Starting the Onboarding Process
  • 27 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Starting the Onboarding Process

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Article summary


For each hire, after you verify the import data, you can start their onboarding process. This will send the hire an automated welcome letter (via email).

  1. Select the Initiate Start button.

  2. The system sends the hire an automated welcome letter (an email).

    Table 14. Onboarding Start Fields



    If No Email for Hire... Check Box

    Used if there is no email address for the hire. The hire must be contacted via alternate methods. Select the If No Email for Hire... check box if there is no email address for the hire. The hire must be contacted via alternate methods.

    Due Date

    Date of onboarding start for hire.

    Activity Due Date

    Date activity is due. In Onboard, an activity is associated with enabling calendaring settings (enables time and progression functions).

    Initiate Start Button

    Sends the hire an automated welcome letter (an email).

    Save and Finish Later

    Allows you to save your information and finish the task later.