- 27 Feb 2024
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Manage User Types
- Updated on 27 Feb 2024
- 15 Minutes to read
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There are default settings for a core set of user types. Clients, however, may want to modify those settings or add new user types.
On the Manage Users: User Type screen, for the Talent Suite environment, there are three permissions categories:
New Hire Management
The Infinite Talent Acquisition Suite user type permissions are grouped under the New Hire Management category. This allows configuration engineers to identify and enable required Onboard features easily for clients.
For a non Talent Suite environment, on the Manage Users: User Type screen, there are seven permissions categories: Job Requisitions, Applicants, Administration, Screens & Assessment, Activities, Tasks, and Reports.
On the System Configuration: Manage System Settings screen, in Onboard Settings, the Enable Talent Suite Configurations check box must be selected to display New Hire Management.
To switch back to the seven permissions categories, go to the Manage Users: User Type screen, and select the Show Legacy Capabilities check box. Note: There is no need to switch back to the seven permissions. The New Hire Management category contains all needed Talent Suite functionality.
You use the Manage Users: User Type screen to modify system capabilities for each user type or add new user types and define capabilities for them. IMPORTANT: The selections you make control which configuration screens display.
How to Access the Screen
In the Global Toolbar, display the Settings menu and select Settings.
Select the Users tab to display user configuration options.
Display the Show drop-down list and select User Types. The Manage Users: User Type screen displays.
Tasks You Can Do on This Screen
- Add a new user type.
- Modify and save user type capabilities (modify capabilities by user type).
- Copy user type details to create a new user type.
Field Descriptions on This Screen
Screen Item | Description |
Active check box | Makes the selected user type active or inactive. |
Show Legacy Capabilities check box | Displays legacy Onboard capabilities. |
User Type (list pane) | Displays a list of existing user types. |
User Type |
Name | Indicates/specifies the name of the user type. |
Description | Gives a brief description of the user type. |
Persona | Specifies the persona associated with the user type. A persona is an archetype representing the needs and goals of a particular group of users. Each persona has predefined default capabilities. When you select a persona for a user type, the default capabilities associated with the persona are assigned to the user type. You can subsequently modify those capabilities. Note: Personas also determine some core functionality, such as being a primary recruiter or controlling which panels are available on the Dashboard. |
Screen Item - Permissions | Description |
New Hire Management | Provides access to capabilities associated with new hire management, and controls what displays in Onboard and Onboard Manager:
Screen Item - Permissions | Description |
New Hire Management (continued) | Provides access to capabilities associated with new hire management, and controls what displays in Onboard and Onboard Manager:
Screen Item - Permissions | Description |
Administration | Provides access to capabilities associated with administration:
Screen Item - Permissions | Description |
Administration (continued) | Provides access to capabilities associated with administration:
Screen Item - Permissions | Description |
Reports | Onboarding managers with access rights can view reports by selecting the Reports link from the Onboard Manager navigation menu. You control which reports (by name) the onboarding manager can access, and whether they can generate new reports, generate My Reports, download reports, state forms report, and so on). |
Adding a User Type
If a client requires additional user types, you can add them as needed. You must use one of the existing personas defined in the system.
Leading Practice: To promote efficiency, you can add one new user type and then copy and modify it to create additional user types.
Display the Manage Users: User Type screen.
Select the Add icon
. The screen refreshes and displays empty fields for adding a new user type.
Select the Active check box, if not already selected.
In the Name text box, enter a name for the user type.
In the Description text box, enter a brief description of the user type.
Display the Persona drop-down list and select a persona.
Review the default capabilities in each category and make changes as needed.
Select the Save icon
Copying User Type Details to Create a New User Type
If an existing user type matches or closely resembles the configuration you need for a new user type, you can copy the user type details and assign a new name to create the new user type.
Once you do the copy, you can then adjust the details as needed.
Note: You can copy the details for any existing user type except the Deity user type.
Display the Manage Users: User Type screen.
In the list pane, select the name of the user type you want to copy. The details for the selected user type display.
Select the Copy icon
. The screen refreshes and a copy of the selected user type is displayed without any text in the Name text box.
In the Name text box, enter a name for the user type.
Modify capabilities, if needed.
Select the Save icon
Modifying User Type Capabilities
You can turn individual capabilities on or off for a user type in any of the categories. You can also modify a user type by changing the persona.
If users are logged in at the time you make your modifications, the changes are not reflected for those users until they log out and log back in again.
Note: If you change the persona for a user type, the default capability settings for the persona are applied, overwriting the previous settings.
Display the Manage Users: User Type screen.
In the list pane, select the name of the user type you want to modify. The details for the selected user type display.
To change the name or description, enter your changes in the Name or Description text boxes.
To change the persona, display the Persona drop-down list and select a persona.
To modify capabilities, select the Expand icon for the appropriate category and select or clear options for the capabilities you want to modify.
Select the Save icon
Deleting a User Type
You can delete some user types.
You may need to delete a user type.
If a user type can be deleted, the Delete icon displays.
Important: No message displays asking if you want to delete.
Display the Manage Users: User Type screen.
In the list pane, select the name of the user type you want to delete. The details for the selected user type display.
Select the Delete icon
. The user type is deleted.
Manage User Groups
If a client requests that users in different organization levels have different field permissions, you can accommodate the preference through user groups.
A user group determines field permissions for a group of users in an organization level. Field permissions control access and usability options for individual fields, such as whether a field is displayed or hidden, whether a field is required or enabled, or whether a field can be used as a search criterion or in ad hoc reporting.
You use the Manage User Groups screen to set up user group field permissions (name a user group and assign it to an organization level, and to define field permissions). The Manage User Groups screen contains two tabs: User Groups and Field Permissions.
