  • 14 Mar 2024
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Article summary


This section describes how to navigate through the Admin application in the Infinite BrassRing Platform.

  1. Select the Admin Application Navigation icon image5.jpg to expand the available navigation options.


    Selecting the Application Navigation menu icon again closes the Admin Application Navigation panel.

    Figure 4. Admin Hamburger Navigation menu icon

    Admin Hamburger Navigation menu icon


  2. Select the Admin link to navigate back to the Admin landing page.

    Figure 5. Select Admin icon to navigate to page

    Select Admin icon to navigate to page
  3. Select the desired link in the navigation menu pane to open that specific Admin page.


    Your role will determine what navigation options are available to you.

    Following are the current Admin configuration functions available:

    • Manage Users

      • Search Users

      • Add new user

      • Import Users

      • Export Users

    • Security

      • Password Policies

      • 2-Step verification

    The following table describes the function of the Admin Application Navigation panel links:

    Table 2. Application Navigation Panel Links




    Application Navigation Menu icon

    Selecting the Application Navigation menu icon expands and contracts the Admin Application Navigation panel.


    Admin Root Page link

    Selecting the Admin link returns the user to the Admin landing page.




    The Admin Application Navigation panel displays your authorized access areas.

    The following menu items are displayed (depending on authorization):

    • Manage Users

      • Search Users

      • Add new user

      • Import Users

      • Export Users

    • Security

      • Password Policies

      • 2-Step verification

    • Help (When selected navigates the user to the Infinite BrassRing Platform Admin Application Guide page on the Infinite Talent Knowledge Center.)

    While in the Admin application, users can:

    • Select the Application Launcher icon to re-launch the Application Launcher navigation bar. (Selecting an application's icon on the navigation bar opens the corresponding Infinite BrassRing Platform application.)

    • Select the Application Navigation menu icon to open the Admin Application Navigation panel.

    • Select the Admin link to return to the Admin landing page.

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