Migrating to the BrassRing Responsive Talent Gateways FAQ
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Migrating to the BrassRing Responsive Talent Gateways FAQ

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Article summary


Product: Infinite BrassRing

Client Training and Enablement Session

Topic: Migrating to the BrassRing Responsive Talent Gateways – Q&A Session. Date: 26 February 2019.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

On the Posting Options page why can I not see and select the French (or another specific language) Talent Gateway?

There are multiple items to consider when attempting to resolve this issue. Does your organization use Global Talent Gateways? If so, the specific language Talent Gateway might be included in that Global Talent Gateway. (Global Talent Gateways are made up of multiple individual language Talent Gateways.) If your organization uses individual/separate language Talent Gateways and you do not see the language Talent Gateway in question, you might not have translated the requisition into the language of that Talent Gateway. View or edit the requisition to ensure that it is created or translated in the language you want to post it in. The other issue might be related to your Org Group. You might not have privileges to post the Talent Gateway because you are not part of a specified Org Group.

My candidate is not able to find the requisition I posted to our Global Talent Gateway in French (or another specific language).

View or Edit the requisition in question to ensure that it is created or translated in the language you want to post it in.

Could you please discuss Tracking Pixels and steps we need to take to ensure we replicate correctly when converting to Responsive Gateways?

Tracking pixels can be added to your Responsive Talent Gateway apply process (the Responsive Gateway Questionnaires) or added to the other various pages that your candidates might access (for example, landing page or search page).

Application process tracking: The tracking pixel can be included on the pages of your Responsive GQs by adding a Text widget and copy or pasting the pixel in.

Other Responsive TG pages: If your organization would like to add a tracking pixel to other pages of your Responsive TGs, you can enter a maintenance case to have the Infinite engineers add the pixel for you. In the request, please add the name of the TG, the pages in which it should be included, and the tracking pixel.

Tracking pixels may need to be tweaked to work on the responsive TGs. We recommend visiting the Support Community page where information on how to do this is housed. You can also forward this link to any vendor you are working with so they can help you update their tracking pixel.

Is there an instruction guide on adding tracking pixels and how to report?

The Support Community page shows how to add the tracking pixel to your Gateway Questionnaire (in the Notes section). Reporting would be done in whatever third party tool that provided your tracking pixel so we are not able to talk to that part of this question.

I am concerned about the organic scaping issue when we move to Responsive Apply. From what I understand companies like Indeed will need to do something special in order to scrape our openings? Has anyone done this and does Indeed actually work with this?

The BrassRing Responsive Talent Gateways do not support (cannot guarantee) that a vendors scraping will work. We recommend that you provide your vendors the URL of your Staging Talent Gateway, when testing your migration in Staging, to the vendor to test. If the vendor cannot scrape then they can use our Web API to pull jobs by using our web-service. More information on the API can be found on the Infinite Knowledge Center.

On the Responsive TG, is there a way we can see how many candidates have logged in to start an application but not yet submitted it?

We do not have that option within the BrassRing system however we do have a tool call Digital Analytics that can help you view metrics on this data. If you’d like to check out what Digital Analytics is about, you can visit our Infinite Knowledge Center and review the Getting Started videos. If you’re interested in purchasing Digital Analytics, please reach out to your Infinite representative.

If we want to add more than one tracking pixel to a GQ (for example on the final page) do, we need to create two separate widgets to add the tracking pixel?

No, you should be able to add 2 tracking pixels in the same Text widget.

I am a part of a lean organization where I am the recruiter/TA manager and BR admin. I have reached out to get additional resources but haven't heard anything. Does Infinite offer consultants to assist with this migration?

There are a couple options Infinite provides. If you would like to complete the configurations, you can enter tickets to our Product Consulting team as questions arise. If you would like to take an approach where Infinite does the configuration and it is more of a project, you can reach out to your Infinite representative and they can direct you on the next step. This may include a project with our Solutions Expert team which may come with a cost.

Will Tracking Pixels that currently work on our Classic GQs also work on Responsive GQs or do the codes need to be updated with the vendors regardless?

We can’t guarantee that tracking pixels will work in Responsive that worked in Classic. We recommend testing in Staging to see if they work. You can also check out the Support Community page to see if the structure of the pixel will have to be altered to work with the Responsive TGs. If you had tracking pixels in the code of your TG to track pages outside of the application process you will want to enter a maintenance request to get the pixel added to those pages as well.

Can you explain how a standalone Gateway Questionnaire is used?

Standalone Gateway Questionnaires are used primarily to collect basic information or form information from a candidate without requiring them to apply to a requisition on a Talent Gateway. The Standalone Gateway Questionnaire link can be sent to a candidate to collect general information. If you would like to create a Standalone Responsive Gateway questionnaire, visit our Infinite Knowledge Center. If you want to collect form information from candidates that have already applied to a requisition, you can simply post those forms/attachments/documents to the Responsive Talent Gateway Candidate Zone.

We have an 'External' Gateway (I think it came with our implementation) and it is our only non-responsive gateway. How can we confirm we are utilizing it or not? We don't want to spend time and resources migrating if not needed.

We would recommend you look at that gateway to see if there are any requisitions posted to it. You may also want to check to see if there are any candidates with a source code attached to their Talent Record (the source code may or may not be added in the ‘automatically pass’ section on the Edit Talent Gateway page in Workbench).

How do we enable default job code descriptions so that when a need is posted, as soon as the job code is selected, it triggers the description? We are trying to take as many manual steps out of the equation.

To Import JCDD: In Workbench, select Tools → Forms → Reqs → Req Forms. Select Administer the form fields, and select the action Export Job Code Default Data. Add your JCDD into the spreadsheet and then import your JCDD into Workbench by following the steps defined in the Infinite Knowledge Center. To Manually add JCDD: In BrassRing, select Menu Admin Admin+ Codes. Select Administer code list for the Job Code and edit the job code and select the defaults for each field you would like to set up.

Is texting functionality part of Kenexa's roadmap for the near future as built-in and non-outsourced feature? We are currently, experiencing issues with TextRecruit/outside vendor.

Infinite does not have anything in the roadmap right now to implement a home-grown text messaging service. We currently partner with Clickatell, mGage, and Whispir to provide text messaging services out of BrassRing if you are interested.

When we activate the Responsive GQs, we will be able to update associations of an existing Classic GQ and replace that Classic GQ in all currently posted requisitions that use that Classic GQ before inactivating it. Just wanted to confirm this is accurate. *and replace that Classic GQ with a Responsive GQ.

Yes. This can be accomplished in Workbench by going to your active GQs, selecting the classic/old GQ, select the update associations action, and selecting the responsive/new GQ in the replacement drop-down. These updates should be completed in a few minutes but if not, give them 15-20 minutes to completely render.

Please discuss the need for the default questions on the TG and their relationship to GQ's. So, we don’t really need the defaults then on a GQ?

If these questions should be asked of all candidates that apply through the TG, but still should allow your Recruiters to score or remove them, we recommend to leave them as Talent Gateway default questions. Then make sure there is a Job Specific Questions (JSQ) widget added to your Gateway questionnaire. The default questions will be shown to your Recruiters on the Edit Site Questions page in BrassRing where they can score them or remove them. Those questions will then be pulled into the GQ wherever you have the JSQ widget added. If these questions should be asked of all candidates that apply through the TG and if you don’t want your Recruiters to remove or score the questions, we recommend removing them from the default questions and adding them to the GQ. These questions are not shown to the Recruiters on the Edit Site Questions page in BrassRing and they cannot remove them. You don’t technically need default questions on a GQ, but it is a business decision.