Managing Campaigns Best Practices
  • 26 Feb 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Managing Campaigns Best Practices

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Article summary


Product: Lead Manager and Acoustic Campaign.

Managing Campaigns

Infinite recommends the following best practices when it comes to creating and managing Campaigns in your organization.

Adding and Managing Campaigns

  • Campaigns are a way for recruiters and sourcers to organize their leads. Based on your organizations sourcing strategies, you might create campaigns for the following types of situations:

    • Campaigns for specific pending or open reqs in BrassRing on Cloud. Sourcing assistance might be needed at the start of a requisition or if only a few candidates have applied after a defined period, the recruiter might require additional assistance from the sourcing team.

    • Campaigns for specific types of positions that are created in advance of an actual opening becoming available. For example, a position that requires specific education, skills, or experience. For these positions, you need to have a pool of potential candidates who already familiar with your organization, and from which you can draw to apply after the req becomes available. High turnover positions such as cashier or seasonal employees where you need a steady supply of leads to fill many openings. Campaigns like this have a direct impact on reducing time to fill.

    • Event-specific campaigns might be used for university recruiting, job or career fairs, or industry events, where you want to track the contacts you met at these events, so you can either contact them before the event to encourage them to attend or follow up with them after the event.

    • Organizing leads by area of interest, geographical area, university, or intern programs.

  • Custom campaign fields can be added to further enhance campaign management and reporting. Additional fields outside of the standard can make the campaigns more relevant for each client and the sourcer working on the campaign. These fields can be used for grouping campaigns for easier reporting or searching. Some custom field examples include: sourcer, division, department, business unit, campaign type, talent acquisition or recruiting leader, skills, or education.

Useful Campaign Examples

  • A specific campaign can be useful for seasonal hiring, whereby your organization has a recurring seasonal recruitment push to help with busy periods. Using seasonal campaigns can create pools of potential employees that might only want seasonal work. It can also track how successful that hiring campaign was and creates a pool of potential candidates for the next season. If a lead previously worked for your organization, it is likely that they have a complete BrassRing Talent Record such as their experience and the type of employee they were. A custom lead field might be created to track whether leads are eligible or suitable for rehire for the next season. A landing page can also be created to capture seasonal workers and include a form option to indicate whether they would be interested in being rehired for the next season. Pairing the landing page form field with a custom lead profile field can then be used to create saved searches for the seasonal campaigns.

  • Campaigns are useful for external events like job fairs or university recruitment. It is recommended to create an interactive landing page for the event. The landing page can be configured with the Lead Manager campaign ID as a hidden field. Leads who submit their details are automatically filed into that campaign. A communication campaign can then be used to nurture the relationship with these leads and populate their Lead Profile with their resume or CV or moved to specific campaigns for hiring. If your organization uses the same landing page for a second event in the future it is recommended to edit the source code, and the campaign ID so leads do not get mixed from different events.

BrassRing Integration

  • Campaigns can be created directly from BrassRing requisitions either manually or by using Rules Automation Manager. Creating campaigns from reqs systemically links the two together and carries over certain fielded data saving the recruiter time. Additionally, job apply URLs are automatically added to the campaign that can be easily added to communications sent to leads asking them to apply.

  • If using RAM to create a campaign, an option might be to designate a field on the req to use as an indicator that a campaign should be created. Typically, the use of a RAM would be done at time of req creation or when the req opens, but it might also be done later in the recruiting process upon req edit. For example, if the recruiter is not getting enough candidates for the position and would like to create a campaign in Lead Manager to ask the sourcing team for assistance. Your organization might also have business rules where each req in a specific division or department has campaigns that are automatically created for positions at a specific level such as director.

Assign Users to Campaigns

  • To keep Lead Manager organized, clients are encouraged to assign campaigns to appropriate users. This allows sourcers to see only the campaigns they need to work on and are not distracted by positions or roles they don't need to focus on filling. User privileges are used to control whether sourcers see the My Campaigns or My Campaigns and All Campaigns views.

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