Russian Data Protection Law BrassRing Set-Up
  • 06 Mar 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Russian Data Protection Law BrassRing Set-Up

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Article summary


Product: BrassRing and Infinite BrassRing.


Legislation within Russian Federal law requires companies to store personal data of Russian citizens in databases in Russia. Because of this, companies that use BrassRing for candidates applying must integrate with a vendor to store personal data. Candidates cannot update their personal details within the BrassRing Talent Gateways. Any updates need to be made by using the database provider’s solution. This document describes the process to integrate with Infinite's Buisness Partner, Avnet (Techdata).

Work with your internal legal team to review Russian legal requirements to determine your business needs and how to meet those requirements.

Process Flow


Solution Details

  • AVNET has databases based within Russia.

  • Candidates are redirected to AVNET during the BrassRing application process.

  • Various personal details are collected.

  • Integration between AVNET and BrassRing to send candidates and data back into BrassRing against the correct requisition they applied to, uses the BrassRing mapping tool.

  • Available in English and Russian.

There are several key steps to solution and optional extras to bring the most out of the solution.

  1. The candidate applies by using a BrassRing Talent Gateway as they would any other job.

  2. When they reach the gateway questionnaire, they are asked to confirm if they are a Russian citizen or not. The configuration of this question is done by building Text and branching into the Gateway Questionnaire by the Workbench admin.

  3. If they confirm to be a Russian citizen then they are asked to complete their application within the AVNET solution instead of within BrassRing. This is completed by using a redirect link in the questionnaire that is generated with the correct requisition ID for the job they are applying to.

  4. The candidate completes their details within AVNET and submits within the AVNET solution. These are the candidates personal details only (AVNET to discuss these further).

  5. After the candidate is submitted, they are then be imported into BrassRing against the requisition they applied to allowing them to be managed as normal.

  6. Optionally, the application questions that they would have been asked can be sent automatically to those candidates who have landed in the system from AVNET.

Solution Options

  1. Separate the Russian Talent Gateway from the Global Talent Gateway to have a stand-alone Russian Talent Gateway. Alternatively create a [Russian Global Talent Gateway] with Russian and English language, and enable the Disable Sign-In feature for this Russia Talent Gateway.

    • Post all jobs in Russia to the new Global Russian Talent Gateway with a new Gateway Questionnaire containing the branching question to redirect all candidates coming through the Russian Talent Gateway to the partner website.

    • Pros:

      • There is no way for candidates applying to Russian jobs to create a Talent Gateway profile and store any data outside of Russia.

      • This maintains all Talent Gateway functions for all candidates who are not applying to Russian jobs.

    • Cons:

      • The Russian career website might have update the search function to query the new Russia Global Talent Gateway by using a Talent Gateway API.

      • Global Talent Gateways are duplicated (one Russian with Russia and English, one for Rest of World).

      • Russian candidates that apply to jobs outside of Russian territory need to go to a different client website to find jobs, with their personal data stored in US data center.

      • Non-Russian candidates wanting to apply to Russian jobs need to go through the client’s Russian website.

  2. Duplicate the entire global Talent Gateway, including all languages, just for Russia and enable the Disable Sign-In function for this new global Talent Gateway only. The candidates access the job search page on the country-specific client websites, and the client might redirect the Russian candidate based on IP address to the new job search pages for Russia or asking the candidate the question. The job results found on this cloned page for Russian candidates are on the new Russian Global Talent Gateway with no profile creation.

    • Pros:

      • There is no way for Russian candidates who are in Russia when applying to create a profile and store any data outside of Russia.

      • This maintains the Talent Gateway and candidate portal functions for all other candidates outside of Russia.

    • Cons:

      • The organization must clone all job search websites, create new job search APIs to query the Russian Talent Gateways and applying either a question or IP Filtering.

      • There is a heavier deployment as the Global Talent Gateways must be duplicated.

Redirection URL

The candidate needs to select a URL to be redirected to ADPR. As part of this URL, a merge token needs to be hardcoded to include the req ID, for example: [https://Avnet/adpr-ikea/step-1-Registration.htm/17BR]

To achieve this, a text widget on the Gateway Questionnaire needs to be configured. Insert the URL and then add the req token, for example: [https://Avnet/adpr-ikea/step-1-Registration.htm/[Requisition ID]]

Connect with Avnet to get the current link that should be used redirecting candidates.

Candidate Import into BrassRing

Upon receiving the submission of the candidate data into ADPR, Avnet exports the data into the BrassRing instance of the client by using the Infinite Talent standard Candidate Import API.

Avnet sends BrassRing all Personal Information and ReqID for the candidate. Upon receiving the candidate data, BrassRing sends two responses back to Avnet:

  1. Confirmation of success.

  2. Response with a unique ID (ResumeID) for the candidate.

Any updates that are made by the candidate on their profile in ADPR are sent to BrassRing by using the same integration but include the ResumeID and no ReqID.

Integration Configuration Steps:

Integrations (

Example Steps to Implement

  1. Review the Gateway Questionnaires and Talent Gateways.

  2. Determine the wording for the new Gateway Questionnaire question, and the wording for the new pages on the Gateway Questionnaires. The Workbench admin must add the field to the form that houses the Gateway Questionnaire questions.

  3. Update the Gateway Questionnaires on Staging with the new questions and pages.

  4. Create new global Talent Gateways and Talent Gateways including updating the policy and restricting elements on the Talent Gateways.

  5. Update the system elements with the Org groups to restrict access to the new Gateway Questionnaires and Talent Gateways.

  6. Create a Gateway Questionnaire question form for Russian candidates.

  7. Create automation for the Russian candidates to be sent the form (optional).

  8. Implement integration with AVNET by using the mapping tool.

  9. Test the process within staging.

  10. Sign off on staging.

  11. Move all changes to Production and go-live.

Additional Notes

  • Alongside the BrassRing changes, website changes need to be made on your organization’s side in order to correctly send candidates to the correct Talent Gateways. This is required where Russian jobs are posted on a separate global Talent Gateway to the rest of the world.

  • AVNET have implementation tasks and AVNET cover this during discussions with the client.

  • Candidates must only apply to one job at a time.

  • There is no account creation (not able to log in to the talent gateways).

  • Only Russian and English.

  • All jobs in Russia must only be posted to these Talent Gateways.

  • If Russian career sites use APIs to call to talent gateway to pull job details, then these might need to be redone.