Managing Sequences
  • 06 Mar 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Managing Sequences

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Article summary

Adding, Editing, and Deleting Code Sequences

Sequences determine approval routing. Once the final list of approval roles is compiled, you create sequences to put the approvers in the correct order for each organization.  Sequences are based on combinations of organizational units, such as Company, Business Unit, and Department.

You should create a default sequence that can be used for all approvals within your organization. See  Mapping sequence codes to learn how to assign codes to the default sequence.

This topic describes how to:

  • Create a sequence

  • Edit a sequence

  • Delete a sequence

Creating a sequence

  1. Log in to BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow.

  2. On the Admin tab, select  Sequences > Add/Edit/Delete sequences.

  3. On the Manage Sequences screen, select the  Add button.

  4. Type a descriptive name for the sequence in the Sequence Name box.

  5. Select the  Save button.

Editing a Sequence

Changing a sequence does not affect any workflows that are already running.

  1. Log in to BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow.

  2. On the Admin tab, select  Sequences > Add/Edit/Delete sequences.

  3. In the Sequences list, find the sequence you want to edit and select the  Edit button.

  4. Change the sequence name.

  5. Select the  Save button.

Deleting a sequence

Deleting a sequence does not affect any workflows that are already running.

  1. Log in to BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow.

  2. On the Admin tab, select  Sequences > Add/Edit/Delete sequences.

  3. In the Sequences list, find the sequence you want to delete and select the  Delete button.

  4. BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow asks you to confirm that you want to delete the sequence. Select OK to delete the sequence from the system or select Cancel to leave the sequence unchanged.

Define Sequence Roles

Sequence roles are all the roles that can appear in a sequence. On the Sequence Roles page, you select a sequence, select the roles that can appear in that sequence, and specify the order in which they appear.

To define a Sequence Role:

  1. On the Admin tab, select  Sequences > Sequence roles.

  2. Select a sequence from the Sequence drop-down list.

  3. Select the  Manage button.

      Sequence Roles

  4. Add roles to or remove roles from the sequence:
    To add roles to a sequence: Select roles in the Available Items list and select Plus_sign.png. To move all available roles, select Plus_sign.png.
    To remove roles from a sequence: Select the roles in the Selected Items list and select Plusleft.png. To remove all roles from a sequence, select Plusplus.png


    To select multiple adjacent items, select the first one then hold down the SHIFT key and select the last item. To select nonadjacent items, hold down the CTRL key and select multiple random items.

  5. To change the order in which a role appears in a sequence, select the role you want to move then select Up.png or Down.png.

  6. Select the  Save button.

Mapping Sequence Codes

Once you have  created a sequence, you assign it to one or more levels in your organization. When BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow was set for your organization, a unique code was assigned to each level in your organization, for example, to each division and department.

This topic describes how to:

View mappings for sequence codes

Map codes to a sequence

Viewing Mappings for Sequence Codes

  1. Log in to BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow.

  2. On the  Admin tab, select  Sequences > Sequence code mappings.

    Select the workflows you want to work with. By default, all workflows are selected.


  3. Select one or more codes for which you want to find associated sequences. You must select the lowest level code available to see the assigned sequences. For example, if your organization has three levels -- Company, Business Unit, and Department -- you must select codes for all three.

  4. Select the  View Assignments button.

      Mapped sequences for selected codes

  5. To delete a mapped sequence, select the checkbox next to it and select the  Delete Selections button.

Mapping Codes to a Sequence

  1. Login to BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow.

  2. On the  Admin tab, select  Sequences > Sequence code mappings.

  3. Select the workflows you want to work with. By default, all workflows are selected.


  4. Select the codes to associate with a sequence.


    To associate codes with a default sequence that can be used for all approvals within your organization, select the  Wildcard checkbox for each organizational level.

  5. On the right-hand side of the screen, select the sequence to assign to the codes. You can select only one sequence at a time.


  6. Select the  Make Assignments button.