Manage Onboard Settings
  • 27 Feb 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Manage Onboard Settings

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Article summary


You can enable Onboard settings such as I-9 Section 3 settings, Calendar settings, and Sign and Submit form functionality.


You use Onboard Settings on the Manage System Settings screen to screen to configure Onboard settings.

This includes:

  • Enable Calendaring Settings

  • Enable Admin Sign & Submit Functionality

  • Enable Talent Suite Configurations

  • Enable Task Claiming Notification emails

  • Enable Reminder and Escalation

  • Enable Manage New Hires

  • Enable Field Branching

  • Enable HTML Coding in Field Name

  • Enable I9 ThirdPartyApprover Assignment Auto-Completion

  • Allow New Hires to Reopen Completed Tasks

  • Enable I-9 Section 3

  • Number of Days (before document expiration) to Create I-9 Section 3 Task

  • I-9 Section 3 Task Responsible User

  • Upload State Form based on Job State

  • Job Req. Number for Employee Search Action

  • Disable Prepopulation of Data in Form I-9 Wizard

  • Enable New Hire Synchronization with Admin

How to Access the Screen

  1. Display the System Configuration: Manage System Settings screen.

  2. In the list pane, select Onboard Settings. The Onboard Settings screen displays.

Tasks You Can Do on This Screen

  • Save icon

    - Modify and save Onboard settings.

Field Descriptions on This Screen

Screen Item


Enable Calendaring Settings check box

Enables administrative users to schedule appointments from the activity screen, filter dashboard panel data by date, and associate tasks to dates.

Enable Talent Suite Configurations check box

Enables Talent Suite configurations. When selected, it reveals ALL Talent Suite configurations to a client. It is specifically used during an upgrade to make configuration BEFORE clients go live. Once live, the setting remains enabled to display all the Talent Suite configurations, which include: User Type, Activity, State Form, and workflow configurations.

You can:

  • Configure the employee status indicator (via Employee Indicator check box) on the Manage Job Workflow screen. This indicator is a built-in function that indicates a new hire's onboarding completion status. Based on the indicator, a new hire can access selected social features, but not all of the tools, until he/she completes onboarding and is considered an employee. Once a new hire becomes an employee, he/she has access to additional social tools including social profile, news feed, communities, and people search. Selecting this check box assures a seamless transition from new hire to employee because it changes the employee status of the new hire.

  • Add/edit instructional text (via Activity Instructional Text check box) for an activity function in the Manage Job Workflow screen.

  • Configure the Generic Form Activity template in the Manage Activity Fields screen.

  • Enable tax credit settings in the Tax Credit Settings pane of the New Hire Integration Settings on the System Configuration: Manage System Settings screen.

Enable Task Claiming Notification emails check box

Enables task claiming notification emails.

Enable Reminder and Escalation check box

Note: There are also reminder and escalation fields on the Manage Activity Fields screen and Manage Job Workflow screen.

Enables reminders and escalations based on currently existing due-date configurations. By default, it is not selected.

Enable Manage New Hires check box

Enables the Manage New Hires screen and its filters (in Onboard Manager). By default, this setting is not selected.

Enable Field Branching check box

Enables field branching. This allows only relevant fields to be displayed to a new hire based on previous answers within the same task. Note: Used with Manage Activity Fields.

Allow New Hires to Reopen Completed Tasks check box

Note: There are user type permissions that can also selected that allow some completed tasks to be reopened: Allow Reopen Own Tasks check box and Allow Reopen Any Task check box.

Enables some completed tasks to be reopened. By default, it is not selected. When selected, it is retroactive, allowing already completed tasks to be reopened.

  • The status of the task must be Completed.

  • Onboarding managers can only reopen tasks they were authorized to open.

  • With a reopened task, the data is overwritten (so only the most current data is retained).

  • This is a retroactive feature, allowing already completed tasks to be reopened.

  • The task status for a reopened task changes from Completed to In Progress.

  • As it relates to conditions, reopening/editing does not create new tasks nor change already created tasks.

  • A menu item allows onboarding managers to reopen a completed task, and then provide a reason for the reopen.

  • An Edit button allows new hires to make changes to a reopened task.

The completed tasks onboarding managers can reopen are:

  • No Template

  • Generic Form Activities

  • State Forms. Note: Onboarding managers just reopen a state form. The new hire is the person who will make changes.

  • Onboarding US W4. Note: Onboarding managers just reopen a W-4 form. The new hire is the person who will make changes.

  • I-9 Section 2. Note: A completed I-9 Section 2 task can be reopened from a task list page unless it is associated with an already In Progress or Completed E-Verify task. Therefore, if an I-9 Section 2's corresponding E-Verify task is In Progress or Completed, the I-9 Section 2 cannot be reopened from a task list page. An error message occurs. There can be no errors with I-9 Section 2.

The completed tasks new hires can reopen are:

  • No Template

  • Generic Activities

  • State Forms

  • Onboarding US W4

Enable I-9 Section 3 check box

Enables I-9 Section 3.

Number of Days (before document expiration) to Create I-9 Section 3 Task

Indicates the number of days before document expiration to create I-9 Section 3.

I-9 Section 3 Task Responsible User

Indicates the user type (Hiring Manager, I-9 Administrator, Recruiter, and so on).

Disable Prepopulation of Data in Form I-9 Wizard check box

If selected, disables prepopulation of new hire information in the I-9 wizard.

Enable New Hire Synchronization with Admin check box (configured at client creation, so is already selected, and cannot be unselected)

Synchronizes the Talent Suite and Onboard. It is enabled for all new Talent Suite clients by default, and enabled by Database script for all upgrade clients. It cannot be enabled/disabled.

Enable I9 ThirdPartyApprover Assignment Auto-Completion check box

Allows an admin to configure the Onboard I-9 Third Party Approver Assignment template to be auto-completed when the approver is passed through B-O integration so that the admin doesn't need to manually complete the task.

Specifying Onboard Settings

  1. Display the Manage System Settings screen.

  2. In the list pane, select Onboard Settings. The Onboard Settings screen displays.

  3. Select the check box for each setting that should be enabled.

  4. Select the Save icon

    Save icon
