The Metrics Dashboard FAQs
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The Metrics Dashboard FAQs

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Article summary


Product: BrassRing

Client Training and Enablement Sessions

  • Topic: BrassRing Metrics Panel. Date: January 15th, 2019.

  • Topic: BrassRing Metrics Dashboard – User Experience. Date: December 18th, 2018.

  • Topic: BrassRing Metrics Dashboard User Experience and Admin Functionality. Date: January 17th, 2019.

  • Topic: BrassRing Metrics Dashboard Admin Functionality. Date: January 16th, 2019.

BrassRing Metrics Panel Frequently Asked Questions

Where in workbench do I find the settings for dashboard?

The Metrics dashboard was made available to be enabled on Monday, Jan 21st 2019. There are 3 user type settings that determine the access level. Configuration details can be found on the Knowledge Center.

Can we report on reqs assigned to agency? and candidates submitted and hired by agency? As RPO we track and monitor % of reqs assigned to agency and % filled by agency vs RPO. This will be helpful.

You can create a visualization that shows that a req is posted to your Agency Manager but it does not currently allow you to get as granular as seeing which agency/contact is it posted to. I would highly suggest an RFE as I see value in adding the ability to report on it. Yes, you can build visualizations pulling in/filtering on candidate type (agency) and review hired statistics for those candidates.

Is there a list available that can provide the best practices/visualizations to help us get started?

We have 4 standard visualizations that will be available to you when you access the Metrics Dashboard. (Total candidates by req, Total reqs by status, Total submissions by date applied, and Total leads by source (for clients with Lead Manager)) We also have a number of example visualizations in the Example Visualizations.

How much time have each of you spent building the reports and getting the tool setup the way you would like? How many templates have you built in that time?

Recommendation given on the call to review the recordings on the Knowledge Center as it saves a lot of time in understanding how to create visualizations. Once you understand how to create them its very easy and you see the results of your edits real-time. The number of visualizations created ranged from 12-30+. It’s so easy and very addictive!

Where does the Metrics Dashboard show up for users? Is it up front and center as a tab on the home screen or somewhere else?

Once the user type setting(s) are turned on the Metrics Dashboard is a tab/link that will show on the homepage of the Responsive UI.

Assuming the Workbench Admin turns the functionality on, would someone without Workbench access or training be able to set up the templates?

Yes - the WB admin will turn on the user type setting(s) and they determine which user types have the admin privilege. The users within that user type will all have the ability to create visualization templates for others.

We continually have DIT issues where multiple rows populate for applicants when you are trying to pull information (or we have a lot of copied/duplicate candidates) does the metrics help remove those issues?

This is a hard question to answer without knowing more about what you’re attempting to pull into the reports and the criteria of your report. I would recommend creating a visualization that mimics the DIT report you have issues with and check your results. If you are not getting the results you’re looking for please report it to our Global Support Center so we can look into it further for you.

Is there any functionality that was available in the DIT that is not available in the metrics dashboard that you wish was still available?

The DIT is not going away. The DIT will still be available. The Metrics Dashboard is an additional tool your organization can use to create those visual representations of your data.

If I make certain fields available to use on the tool, will it mean that the users can then select those fields in BrassRing? There are some things we wanted to use in the reports but don’t want recruiters to pull.

You can make the field searchable and outputable to pull it into the Metrics Dashboard. The Metrics Dashboard takes into consideration the field/form level permissions. So if your recruiters don’t have access to view that data they will not be able to see the data in the Metrics Dashboard.

Can the data behind the dashboard reports be exported in excel from the dashboard itself?

You can export all visualizations to PDF. The Grid chart type is the only visualization that you can export to excel. These export options doesn’t necessarily export out the ‘data behind the scenes’, rather, it exports out what you see in the visualization. Depending on the data you want to get to, you may be able to build your visualization to give you specifics around req # or candidate name if you build in additional levels.

From a system standpoint to report on effectiveness. Wondering if we will have statistics on reports that are run how frequently by whom. To ensure utilization.

Not at this time. This is something we have heard and are considering for a future enhancement.

Isn't there a way to see DIT report usage?

Not at this time.

Do you have the link to the videos?

