Understanding Tasks
  • 27 Feb 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Understanding Tasks

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Article summary


As an onboarding/hiring manager, there are tasks you must complete.

When You First Log On


When you first log on, a Welcome Message displays.

The Welcome Message:

  • Informs you how many tasks are awaiting your attention.

  • Displays the most pressing tasks, allowing you to directly access those tasks.

  • Provides a View All link that displays the Currently Onboarding page, allowing you to view all hires.

Number of Tasks Awaiting Your Attention


It's easy to know how many tasks are awaiting your attention.

  1. The Welcome message that displays when you first log on reveals the number of tasks. Note: If the Talent Suite is configured so that both Onboard Manager and Onboard New Hire icons display in the application row, the number of tasks that displays in the Welcome message is for both applications.

  2. The My Tasks page reveals the actual tasks. If there are no tasks, a message informs you of that fact.

  3. The Currently Onboarding page contains each hire, and allows you to view the onboarding tasks for each.

Task Status


Status fields/icons indicate the state of a specific task.

  • Not Started. Task is upcoming, but cannot be acted upon yet. You may not be able to access such a task until other tasks complete (the task name will not be a link).

  • Pending. Task that can be acted upon. This task can be optional. It may be dependent on other tasks in the workflow (driven by a condition set on another task).

  • In Progress. Task can be acted upon and has had information saved to it, but is not yet completed. Save and Finish Later link was selected.

  • Overdue. Task is past the due date.

  • Completed. Task is completed. Submit/Completed button was selected.

  • Opted Out. Hire chose to opt-out of doing a task, such as filling out an optional state form. Opt-Out button was selected.

Generally speaking, a task's status will follow the following workflow: Not Started>Pending>In Progress>Completed. It is possible that Overdue could be the first task.

Selecting a Task Name


A task name is sometimes a link, and sometimes it is not. Whether the task name is a link or not depends if you are the task owner and on the task status.

A task owner can be an individual person or a user type. When the task is assigned to a user type, then all individuals in the system who are assigned that same user type can access and complete the task.

If you:

  • Are not the task owner, the task name is not a link. Exception: Onboard can be configured to allow someone who is not the task owner to access a task. In that case, even though you are not the task owner, the task name will be a link.

  • Are the task owner and the task status is Pending, In Progress, or Completed, the task name is a link, allowing you to select it to access/start the task. Exception: If the task status is not Pending, In Progress, or Completed, the task name will not be a link. For example, if the task status for the Onboard End task is Not Started, this means there are tasks the hire (or you) need to complete before you can end onboarding for the hire. Once all the tasks are completed, the task status for Onboard End will change from Not Started to Pending, and a link will appear.

Showing All Tasks


On the Currently Onboarding page, there is a list of hire names, but the associated tasks are not present. You can easily view all onboarding tasks as well as all your tasks.


View/Hide Onboarding Tasks:


Show All Tasks for This Hire:


View All My Tasks:


View All:


  1. From the Currently Onboarding page, select + View Onboard Tasks to display tasks.

  2. Review the additional tasks and their status.

  3. Hide the additional tasks by selecting - Hide Onboard Tasks. If there are no additional tasks, the links do not display.

  4. From the Currently Onboarding page, select + View Onboard Tasks to display tasks. If there are too many tasks to display, a Show All Tasks for This Hire link displays.

  5. Select the Show All Tasks for This Hire link. A separate page called Onboarding Tasks displays.

  6. Review the list of tasks and their status.

  7. From the Welcome Message in the Currently Onboarding page, select View All My Tasks. The My Tasks page displays.

  8. Review the list of tasks and their status.

  9. From the Welcome Message in the Onboard Home page, select View All. The Currently Onboarding page displays.

  10. Review the list of hires and display their associated tasks.

Required Versus Optional Tasks


Some tasks are required and some are optional. The exact mix and appearance of these tasks depends on the particular workflow in use.

Custom Fields, Tasks, and Information


Because this application is customizable, you may see fields, tasks, and information that differ from what is described in this document.

Sorting by Hire, Start Date, or Due Date


You can sort, using column headings.

On the:

  • Currently Boarding page, you can sort by the Hire, Start Date, or Due Date column heading.

  • My Tasks page, you can sort by the Hire, Task Due Date, or Task Status column heading.

Due Date is the default. When you move the cursor over one of these column headings, a underline appears beneath the word, indicating you can use it to sort. When selected, a pointer displays by the column heading, indicating it is controlling the sort.

  1. Select the Hire, Start Date, or Due Date column heading.

  2. The items sort. A pointer indicates which column heading is currently controlling the sorting.