Onboard January Release
  • 17 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Onboard January Release

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Article summary


There are no new features in the current release.


There are no new configuration changes in the current release.


Onboard: Export Users by License 

Starting with this release, when the user clicks on the ‘Export by License’ option, it displays all the applications that the client is licensed for, and the users can select multiple applications. 

Upon selecting a license, a dropdown menu is displayed with three options: ‘Active’, ‘Inactive’, and ‘Active No Access’, and can select multiple statuses for each application.  

Once the user has made their selections and saved the search, the export should be able to run with these configurations. 

The export status and history include the filters chosen by the user. 

The next time the export is launched, previous selections will not be included, and new selections must be made for each export. 

Internal Reference Azure Board # 50064. 

Onboard: Import Limit CSV file size 

Starting with this release, the import limit is limited to 3000 for each import. 

The user import functionality is not impacted, however, if the user records in CSV are above the set limit an error message is displayed. 

Internal Reference Azure Board # 50608. 

Onboard: W4-2025 

Starting with this release, a new version of W4-2025 is released. 

Internal Reference Azure Board # 52896.