BrassRing Metrics Dashboard – User Experience

Does the admin need workbench access to access the Metrics Dashboard

You do not need Workbench Access to be an Admin in the Metrics Dashboard. However, your user type must have the user type privilege enabled to be an Admin and that task does require a Workbench admin.

Where is the Metrics Dashboard in BrassRing?

The Metrics Dashboard is be available through a tab on the New UI homepage if your user type has the appropriate privilege to access the Metrics Dashboard.

Is the data real time for the dashboard or is there the delay like with the DIT reports?

The Data Insight Tool (DIT) refreshes on an 8-hour schedule. The Metrics Dashboard does not work off of the same schedule as the DIT. The data within the Metrics Dashboard will refresh hourly. There is a date and time stamp located in the Metrics Dashboard for users to see when the data was last refreshed.

What does persona mean? What is a Persona?

More information about Persona Groups can be found on the Persona Group Management and User Interface Management sections of the Knowledge Center. Workbench Configuration Steps to map personas to your organization’s User Types: Workbench > Tools > Users > User Types > Edit User Type There are 6 standard personas: Administrator, Recruiter, Manager, HR User, Reporting/Analytics, and Default

Is this to say we can limit the scope of metrics to "my reqs" or "my candidates" as opposed to metrics for ALL open reqs visible to a single recruiter?

The Metrics Dashboard respects the user type privileges and ‘my’ relationships. If the user is limited to seeing only their requisitions and not all requisitions, then they will only see data in the visualizations for their reqs.

We have concerns with recruiters being able to see metrics regarding their peers' performance.

Please see the note above. If your recruiters only have access to see their candidates/reqs, then the Metrics Dashboard will respect those privileges and only show data associated to that user. Your organization may also want to consider just allowing recruiters the read-only view into the Metrics Dashboard. With read-only, they won’t be able to create their own visualizations and will only be able to view what the Admins have defined them to see (per their persona).

When referring to "Admin Access" is that referring to Admin as Workbench, or can we assign a "Admin" as the individual who manages reporting?

When we refer to Admin access in the Metrics Dashboard we are talking about the individuals that manage reporting. Your organization can choose which user type is defined as the ‘admin’ for the Metrics Dashboard. The Admin access into the Metrics Dashboard is define by a user type setting. Please refer to the Knowledge Center for details about the user type privileges.

Are the My metrics connected to My req/ Candidates?

Yes, the Metrics Dashboard respects the user type privileges and ‘my’ relationships.

I’ve never heard of personas in KBR / I’m aware of recruiter views / my reqs, my candidates, my tasks. Maybe this is a sys admin term?

If it helps, the way I think of a persona, it is the group that the user type sits within and has a "skeleton" of settings, but the user type is the more defined access for each of those user types within that persona. More information about Persona Groups can be found on the Persona Group Management and User Interface Management sections of the Knowledge Center.

Persona = user type?

No. The BrassRing user home page and now Metrics Dashboard experience is based on persona designation. Each persona dictates which persona library the user has access to. A user has a user type. Your organization’s user types then are mapped to personas. Multiple user types can be mapped to one persona.

Are the personas configurable by us or are they standard?

You can not add personas, they are predefined by WB, however you can configure what user types have what persona and what defaults per persona for the BrassRing Responsive UI. More information about Persona Groups can be found on the Persona Group Management and User Interface Management sections of the Knowledge Center.

Why is it not going into Staging? How do we learn how to use it before enabling it in Production?

The Metrics Dashboard is not available in Staging. With the user permissions you can prevent any users from having access prior to your testing/review. Your Workbench admin can enable the Admin user type permission for your user type and you can get the visualizations set up for each persona prior to granting access to your users. Having production data is valuable in working through the metrics and making the decisions needed.

Why only 1 year of data? We won't be able to year over year review?

Currently only a rolling year of data will be available in the Metrics Dashboard. If you are looking to do large data comparisons we recommend creating data pulls from the DIT.

Will the DIT be refreshed hourly as well?

The metrics dashboard is not built on the DIT. The DIT will remain an 8-hour refresh/transformation.

Will Org Groups be respected as well for the metrics?

Yes, org groups will be respected.

Is this tool similar to Tableau?

