Social Media FAQs
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Social Media FAQs

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Product: Infinite BrassRing

Client Training and Enablement Session

  • Topic: BrassRing Social Media. Date: 16 April , 2019.

BrassRing Social Media Frequently Asked Questions

When I open a case, is there some special wording I need to use to get directly to your team?

Keywords might be Best Practices or Consulting. The GSC will try to assist you if possible, but will also know when it’s appropriate to triage cases to the Talent Product and Training Experts!

Will it append a source code to the posting URL?

Yes, the appropriate source code can be configured in Workbench under Tools → Settings → Social Media Configuration → Administer configuration. Then select the source code in the Source code (Post to Social Networks) field.

When you get to this topic...[Client Name] has the resume import complex-widget on some of our Gateway Questionnaires (restaurant managers, and support center positions)...So, the Candidate Profile section has "candidate information" page (with IMPORT PROFILE) and then the "upload your resume/cv" there a better way to do this? It seems a bit confusing.

Yes! Have that import profile on the candidate contact page. We recommend the resume upload widget appears on a page AFTER that. Include a text widget on the contact info page giving some instruction. We recommend adding the following text to the top of your candidate contact page: You can use the above <b>"Import Profile"</b> button to create a profile and pre-fill the fields below. You can use one of your social network profiles, or upload a resume/CV. Please review and correct this information, if necessary.<br>Alternatively, you can simply enter the information directly into the fields below.

Why isn’t the look for the LinkedIn posting the same as the FB and Twitter posting

Because they are different social media sites, we only have a certain amount of control over how we can work with each social media org.

Is there a way to have your company logo appear on these postings?

Logos can typically be added when creating an APP/API within LinkedIn or Facebook’s site. I don’t believe Twitter allows for a logo but that can be reviewed in the Twitter UI.

Can you simply choose all "Internal" candidate types somewhere, if you want to send to employees?

Not at this time, however you can run a DIT report, pull all internal candidates and their email addresses, and then copy/paste those email addresses into the BrassRing page.

Can the email template be customized with images/logos/headers?


Can that source link be reported on in the DIT?


What would you say is the key difference between this and the social referral functions?

The recruiter referral email is triggered and sent out by the recruiter. SR functions is triggered by an internal team member (employee).

Does it update Candidate Type = Referral?

It does not, because technically the candidate is coming through an external TG. (Further testing will be done on this.)

Is it necessary to have Social Referral turned on and enabled to use this function?

No, you do not need to have Social Referral turned on to use Recruiter Referral.

When did Google get added?

Google Drive (and login) was added in May of 2018. The Release notes can be found on the Knowledge Center.

Does the 'Forgot Password' direct them to their social media?

No, it does not. The candidate will see a message saying they do not have a username in the system. The candidate should then try to log in using the social media icons. If they have trouble logging in they should try to reset their password on the Social Media site.

As a system admin, you can see if a candidate has used their Social Media network by navigating to the Talent Record > Talent Gateway User Names section. If you see a long string of characters in the username, that means the candidate used a social media account to log in but you cannot see the name of the account used.

I May not know this offhand -- do you have many clients using social login? Any regulated clients?

Yes, a lot of our customers use social login! For additional context, we recommend posting to the BrassRing Discussions forum.

Where do I find info about setting up candidate login with social media?

This is a Talent Gateway setting, Social Media Integration, Enable Login. Click here for more info!

Any plan to add better instructions on the forgot password page if their username is not recognized, directing them to use their social media credentials?

This is not planned at this time but we will take this feedback back to Offering Management.

Is there a username indicator of which social media or are all the same?

No, but you can tell that the candidate used social media by noting the jumbled characters in the Talent Gateway User Names section of the Talent Record.

If they log in/apply using Social Media, how does it affect logging into Onboard once hired?

The New Hire Portal is currently a different login from the Talent Gateway.

Can the resume-upload complex-widget be on the same page with attachments complex-widget?

Yes, this can be configured.

To clarify - Will the LinkedIn Profile Builder be replaced with the Apply with LinkedIn functions following the Prod release this week? Currently, on our gateways candidates who want to create new TG profiles can import from LinkedIn

It’s not a replacement of the functions. LinkedIn changed how their API works; so the previous functions would pull in info from LinkedIn. The Apply with LinkedIn functions will be on the Job Details Page if configured.

Where can we find a list of [tags] for use in those default messages?

The tags available will show up in that default text.

In the Facebook API, can you decide to send candidates directly to the application page only (and not to the job details page)? The reason why I am asking is that we have built our own job search page and Don't want to send candidates to the Talent Gateway Job details page.

From the Social Media functions, there is no way to bypass the actual job details page from the social media configuration set up. However, you can turn on the ability to skip the job details page when the candidate is coming from an external site. This is a Talent Gateway Setting. “Go directly to login page from external URLs”

This question is a little different, we run Facebook campaigns and have tried to put a tracking pixel on the Confirmation page of the Gateway Questionnaire, but it's not working perfectly, so wondering if others have done this successfully?

We recommend putting this out on the BrassRing Discussions forum!