Talent Discovery
  • 26 Feb 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Talent Discovery

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Article summary


Talent Discovery

Talent Discovery and Match Scores

  • Talent Discovery for Lead Manager is a capability in Lead Manager that adds a Match Score value to each lead in a campaign.

  • The Match Score uses a Watson cognitive analysis to compare the leads’ profile to the campaigns’ required, preferred, and soft skills, and output a score value for this analysis.

  • The Match Score is a guide value to help identify the leads that are most likely to succeed in a campaign. The more skills a lead profile has in common with the campaign, the more qualified the lead is considered, and the higher the score value.

  • When a lead is added to the campaign, their Match Score is automatically calculated.

  • Sourcers can leverage the Talent Discovery Score that is displayed to inform their next action in prioritizing the review of lead profiles for suitability.

  • For Talent Discovery scores to appear for a campaign, the campaign must be created from a BrassRing req. For more information on creating a campaign from a req, see Create a Campaign from a BrassRing Requisition.


If you do not see a Match Score in the lead grid, your organization might not have purchased Talent Discovery for Lead Manager, or your campaign grids might need to be configured to show it.



1. Configure Lead Grid to display the Match Score

To view the Match Score on the lead grid, the lead grid must be configured to display the match score column. For more information, see Configure The Lead Display. It is recommended to configure the column to display after the lead name for optimal user experience.

2. Create a Campaign for Talent Discovery:
  1. Create or select a BrassRing req to create the Lead Manager campaign from. Ensure that the job description is well constructed as Match Scores depend on the job description. For more information on creating a req in BrassRing, see Add or Edit a Req.

  2. Create a campaign from the BrassRing req. For more information, see Create a Campaign from a BrassRing Requisition.

  3. Add Leads to the Campaign. For more information, see Adding Leads to a Campaign. For best practice and use cases for managing leads, see Managing Leads Best Practices.

3. View the Match Score details:
  1. To view the Match Score details, select the Match Score value for the lead.


  2. The Match Score window opens which details the skills that are required for the campaign.

    • There are three types of match, Direct Match, Related Match and No Match.

    • If a lead profile contains that skill there is a Direct Match, and if a lead profile has a skill that the Watson analysis has determined is related to the skill in the campaign, there is a Related Match.

    • If there are more skills for the campaign than are shown in the Match Score window, select View all to see the full list of skills.


  • Issue: A lead has no score.

    • Possible reason: Insufficient data available in the lead profile to score them.

    • Recommended Action: Work with the lead to gather more details for their profile to give Talent Discovery more information to score from. For information on sending communications to a lead in Lead Manager, see Sending Communications from Lead Manager.

  • Issue: All Match Scores are low.

    • Possible Reason: Badly constructed job description.

    • Recommended Action: Review the quality of the Job Description and evaluate how well a set of leads compare with the requirements. Refine the Job Description as necessary to represent the must have or desired skills, or to open the aperture on acceptable qualifications.

  • Issue: My Campaign isn’t showing Match Scores even though my organization has Talent Discovery.

    • Possible Reason: The campaign was created in Lead Manager and not from a BrassRing req.

    • Recommended Action: Create the BrassRing requisition and follow the process to send it to a Lead Manager campaign. Then add the leads to this new campaign to see a Match Score.