Send a job to candidate
  • 29 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Send a job to candidate

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Article summary


Product: Agency Manager

Send a job to candidate

  • A maximum of 20 jobs can be sent to a candidate at one time.

  • The "From" address in the email appears to the candidate as [email protected].

  • The subject line of the email is automatically appended with your name.

  • The recipient is notified that they need to reply to the email address, or addressees that are entered in the Sender's email address field.


Send a Job to a Candidate.

  1. In the Job search results or the View jobs, check one or more jobs and click Send to a candidate, or when viewing a single job, select Send to a candidate.

  2. The Send to a candidate window opens.

    • The Sender's email is auto-populated with your email address. The email address can be edited as required.

    • Enter the email of the candidate you are sending the job to. Separate multiple email addresses by a comma or semi-colon.

    • Enter an email Subject.

    • The Message Field is populated with the details of the jobs. If sending multiple jobs, each job is separated by a line. Edit the text in the Message field as required.

    • By default, the CC sender's email address field is checked. If you do not want to receive a copy of this email, uncheck the box.

  3. Select Send email to send the email, or Cancel to cancel.

  4. Select OK.

The Send to Candiate window