Overview of Gateway Questionnaires
  • 06 Mar 2024
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Overview of Gateway Questionnaires

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Product: Infinite BrassRing

Overview of Gateway Questionnaires

Gateway Questionnaires are online applications that support question branching and knockout questions. They consist of sections and pages that determine how questions are sequenced and grouped. They are required with the Responsive Talent Gateway. Branching makes it possible to display a subsequent question or section based on a candidate’s response to a question. Knockout questions end the application process if candidates provide unfavorable answers.

Candidates complete the questionnaire on a Talent Gateway that starts after the candidate selects Apply. The questionnaire can include the Talent Gateway default questions (through the JSQ widget), form questions, basic profile information, and so on.

Responsive apply requires that you create and use a responsive Gateway Questionnaire (GQ). Responsive GQs have the following features:

  • One-column layout – The layout for a responsive GQ is one column. Headers and footers dynamically adjust based on the device.

  • Improved Preview – The Gateway Questionnaire Preview functions shows the responsive layout and allows for candidates to select directly into the section they would like to edit before submitting.

  • Saving a classic questionnaire as new or creating a new responsive GQ adds four new standard sections and three visible text widgets. The new sections and widgets are required for all responsive questionnaires, and cannot be removed or deleted.

  • Unlike classic Gateway Questionnaires, responsive Gateway Questionnaires include in-page branching, where questions dynamically show or not show based on the selection of a previous question.

  • Responsive Gateway Questionnaires are differentiated from Classic Gateway Questionnaires by the responsive icon next to the GQ name in Workbench

The four new standard sections of Responsive Gateway Questionnaires are:

  • Introduction > Start You Application (which must always be first).

  • Review > Review (review page does not allow widgets).

  • Confirmation > Application Complete.

  • Knock Out > Thank You.

These sections and pages are automatically added when the Responsive setting is enabled on the GQ Properties page, even if you are saving as a new Classic Gateway Questionnaire into a Responsive Gateway Questionnaire.

Updated Build 19.05.06. As of build 19.05.06 Classic Gateway Questionnaires can no longer be published. If the Gateway questionnaire is already present in a publish job, the classic GQ is exuded from the publish task.

Considerations for using Responsive Gateway Questionnaires (GQs):

  • Standard sections/pages can have different names. Since BrassRing users only see the section titles, and candidates only see page titles in the candidate experience; keep the names the same to minimize confusion.

  • The Introduction/Start Your Application section or page MUST be the first section or page of the Responsive Gateway Questionnaire.

  • The Estimate time to complete field on the Start Your Application page sets the time estimate that the candidate sees before they start filling out their application. Leave this field blank to have the system calculate the estimate time by using an advanced algorithm based on the number and type of questions and widgets in the application. You can also enter your own estimate manually, should you prefer that method.

  • The Review page is where the candidate can edit and review their responses before submitting their application. There is no configuration that is needed on this page.

  • The Application Complete page:

    • Is the confirmation page that lets the candidates know their application has been successfully submitted.

    • The text on this page can be customized.

    • Select the “show TG HR Status link (“View your status”)” setting if you want your candidates to be able to go directly to the submission check page.

    • Select the “show TG Search link (“Start a new search”)” setting if you want your candidates to be able to return to the Welcome/Search page to start a new job search.

  • Responsive Gateway Questionnaires are limited to one knockout page/message for the entire GQ.

Responsive Gateway Questionnaires Widgets

Widgets within the pages are now all in a single column to accommodate responsive screens of smaller devices without horizontal scrolling. When you add or delete a widget, it now automatically adds or deletes the row. You no longer need to create a row and then the widget and paste widgets before or after the selected widget.

  1. Text Widgets: Text Widget attributes have two attributes, with a single descriptive text box to be used for both single and multiple req applies. The Use as subheading setting allows the text to be used as a subheading, under which any widgets that follow are grouped, until the next subheading text widget or end of page.

  2. Complex Widgets: The following complex widgets can be used in Responsive Apply:

    • Resume upload.

    • Cover letter upload.

    • Education builder.

    • Experience builder.

    • Job-Specific questions.

  3. Question Widgets: Questions can be pulled from the Talent Gateway form or any other candidate form within your system. The classic question widget formatting attributes such as font style and alignment have been removed. The formatting of these fields is handled by the responsive design.

  4. Attachment Widgets: The attachment widget can now be added to the responsive apply gateway questionnaire to allow candidates to upload and attach documents to their application. Only one attachment widget is allowed per page, but you can configure multiple categories within an attachment widget and can have multiple Attachment Widgets per Gateway Questionnaire.

  5. Additional Widget Settings:

    • The scoring, knockout, and branching functions are all configured on the Widget properties page for the Question widgets.

    • The Disable pre-fill setting is hidden for candidate contact field. In classic GQs, you might disable the pre-filling of fields with responses from prior applications for any question widget, including contact fields. In Responsive Apply, you can disable pre-filling for candidate form questions only. This restriction improves the candidate experience by pre-filling more of the candidate’s information from their current application.

Branching Question Rules

  • You can branch only from question to question, you cannot branch to a text widget. However, to display variable text, you can create a label for that text in the candidate form, and branch to that label and the corresponding text.

  • Branching must be linear. You cannot branch to a widget that precedes the question widget in the widget order. Thus, if you select the first widget on the page, you can choose to branch to any of the following fields on the page. If you select the last widget on the page, no fields are available to branch to.

  • A child field cannot be reused on the same page as the branched-to field is being used on the page already for a different widget.

  • You can branch across forms, as long as the fields are pulled on to one GQ page.

  • Classic GQ page-level branching is not inherited when you create a responsive GQ. Branching must be reconfigured.

  • To remove branches, select the X in the branch label tag.