Security (Challenge) Questions
  • 22 Feb 2024
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Security (Challenge) Questions

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Article summary


Security questions are configured through the Password Policy Settings and if enabled are an added level of verification used in the Forgot Password workflow.

The settings in the Password Policy that are relevant to Security Questions are:

  • cqEnabled

  • requiredNumCQ

  • requiredNumCQResp

Security Question Validation Setup


This section describes security question validation setup for the Infinite BrassRing Platform and how a user can update their security questions.

  1. Log on to the Infinite BrassRing Platform.

  2. Select the Users menu.

  3. Select Security Settings to open the Security Settings page.

  4. Navigate to the Challenge Questions section and select Edit to expand the Challenge Questions section.

    Figure 110. Security Settings - Challenge Questions Edit link

    Security Settings - Challenge Questions Edit link

    Figure 111. Security Settings / Challenge Questions

    Security Settings / Challenge Questions


    Security challenge questions are configured/enabled/disabled through the Password Policy Settings. (If enabled, they are an added level of verification used in the Forgot Password workflow.) Refer to the How to Configure Password Policy Settings section of the Infinite BrassRing Platform Administration Configuration chapter for Password Policy Settings steps.


    Users will only be able to view their existing questions, not their answers.

    Users must update all questions at once. A user cannot choose to update just one question out of the group.


    The system verifies that the supplied answer does not match the question. This prevents the user from simply re-stating the question as the answer.



    The Infinite BrassRing Platform provides a set of security questions for the customer to utilize.

    The customer can also create additional security questions.

    The list of provided Security Questions is as follows:

    • In what city or town did your mother and father meet?

    • What is the name of a college you applied to but didn't attend?

    • What is your oldest cousin's first and last name?

    • In what city or town was your first job?

    • What is the name of the place your wedding reception was held?

    • Where were you when you had your first kiss?

    • What is the first name of the boy or girl that you first kissed?

    • In what city did you meet your spouse/significant other?

    • What is the name of your favorite childhood friend?

    • What was your childhood nickname?

    • What street did you live on as a child?

    • What is your best friend's birthday month and year? (for example, January 1900)

    • What was the name of your favorite pet?

    • What is your favorite sports team?

    • What was the name of your favorite childhood toy?

    • What was the last name of your favorite teacher?

    • In what city does your nearest sibling live?

    • What is your oldest brother’s birthday month and year? (for example, January 1900)

    • What is your maternal grandmother's maiden name?