Send Candidates to Event Batches by using a Rules Automation Manager (RAM) Trigger
  • 22 Apr 2024
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Send Candidates to Event Batches by using a Rules Automation Manager (RAM) Trigger

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Product: Event Manager

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Send Candidates to Event Batches by using a RAM Trigger

In BrassRing when a candidate HR status is selected the Candidate is sent to Event Manager, assigned to an event batch, and sent a registration email. Event Batches must be created in Event Manager, and the Event Batch field must be added to a Req form, before creating the RAM trigger.

  1. To create the RAM trigger, in Workbench select Tools → Automation Manager → Admin.

  2. Select Add new trigger.

  3. Enter the Trigger name, and select RAM Trigger.

  4. Check I agree.

  5. Select Save and continue.

  6. Name the trigger, and set the Triggering Mechanism to HR status.

  7. Select List.

  8. Select the HR status that sends the candidate to the event batch, and select Add.

  9. Select Submit.

  10. Select the Delay, and the context.

  11. Select Add Rule.

  12. Enter the Rule Name, and select Save & Continue.

  13. It is recommended to create one condition that ensures there is an Event Batch that is connected to the Req, before adding the candidate to Event Manager.

  14. Set the category to Req form fields.

  15. Select Name → List.

  16. Select the Req with the Event Batch field.

  17. Select Submit.

  18. Select Field → List.

  19. Select Event Manager Event Batches, and select Add.

  20. Select Submit.

  21. Set the Operation to Not Blank.

  22. Select Actions.

  23. Select Actions → Call Event Batch.

  24. Select Save.

  25. Select Save.

  26. Select the RAM trigger, and select Activate trigger.

  27. The RAM trigger now sends a candidate to the Event Batch selected on the requisition in Event Manager when they are assigned that HR status in BrassRing.