Session Expiry Warning Message Configuration
  • 01 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Session Expiry Warning Message Configuration

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Article summary


Product: Workbench

Session Expiry

  • Only Workbench Admins can complete this process.

  • You can add customized text to the session expiration pop-up window that indicates an impending timeout. If a session expires due to inactivity, users see the session expiry warning with the appropriate custom instruction text. When they select OK for the warning, they are redirected to their point of entry. For multi-language sites, instructions display by default in the user’s login language. If that is not available, instructions display in your organization’s base language. If the base language cannot be determined, then no instructions are displayed. Both are for system users and users logging in via normal login.


For clients allowing access to BrassRing by using the usual BrassRing login page and by using a link on an authenticated Portal site configured with Single Sign-On (SSO), Infinite must configure the custom login for your organization before you make these customizations.

Edit Session Expiry Warning Message

  1. Select Tools → Settings → Instructions → Session expiry instructions.

  2. Enter custom instructions for the types of login that your organization uses. You can enter up to 4,000 characters (including HTML tags).

  3. Select Preview to see how the message will look to your BrassRing users.

  4. Any configured text, is appended to the existing standard text when the session expiration warning pops up.

  5. Select Save.