Onboard November Release
  • 14 Mar 2024
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Onboard November Release

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Article summary

Onboard new features for the November release are listed here.

Onboard Visible Changes

Onboard new features for the current release are listed here.

New Hire View: Multiple jobs change default

Currently, the new hires upon logging in, land in the task list for their latest job, even with zero open tasks.

Starting this release, upon logging in, the new hires land in the latest job with open tasks.

Once the last task is completed for a particular job then the new hire would be taken to other latest job which has open tasks.

If all the tasks are completed for all jobs then the new hire is taken to the latest job.

The display messages are changed to as below :

  • You have 2 open task(s) for all jobs and 1 task(s) open for this job.


  • You have 2 open task(s) for all jobs and 0 task(s) open for this job. Please select the job drop-down to view other jobs with open tasks.


For single-job applications, the display message is not changed.

Internal Reference Azure Board # 230

New Hire View: Multiple Jobs

Starting this release, once a task is completed the new hire would be taken to the actively working job if there are still any open tasks, else the new hire would be taken to other latest job that has open tasks.


Internal Reference Azure Board # 231

New I9 Form 2023 - New fields support

Starting this release, a new field 'I9 Alternative Procedure' is added in MNH.

This field is related to 'I9 Section 2' activity new checkbox "Check here if you used an alternative procedure authorized by DHS to examine documents."

Note: This field displays 'No' for old data even if this checkbox is selected in I9 Section 2, as the index record does not have this field data. Saving the personal information will reindex the data of the new hire and the updated data in MNH for this field is displayed.

Checkbox.png AltProcedure.png

Internal Reference Azure Board # 410

Onboard Configuration Changes

There are no new configuration changes in the current release.

Onboard Fixed Defects

The following defects are fixed during the current release.

Defect Number

Defect Description


Error Message on Onboarding - Onboarding US W4


Section 1 - I9 task - Instructional text changes


Saved search criteria in OB - MNH is not working - switching filter criteria


Field values are missing in the MNH Exports


I9 Section 1 error / Bug - 523 - Form I9 Error


Non Mandatory field is getting updated automatically