Reviewing W-4 and State Tax PDFs (Onboarding Manager)
  • 27 Feb 2024
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Reviewing W-4 and State Tax PDFs (Onboarding Manager)

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Article summary


Onboarding managers (using Onboard Manager) review the new hire's completed/signed/submitted Form W-4 PDF and state/local tax form PDFs.

This is not a task on the My Tasks page. Instead, the onboarding manager goes to a hire profile page and selects Documents from the menu. On the resulting Documents page, the onboarding manager selects the pointer by a Form W-4 PDF or a state/local PDF, and from the resulting menu, selects View Document to open a PDF.

Documents menu - Hire Profile Page

The onboarding manager, on the Documents page, could also select New Hire Packet. This creates a PDF that contains every PDF completed by the hire. Then the onboarding manager selects the pointer by New Hire Packet, and from the resulting menu, selects Print Hire Packet (PDF) or Download Hire packet (PDF).

new hire packet

If there is a discrepancy that needs correction, the onboarding manager could create a new job for the hire, which would allow the hire to use Onboard to repeat all onboarding tasks (including W-4 and state activities). Note: There is no standalone W-4 activity, so there is no way to just have a hire redo the Onboarding US W4 task.