Managing Miscellaneous Settings
  • 27 Feb 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Managing Miscellaneous Settings

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Article summary


Miscellaneous settings encompass a variety of configuration settings that do not fall under other system settings categories.


Miscellaneous settings are contained in two tabs: one for Platform settings and one for Onboard settings.

You use Miscellaneous Settings on the Manage System Settings screen to manage configuration settings that do not warrant a separate category.

How to Access the Screen

  1. Display the System Configuration: Manage System Settings screen.

  2. In the list pane, select Miscellaneous Settings. The Miscellaneous Settings screen displays.

Tasks You Can Do on This Screen

  • Save icon

    - Modify and save miscellaneous settings.

Field Descriptions on This Screen - Platform Tab

Screen Item


Auto Logout (Minutes)

Specifies the number of minutes of account inactivity that can elapse before a user is automatically logged out of the system.

Rows Per Multi-Page Table

For search result tables that span multiple pages, this specifies the number of rows that display on each page. Leading Practice: 10 rows per page.

Max Number Records Returned

Specifies the maximum number of records that can be returned in a search. Note: The default value for quick searches is 2000 records.

RC Large Drop Down Minimum

Specifies the number of entries at which a drop-down list is considered a large controlled list. Note: Large controlled lists are lists that contain an extremely large number of entries, which may require excessively long download times.

Large Drop Down Maximum

Specifies the maximum number of results retrieved for a field using large controlled lists.

Max Upload Size (Thousands of Bytes)

Specifies the number of bytes that can be uploaded for an activity attachment (maximum of 5000).

System Locale

Specifies the default locale setting for the system. The locale controls formatting options (for example, dates, numbers, currencies, postal codes, and so on) across the system for different geographical areas.

Default Time Zone

Specifies the default time zone setting for the system.

Display Host Name with Page ID

Specifies whether the name of the local server that is processing the current user session should be displayed in parenthesis after the Page ID value.

Maximum Number of Rows That Can Be Sorted (Searches)

Specifies the maximum number of rows that can be sorted in search pages.

Maximum Number of Rows That Can Be Sorted (Reports)

Specifies the maximum number of rows that can be sorted in report pages.

Scheduled Reports Processing Time

Specifies the time at which reports should be processed.

Scheduled Reports Auto-Delete Days

Specifies how many days pass before processed reports are automatically deleted from the system.

Company Logo for Login Screen

Specifies the location and file name for the company logo image that appears on the login screen. Note: Maximum file size is 5 MB. The following file types are supported: gif, jpg, jpeg, tif, png, and bmp. Note: Height: 54 pixels; Width: unspecified.

Company Logo for Global Tool bar

Specifies the location and file name for the company logo image that appear on the Global Tool bar. Note: Maximum file size is 5 MB. The following file types are supported: gif, jpg, jpeg, tif, png, and bmp. Note: Height: 18 pixels; Width: 115 pixels.

Splash Page Message

Specifies the text that displays on the system splash page.

Application URL

Specifies the Onboard application URL. Enter the staging or production application URL as applicable. Note: The hyperlink is the same across all clients but is different in staging and production.

Export Record Limit

Specifies the maximum number of records an exporting file can hold. Note: If the exporting record number is larger than the limit, the system generates multiple files and appends numeric suffixes to the file names to differentiate.

Enable Privacy Policy Link

Enables or disables the Privacy Policy link on the global footer and beneath the Login button on the Login and Proxy Login screens. Note: This check box is selected by default. If it is not selected, the Privacy Policy link does not appear.

Privacy Policy URL

Specifies the URL for the Privacy Policy link. Note: This drop-down list does not appear unless the Enable Privacy Policy check box is selected.

Enable Terms of Use Link

Enables or disables the Terms of Use link on the global footer and beneath the Login button on the Login and Proxy Login screens. Note: If it is not selected, the Terms of Use URL link does not appear.

Terms of Use URL

Specifies the URL for the Terms of Use link. Note: This field drop-down list does not appear unless the Enable Terms of Use Link check box is selected.

Enable Conditional Workflow

Enables the conditional workflow feature.

Export File Record Limit (for Reports)

Specifies the maximum number of records an exporting file can hold.

Field Descriptions on This Screen - Onboard Tab

Screen Item


OFCCP Search Record Keeping

Indicates whether the system tracks all candidate searches for OFCCP reporting purposes.

Show OFCCP Hidden Searches

Indicates whether the Hidden Searches check box displays on the Search Candidates screen.

Enable Ethnicity

Indicates whether the Ethnicity field displays in addition to the Race field on the EEO page.

New Hire Waiting Period (Days)

Specifies the number of days after a candidate status of Hired is changed to a status of Active.

Applicant Re-Submittal Waiting Period in RC

Specifies the number of days that must elapse before an applicant can be resubmitted to a job.

Specifying Miscellaneous Settings

  1. Display the Manage System Settingsscreen.

  2. In the list pane, select Miscellaneous Settings. The Miscellaneous Settings screen displays.

  3. Select the Platform link to display the platform-specific options, or the Onboard link to display the Onboard-specific options.

  4. Specify information as needed.

  5. Select the Save icon

    Save icon