The Metrics Dashboard has been built in-house by the Infinite BrassRing team and is used to create visualizations specifically of your BrassRing and Lead Manager data.

Looks very similar to the standard reports.

The Metrics Dashboard goes well beyond our standard reports to offer more visual graphics of your data. It also is much more flexible in creation of the visual data and allows you to share visualizations on the fly with your different persona groups.

The fields need to be set up as searchable and outputable in order to be available to use.

This is correct. In order to report on forms and form fields they must be made searchable and outputtable in Workbench. For example, if you would like to build a visualization for your Administrators that looks at EEO data. Your EEO form, Gender and Race/Ethnicity fields must be made searchable and outputtable in Workbench.

Can you divide by business group/job family?

If business group/job family is a field on your req form or on a candidate form, you can certainly pull that into your visualizations as a filter or field to display data across business groups.

If our Talent Acquisition Managers want to see all reqs or candidate counts can we set them up to see all aggregate like the Admin's will see?

The aggregate numbers take into consideration what reqs/candidates you (as a user) have the ability to see. So if your Talent Acquisition Managers are in a user type that have the ability to see all reqs/candidates then when viewing the visualization the metric will reflect all reqs/candidates.

Are you able to export the data for the visualizations?

You can export visualizations. All visualizations export in a PDF format with the exception of the Table Chart Type. That chart type exports in Excel. If you are looking to get specific data, not just the visualization, we recommend using the Data Insight Tool.

Can multiple filters be configured for the dashboards or is it limited to only one?

Multiple filters can be configured for each visualization and you can drill down into multiple levels.

Can we re-order the HR Status Categories in this visualization manually to be chronological?

We only have the options: Name Ascending, Name Descending, Value Ascending, Value Descending as options. However, you may be able to accomplish this with the Funnel Chart type: A funnel chart displays values as progressively decreasing proportions amounting to 100 percent in total. Sorted by numeric value in descending order. Sort is retained after applying filters as well. One way to get the workflow-based conversion rates is to use the HR Status History filter to include both past AND current statuses.

In following along, I am not finding an "Auto" Req ID, just Req ID.

The Auto Req ID should be under the Requisition Standard fields. You can also switch your category to All and use the search option to find the field. If it is not coming up for you your organization may have changed the label of the field so you will want to review what is it named for your organization and search by that name.

Can the admin define persona based on region or division? For example, recruiters in southeast region?

The personas are defined by the assigned user type, but you can absolutely create a visualization with that filter if there is a field in BrassRing that has that information.

If our Talent Acquisition Managers want to see all reqs or candidate counts can we set them up to see all aggregate like the Admin's will see? Without setting them up as admins.

Yes - you would build the visualization in the Visualization Library and assign it to their persona or create it directly in the Manage Dashboard for their persona. Also, individual users can create their own dashboards should you allow it. We will be covering how Admins can create and assign visualizations to personas during the January 16th session.

Can you send a visualization to a specific user or only a persona as a whole?

Visualizations can only be sent to personas, not individual users at this time.

If I have multiple charts on my dashboard, can we have a global filter that controls all charts?

That’s not currently available but it’s a great idea for an enhancement in the future.

If we have a large number of HR Statuses, will it limit the number that you see if you have the columns divided by the HR Status?

I have not yet seen a limit to the number of HR Statuses it will display however to improve the user experience you may want to add HR Status as a filter and then filter on only the HR Statuses you want the user to focus on. For example, you may not need to see the number of candidates in the disposition statuses.

Can admins report on who subscribed to which visualizations?

Not at this time.

If an update was made to a visualization by an Admin, in order for the specific personas to see it, they would need to refresh the data? Or once an Admin updates, is their functionality that the visual will automatically update?

If an Admin makes an update to a visualization that a user has subscribed to, the user will see the link icon with the red alert indicator. They will also see the bell icon with the red alert indicator. The system will not automatically update/overwrite the user’s visualization. The user will have the option to preview the change and decide if they want to overwrite their visualization with the changes that the admin made or unsubscribe from the visualization. If they unsubscribe, the user’s visualization will become a standalone visualization and they will no longer get notified of updates on that visualization. However, the admin’s visualization will still be present in the user’s My Dashboard Library. The Metrics Dashboard data does not have to refresh for the changes that the admin makes to be sent to the persona’s visualization.

