Running the All Mailings report in Acoustic Campaign
  • 26 Feb 2024
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Running the All Mailings report in Acoustic Campaign

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Product: Acoustic Campaign

Running the All Mailings report in Acoustic Campaign

The All mailings report describes all the communications that have been sent from Acoustic Campaign including the sender and any tracking details, for a set date period.

You must have Org Admin access to run the All Mailings report in Acoustic Campaign.


  1. Select Menu → Settings → Activity Reports → Mailing Report.

  2. Select the start and end date for the report.

  3. Select Execute Report.

  4. The report opens, detailing the Mailing name, subject, the number of contacts, the user who sent the mailing, the date, and any tracking details.

  5. Select the download icon to export a .CSV version of the report.