Managing Email Settings
  • 27 Feb 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Managing Email Settings

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Article summary


Email settings affect system-wide automated email features, such as reply-to and system exception addresses, encoding options, and enabling of email functionality for specific user types.


Email settings are contained in two tabs: one for Platform settings and one for Onboard settings. You use the Platform tab to specify email settings that apply to the platform.s These settings include reply to addresses, senders, delay intervals, encoding option and Smart Email options. You use the Onboard tab to specify email settings that apply to Onboard.

You use Email Settings on the Manage System Settings screen to manage email settings.

How to Access the Screen

  1. Display the System Configuration: Manage System Settings screen.

  2. In the list pane, select Email Settings. The Password Policy Settings screen displays.

Tasks You Can Do on This Screen

  • Save icon

    - Modify and save email settings.

Field Descriptions on This Screen - Platform Tab

Screen Item


E-mail Sender

Specifies the email address used to send system generated emails.

E-mail Sender Name

Specifies the email sender name for the system generated email.

System Exception E-mail Sender

Specifies the email sender to which the system automatically sends notifications when system exceptions, such as failed delivery, occur.

Forgot Password E-mail Sender

Sends a message to the system helpdesk to retrieve the email sender password.

Reply to Address

Specifies the address to which responses to system generated emails are sent.

E-mail for Company Wide Administrator

Specifies the email address for the company wide administrator. This email address is shown in the new user email and on the login page (contact administrator link).

RC Company Name

Specifies the company name used on correspondence generated by the system.

Company Logo

Specifies the location where the graphics file of the client logo is stored. The graphics file enables the company logo to appear in system generated email messages. Note: Accepted file formats are .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .tif, .png, and .bmp. Maximum file size is 5MB.

Company Watermark

Specifies the location where the graphics file of the client watermark is stored. The graphics file enables the watermark to appear in system generated email messages. Note: Accepted file formats are .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .tif, .png, and .bmp. Maximum file size is 5MB.

System Exception E-mail Address(es)

Specifies the email addresses to which the system automatically sends notifications when system exceptions, such as failed delivery, occur. Note: This information is defined when the site is initially created. You should not modify this information.

Failed E-mail Delay Interval (Min)

Specifies the interval (in minutes) at which rejection emails are processed.

Max E-mail Attachments

Specifies the maximum number of attachments that can be attached to correspondence.

E-mail Encoding

Specifies the encoding for the emails sent by the system.

Smart E-mail Address

Specifies the Smart Email address used to track email and scheduling requests in the system.

Smart E-mail Account

Specifies the account associated with the Smart Email address.

Smart E-mail Password

Specifies the password associated with the Smart Email account.

Field Descriptions on This Screen - Onboard Tab

Screen Item


Enable E-mails To

Specifies the system users for whom automated email functionality is enabled.

Specifying Email Settings

  1. Display the Manage System Settings screen.

  2. In the list pane, select Email Settings. The Email Settings screen displays.

  3. Select the Platform link to display the platform-specific options, or the Onboard link to display the Onboard-specific options.

  4. Specify information as needed.

  5. Select the Save icon

    Save icon