What will happen to the Visualization icon currently on the main screen of the BrassRing new UI?

The visualization icon on the BrassRing Responsive/New UI will still be available. Those visualizations will be separate from the Metrics Dashboard visualizations.

Visualizations are an endpoint, correct? We cannot click through them to see the specific reqs/candidates in that category / bar / pie piece?

In general, you are correct. However, this depends on the fields in your visualization and the filters you have chosen. In certain circumstances you may pull in the candidate’s name as a field or filter for the visualization. In these cases, you may be able to see data specific to that candidate however this is again dependent on your visualization.

Are we always limited to one year of data? Can we compare to prior years or for example track someone's open req's by month for past 2 years?

The Metrics Dashboard will only be 1-year of rolling data.

BrassRing Metrics Dashboard User Experience and Admin Functionality

How many visualizations can a user add?

There is no current limit to the number of visualizations you can add. We do recommend only keeping visualizations on your dashboard that end up being valuable to your organization.

Do we have the ability to customize the colors according to our organizations branding?

You can customize the color of your visualizations (bars/slices/etc) by editing the display of each visualization. The header of the page will carry over from what your organization has selected as your header color for BrassRing. The actions within the visualizations will also carry over from what you have selected for your BrassRing branding, however you cannot customize this to be different than what you have in BrassRing. (The same colors are carried over.)

Is there a visualization that can represent on a world map where are my candidates for example?

Not at the present time.

Regarding the fields, what if clients want to see their own custom fields on the metrics dashboard?

You can certainly pull in custom req/candidate form fields by making those forms/fields searchable and outputable.

If we make a field searchable and output-able which has already been used, will it pick historical data or does it need re-indexing?

It should pick up historical data (back 1-rolling year).

If ever I need to get the total number of reqs from Jan to march, is it possible to create that visualization? (calculation)

Yes. For example, you could create a Donut visualization that shows the total number of reqs created from January to March, and what their current req status is. (Slices = Req Status, Show Slices by = Auto Req ID, Filters = Date Created)

Can you export the Dashboard?

You can not currently export the full dashboard. You can export each visualization separately.

BrassRing Metrics Dashboard Admin Functionality

Can users share the visualization from 'my metrics dashboard' permissions?

No, the users cannot share the visualization from the My Metrics Dashboard. The My Metrics Dashboard is a personal dashboard only.

Is there a plan to pull data from multiple years? (not just 1 rolling year)

Not at this time. Currently only a rolling year of data will be available with Metrics Dashboard. If you are looking for multiple years back, you may want to pull a report from the Data Insight Tool.

Can you create visualization from communications sent?

When creating visualizations there are fields for candidate communications.

Will the info saved on an individual dashboard be saved or will that reset as well?

Visualizations added/edited will be persistent from login to login. If a recruiter creates a new visualization or edits a visualization those changes will still be there the next time they login.

Will 1 year of data immediately appear in a dashboard after it is created or will data only begin to populate from day it is created forward?

1-year of data will immediately be available when creating visualizations upon your very first login to the Metrics Dashboard.

Can you only view your metrics? As a people manager can I set the dashboard to show my direct report's metrics as well?

The data you can see is based on user type privileges, form/field level permissions, and org group permissions. If you have access to view your direct report’s reqs/candidates in BrassRing, and have access to create visualizations, you should be able to view your direct report’s metrics.

What if no one in our company has workbench certification?

Please contact your Infinite representative who will be able to assist in getting the Metrics Dashboard enabled.

If this is not going to be in staging, then there is no way to see the different user privilege levels to determine how we want to roll this out to our users. Is there any part of this that will be in staging to test permissions?

Not at this time. We recommend that you review your organization’s user type privileges (what your user types have access to) prior to rolling this out. You can also consider rolling the Metrics Dashboard out in a view-only mode so users cannot create their own visualizations or edit the visualizations you send to them.

Will the Admin access be able to see other visualizations created by other admins?

Yes, if a user has Admin rights, then he/she will see the same Visualization Library and Manage Dashboard views.

Do you need to assign all 3 rights to be an admin or only need the admin right?

