Reviewing Correspondence Log (Email)
  • 27 Feb 2024
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Reviewing Correspondence Log (Email)

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Article summary


You can review the correspondence log (email) associated with each hire. You cannot change anything in the email.

  1. Access a hire profile page, and select the Correspondence menu link.

  2. On the Correspondence Log page, review each email. For each one, there is an email description, along with the date/time sent.

  3. To view the actual email, select it.

    You can:

    • View all communication detail associated to a new hire (before resending it). This includes all emails sent from Onboard and Onboard-related Gatekeeper communications.

    • See the exact details regarding the communication (including the body, From, To, CC, Subject, Time and Date stamp).

    • Resend any email within the log, even if the email was previously successfully sent.

    Table 23. Correspondence Log Fields



    Email Description

    Email subject line. Long descriptions are truncated, but the entire subject line displays when the mouse moves over it. A View Dashboard link displays the application home page. The items in the Email Description column are links.

    Date Sent

    Date and time the email was sent.