needed.