Resume Security Access Groups
  • 01 Mar 2024
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Resume Security Access Groups

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Article summary


Product: Workbench

Resume Security Access Groups

Resume or CV security access groups help your organization limit access to resumes or CVs by using a special code type that is designated to act as the security code. Each security code is associated with a user group to allow specific access to candidates by security code. Users that are in the group can search for secure resumes by using the Quick Search.

Process Overview

  1. Enable the Client Settings.

  2. Create the Resume Security code.

  3. Configure the users that can access the resume or CV with the code.

  4. Add the defined code in [automatically pass] section of the talent gateway. When the candidate applies through this talent gateway, it automatically adds that code to the candidate's resume.


Enable Client Settings

To enable client settings, contact your Infinite Representative. Two client settings must be enabled for Resume Security Access Groups.

  1. Select Yes for the [Session.CodeSecurity] client setting.

  2. Enter ResumeSecurity into the [CTIDSecurity] client setting.

Create the Resume Security code

  1. Select Tools → Settings → Code Types.

  2. Select Add new code type.

  3. Enter ResumeSecurity in the [Code] field, and Resume Security in the [Description] field.

  4. Select Save.

  5. Select Administer Code List.

  6. Select Add new code.

  7. Select Define Codes and Description, and select the user group to have access in the [User group with access] field.

  8. Select Save.

Configure the users that can access the resume or CV with the code.

User types with the Search User Privileges → Security access groups override privilege have access to all secure resumes. For more information, see User Type Management. To configure users

  1. In Workbench, select Tools → Users → Resume security access groups.

  2. Select Add new group.

  3. Enter a group name and select List in the [Select codes] field.

  4. Select the Code, and select the Add arrow.

  5. Select Submit.

  6. Select Manage Users to see the list of users in that group.

  7. Select the Secure Resume group in the [User Groups] field for users. For more information, see BrassRing User Management.

Add the code to the Talent Gateway

  1. Select Tools → Talent Gateways.

  2. Select the Edit pencil icon for the Talent Gateway to have Resume Security.

  3. Select Resume Security in the [Codes - automatically pass on submission] field.

  4. Select Save.

  5. Select Synchronize changes with Talent gateway.

  6. After a candidate applies for a job on the Talent Gateway, the Resume Security code is added to the [Resume/CV] section.