Talent Records
  • 06 Mar 2024
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Talent Records

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Article summary

Select the Candidate's name to access the Talent Record from any list of candidates.

  1. The Actions menu takes actions on Candidate. Select the down arrow ( image26.jpg) to expand the Actions menu.

  2. Select the Next Page icons ( image27.jpg) to move to the next page in the top ribbon.

  3. The Profile section provides access to Candidate Contact Details, Resume, Cover letter, Work Experience, Education, and Submission History. image28.jpg

  4. The Activity section includes:

    1. Action Log – any action taken on candidate

    2. Job response – Resume or CV and application information. Only available in view mode. Actions cannot be taken from this menu.

    3. Forms – any Candidate form completed

    4. Attachments – any attachments uploaded

    5. Notes – any notes added

    6. HR Status – any HR Status assigned

    7. Communication – any communication sent

    8. eLinks – any elinks sent. Only available in view mode. Actions cannot be taken from this menu.

  5. The Filter section can filter the list by:

    1. This folder – Actions taken on the current req in which you are working.

    2. My Reqs – Actions that are taken in reqs you are associated with.

    3. My Actions – Only actions you took.

  6. Use the Search bar to search for specific actions.