How to Access the Screen
In the Global Toolbar, display the Settings menu and select Settings.
Select the Users tab to display user configuration options.
Display the Show drop-down list and select User Groups. The Manage User Groups screen displays.
Tasks You Can Do on This Screen
- Add a new user group.
- Modify and save a user group.
- Copy user group details to create a new user group.
Field Permissions - Modify field permissions.
Field Descriptions on This Screen - User Groups
Screen Item | Description |
Active check box | Makes the selected user group active or inactive. |
User Group (list pane) | Lists the existing user groups for the organization level selected in the show statement. Note: If no organization level is selected in the Show statement, all user groups for all organization levels are listed. |
Users (list pane) | Lists the number of users in each user group. |
Name | Specifies the name of the user group. |
Description | Provides a brief description of the user group. |
Organization Level | Specifies the organization level with which the user group is associated. |
Field Descriptions on This Screen - Field Permissions
Screen Item | Description |
Field Class | Lists field classes that you can select to display field permissions. |
Restore Defaults button | Restores the default field permissions for the selected field class. |
Field Name | Identifies the name of the field. |
Required | Specifies whether the field is required for the currently selected user group. |
Enabled | Specifies whether the field is enabled for the currently selected user group. Note: If the system requires a field to always be available, it is automatically enabled and the Enabled option becomes unavailable. |
Display Label | Indicates the label text that displays for the field in the application screen. |
Edit | Specifies whether users in the selected user group can edit the field. Note: Selecting this option makes the field editable only in non-report screens. |
Set Once | Specifies that a value can be entered in the field only once for the selected user group in the selected field class. For example, if an applicant does not specify a value for the Race field and the hiring manager specifies a value after meeting the applicant, the field value cannot be changed. Upon selecting this option, the following occurs:
No Edits After Approval | Specifies the field cannot be edited after a job is approved. Note: This field displays for the Job field class only. |
Search | Specifies the field is searchable for the currently selected user group. Note: Selecting this option makes the field available only in non-report screens. |
Report | Specifies the field can display in the criteria and results screens of reports for members of the selected user group. |
Select All / Unselect All button | Selects or clears all the options for the field. |
Adding a User Group
When adding a new user group, you must name the group, assign it to an organization level, and define the field permissions.
You use the User Groups tab to name the group and assign the organization level.
Note: You cannot delete a user group. If you add a new group and subsequently do not need it, you can deactivate the group. You must assign users from the group to other groups.
Display the Manage User Groups screen.
Select the Add icon
. The screen refreshes and displays empty fields for adding a new user group.
Select the Active check box, if not already selected.
In the Name text box, enter a name for the user group.
In the Description text box, enter a brief description of the user group.
In the Organization Level section, select the check box for the organization level with which the group is associated.
Select the Save icon
. The Field Permissions link appears.
Modify field permissions for the group.
Copying User Group Details to Create a New User Group
If an existing user group matches or closely resembles the configuration you need for a new user group, you can copy the user group details and assign a new name to create the new user group.
Once you copy the user group details and assign a new name to create the new user group, you can then adjust the details as needed.
Note: You can copy the details for any existing user group except the Deity user group.
Display the Manage User Groups screen.
In the list pane, select the name of the user group you want to copy. The details for the selected user group display. Tip: If there are a large number of user groups in the system, you can use the Show statement to filter the list of user groups by organization level. Select the Select link in the Show statement, select an organization level in the call-out window that appears, and then select the Go icon
Select the Copy icon
. The screen refreshes and a copy of the selected user group is displayed without any text in the Name text box. Note: Although not visible, the field permissions are copied as well.
In the Name text box, enter a name for the user group.
In the Description text box, enter a description for the new user group.
In the Organization Levels section, select the check box for the organization level with which the user group is associated.
Select the Save icon
. The Field Permissions link appears.
Modify field permissions for the group, if necessary.
Modifying a User Group
You can modify user group details and permissions as needed.
Display the Manage User Groups screen.
In the list pane, select the name of the user group you want to modify. The details for the selected user group display. Tip: If there are a large number of user groups in the system, you can use the Show statement to filter the list of user groups by organization level. Select the Select link in the Show statement, select an organization level in the call-out window that appears, and then select the Go icon
Make your changes.
Select the Save icon
Modifying Field Permissions
Field permissions represent settings at a field-class level used to give access permissions to specific groups of users.
A field class represents a set of fields common to an entity (for example, job, applicant, and so on) in the system.
Every field on every system screen has field permission options, with defaults set upon site creation.
You modify field permissions by selecting a field class and enabling or disabling individual options for each field. If necessary, you can restore default options for all fields in a selected field class.
You use the Field Permissions tab to enable or disable permissions for individual fields in a field class.
Display the Manage User Groups screen.
In the list pane, select the name of the user group for which you want to modify field permissions. The details for the selected user group display.
Select the Field Permissions link to display the Manage Groups: Edit Field Permissions screen.
In the list pane, select the name of the field class for which you want to modify permissions. The details for the selected field class display.
Locate the appropriate field and modify options as needed.
Modify permissions for other fields as needed.
Repeat steps 4-6 as needed to change permissions for additional field classes.
Select the Save icon
If you need to reset the permissions for a field to the default configuration, select the Restore Defaults button. Tip: If you select the Restore Defaults button, you cannot undo the action and reinstate your previous settings.
Manage User Details
All user management is done via the Talent Suite Admin application, not from the Onboard Configuration application.
User Management in the Talent Suite Environment
For Onboard in a Talent Suite environment , ALL user management is done via the Talent Suite Admin application, from its Manage Users menu/screens.
Refer to the Talent Suite Admin Application Guide for details.