Task Status
  • 26 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Task Status

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Article summary


Status fields/icons indicate the state of a specific task.

Generally speaking, a task's status will follow the following workflow: Pending >In Progress>Completed. It is possible that Overdue could be the first task.

  • Pending. Task, or tasks if they are concurrent on the same workflow step or is an ad hoc task, that can be acted upon. This task can be optional. It may be dependent on other tasks in the workflow (driven by a condition set on another task).

  • In Progress. Task can be acted upon and has had information saved to it, but is not yet completed. Save and Finish Later link was selected.

  • Overdue. Task is past the due date. This may trigger an onboarding manager to send you a reminder/escalation email.

  • Completed. Task is completed. Submit/Completed button was selected.

  • Opted Out. Hire chose to opt-out of doing a task, such as filling out an optional state form. Opt-Out button was selected.