Submitting to E-Verify
  • 27 Feb 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Submitting to E-Verify

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Article summary


E-Verify is a voluntary automated United States federal program that onboarding managers use to verify their new hires and/or existing hires' eligibility to work in the United States.

E-Verify is a US-only task.

Employers who choose to utilize e-Verify provide the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with information from each new hire's I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification) form to confirm work authorization. This information is compared to data in US government records.

Consult the US Citizenship and Immigration Services website for information about:

  • E-Verify Handbook (Employment Eligibility Verification Form), M-274

  • E-Verify Employer Agent Reference Guide, M-776

  • Form I-9

Refer to the [Form I-9 and E-Verify Guide] for more information about E-Verify.

  1. On the My Tasks page of Onboard Manager, select the E-Verify task. An Initiate Employment Verification page displays that shows fields automatically populated from the new hire's Form I-9 Section 1 information. Note: If the case is not opened within 3 days (72 hours) of the new hire's employment start date, a reason is needed. In cases where the hire did not have a social security number at the start date, the reason is: Awaiting Social Security Number.

  2. Review the hire's Form I-9 information on the Initiate Employment Verification page.

    • If there is a discrepancy with the hire's Form I-9, select the Reopen I-9 option.

    • If there is no discrepancy with the hire's Form I-9 information, select the Initiate E-Verify option.

  3. Once a case is submitted to E-Verify, E-Verify compares the hire's Form I-9 with SSA (Social Security Administration) and DHS (Department of Homeland Security) databases and provides a case result within seconds (though some results may require additional action). The case result wanted is: Employment Authorized (the hire is authorized to work).

  4. If there are issues, an interim E-Verify case result is returned:

    • DHS or SSA Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC). Information doesn't match DHS or SSA records. Additional action is required from the onboarding manager.

    • DHS or SSA Case in Continuance. Hire visited an SSA field office or contacted DHS, but more time is needed.

    • DHS Verification in Progress. Case is referred to DHS for further investigations. No action is required at this time. DHS usually responds within 24 hours, although some responses may take up to 3 federal government workdays. Check daily for a response.

    • Review and Update Employee Data. Review, update, and resubmit the hire's Form I-9 information.

  5. Sometimes clarifying information is included in the E-Verify case result that indicates the problem area. For example:

    • Non US Citizen

    • Missing DMV Number

  6. An E-Verify case result called Photo Verification prompts you to compare a hire's photo ID with a photo returned from DHS, and to indicate whether or not the photo matches the new hire.

  7. Every case must reach a final case result before you can close it. Final E-Verify case results are:

    • Employment Authorized. The hire is authorized to work.

    • DHS or SSA Final Nonconfirmation. E-Verify could not verify a hire's employment eligibility after the hire visited SSA or contacted DHS.

    • DHS No Show. The hire did not contact DHS within the required 8 federal government workdays.

    • Error: Close Case and Resubmit. Case cannot continue because the expiration date entered for the hire's U.S. passport, U.S. Passport Car, or driver's license is incorrect. Resubmit the case to E-Verify.

  8. Once a final E-Verify case result is received, close the case.

    • From an Employment Authorized page, select the Close Case button.

    • From other pages, select a Close Case option, then answering two questions: Is the hire currently employed with the company? and What is the close case reason?

  9. All E-Verify information is reportable as a part of reporting. To access reports, select the Report menu item in the navigation menu. Note: The Report menu item is only present if you are authorized to access standalone Onboard (and its reporting capabilities).