Req Codes
  • 01 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Req Codes

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Article summary


Product: Infinite BrassRing

Manage Codes

  • Infinite BrassRing has three default code types in the system: Job code, Job Req ID (job code), and Source code. Your organization may have additional code types by which codes are grouped, such as Division code, Business Unit code, or Agency code.

  • Once a code is assigned to a candidate, it becomes a unique identifier that allows BrassRing users to recognize and identify specific information pertaining to that candidate’s resume or CV submission.

  • All codes belong to one of several overall categories, also known as code types.

  • During the implementation of Infinite BrassRing, your company decided on the code types that best meet the needs of its users and management. Your certified Workbench Administrator will be responsible for adding and changing code types after implementation is complete and your company is live on BrassRing on Cloud.

  • Keep in mind that each code type has its own set of functionality. For example, job codes supply default job data for requisitions, such as the job description. Source codes identify the source that generated the resume or CV for your company, such as a job board or a newspaper.


Adding Req Codes

Req codes are automatically created in Infinite BrassRing whenever a req is added. Infinite BrassRing will automatically populate the req code table with either your company’s specific Req ID (such as the req code from your HRIS system) or the Infinite BrassRing-generated req code (ex. 1234BR).

Best practice is to NOT add, edit, or deactivate Req Codes.