Setting Default Search and Output Fields
  • 01 Mar 2024
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Setting Default Search and Output Fields

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Product: Workbench

Setting Default Search and Output Fields

You can provide your new users with a head start in BrassRing by setting up system defaults for Search and Output fields. There might be specific search fields that play a key role in your process for finding qualified candidates.

Setting default search fields enables your new users to immediately take advantage of the fields you have selected. Accompanied with context-sensitive help on the Search page, your users can be up and running in no time.

  • To select multiple criteria at one time, hold down the Ctrl key while making selections.

  • Default search and output fields only apply to new users as they are added to the system.

Setting default output fields enables your new users to quickly sort through their search results and identify candidate information that your company finds valuable.


Setting Default Search Fields

  1. Select Tools → Settings → Fields → Search Fields.

  2. In the Available fields window, highlight a field to add to the Search criteria.

  3. Select Add. The field moves to the left or right column, depending on which side of the screen you have indicated.

  4. To remove a Search field, select the field from the right or left column, and select Remove.

  5. To reorder fields, select a field and select Move Up or Move Down.

  6. Select Save.

Setting Default Output Fields

  1. Select Tools → Settings → Fields → Output fields.

  2. In the Available fields window, select the fields to add to the output criteria.

  3. Select Add to move it to the Default output fields window.

  4. To remove criteria, select the field in the Default output fields window, and select Remove to return them to the Available fields list.

  5. To reorder fields, select a field, and select Move Up or Move Down.

  6. Select Save.