Manage TS Filter and Display Fields
  • 27 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Manage TS Filter and Display Fields

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Article summary


You can customize default columns and filters that display on the Manage New Hires page of Onboard Manager.


You use the TS Filter and Display Fieldsscreen to customize default columns and filters. You can configure the fields that can be used as filters and configure fields that will be displayed in search results.

How to Access the Screen

  1. In the Global Toolbar, display the Settings menu and select Settings.

  2. Select the System Configuration tab, if necessary, to display system configuration options.

  3. Display the Show drop-down list and select TS Filter and Display Fields. The TS Filter and Display Fieldsscreen displays.

Tasks You Can Do on This Screen

  • Save icon

    - Modify and save a TS filter and display field.

Configuring Public and Private Filters

Both standard and client-specific custom filters can display on the Manage New Hires page, in Filters.

The filter type is Public or Private. Standard filters are Public, and client-specific custom filters are Private. Public filters are not specific to the user/client.

  • They cannot be customized. Instead, users can create a copy of the public filter, save it as a private filter, and make changes as per their need.

  • They are common for all users, and cannot be deleted or renamed.

  • They can be assigned as the default filter.

  • Add public filters for the base client.

  • There is a new property/column: IS_PUBLIC.

Private filters are specific to a user/client.

  • All existing filters created by users will now display in the private filter section.

  • Save link is disabled.

  • Delete icon is hidden.

  • Name field cannot be edited, but it can be selected as a default.

The Load filter pop-up displays the filter type (Public/Private) against each filter name. First, group filters by Public, then by Private.

Field Descriptions on This Screen

Screen Item


Manage New Hires Columns

Displays the Available Columns and the Selected Columns, and allows the columns to be moved between the two as needed.

Available Columns

Available columns.

Selected Columns

Selected columns.

Directional arrows


Allows you to move columns as needed.

Manage New Hire Filters

Displays the Available Filters and the Selected Filters, and allows the filters to be moved between the two as needed.

Available Filters

Available filters.

Selected Filters

Selected filters.

Directional arrows


Allows you to move filters as needed.