You can enable only the Admin privilege which will automatically enable the other two user type privileges.

Is the hourly update at the top of every hour?

Yes, that is when it is scheduled to run.

Is there a way to determine what fields are already set up as searchable/outputable so we don’t have to check every single field and only have to update what isn't set up as searchable/outputable?

In Workbench you can run an export on forms and/or fields which provides the details of searchable/outputable fields.

Is there any reason why we wouldn't want any fields as searchable/outputable? It seems like it makes sense to have them all.

There is actually a limit of fields that you can make searchable and outputable (which you can see when you make a field searchable/outputable), so it is not advisable to attempt to change all fields. We recommend that you consider making fields searchable and outputable only if they would be valuable to pull into a visualization.

Can we create more personas than the defaults?

You cannot create more personas at this time.

Can it default to "All"? (The Fields pane Category dropdown.)

This was updated with the go live of the Metrics Dashboard. The category dropdown now defaults to All.

Is there a limit to the number of visualizations a persona can subscribe to?

There isn't a strict limit at this time of the number of visualizations you can assign to a persona.

Is there a limit to the number they can subscribe to?

There isn’t a strict limit at this time of the number of visualizations users can subscribe to.

Do the users have to "subscribe" or will the visualization automatically loaded to their dashboard via an admin sharing with the persona?

User have to subscribe to add them to their My Metrics Dashboard.

Does the dashboard library show them only the reqs they are tied to rather than all reqs if they can see all?

Users will be able to see all reqs that they have access to view. If a recruiter has access to see all reqs in BrassRing, they will see all reqs represented in their visualizations. If they want to see only those reqs that they have a ‘my’ relationship with they will want to add a filter to the visualization to select themselves as the recruiter. That should filter down to only those reqs they are associated to. This is something we’ve heard from other Early Adopter clients and we are taking this into consideration for a future enhancement.

If I only want the metrics dashboard to be controlled by the admin can we only give users access to the My dashboard Library so that it is always view only? And will this also eliminate the "unsubscribe" option?

If granted, users will have access to the My metrics dashboard and the Dashboard library. If you don't want them to edit the metrics DB library, you just give them Metrics DB Access.

Can you print the visualizations?

You can export the visualization into a PDF file and then print it. The grid (table) visualization can be exported into Excel.

Is there any way for an Admin to see what other users can see? Or any tips for how to test that?

As an Admin, you can go to the Managed Dashboards, and see the what each personas can view on their My Dashboard Library view. At this time, admins cannot view the My Metrics Dashboard (personal page) per user.

When you select a filter, does the filter stay on/selected if you log-out and back in, or do you need to select the filter each time?

The filter will persist from login to login.

Is the override option available only when they have access to edit the visualization?

If they didn't edit the visualization, the option will say "Get latest version" not "Overwrite." This would apply to users with view only access.

Is there a way to organize groups or categories of visualizations into collapsible sections or tabs to help reduce scrolling?

There currently isn't a way to organize your visualizations by category or group yet.

Can custom fields be used in visualizations?

Yes, you can include custom fields in the Metrics Dashboard if they are searchable and outputable on the field/form.

Question Exchange

If I skip one of the updates the admin has changed to the visualization, will the next update know that I skipped the previous update and not include that in the next update?

By skip do you mean the user ignores the update or unsubscribes?

Yes, ignores the update, will the next update also include the one that was ignored earlier? If so, and I want to accept the new change, but continue to ignore the earlier change.

Not necessarily. Overwriting or getting the latest version, updates the visualization based on the most recent version edited by the Admin.

Can an Admin do that?

So, technically you have ignored one update but if the Admin doesn't remove or change that, it would still apply when you get the latest version.

So, I can't pick and choose which updates I want that the admin added to the visualization, unless I accept the visualization as the admin presented it, and alter it to my needs after accepting the latest version?

Correct. There is the option to unsubscribe to the visualization which would make it a standalone for the user. The user would be able to edit it as they see fit (if they have the permission) without being notified of admin changes.

Based on the funnel being displayed, can you select one of the HR status and that will drill into those reqs that are in that status?

Not necessarily. The Metrics Dashboard doesn’t display the data behind the scenes if you click on a value in the visualization. However, there are some visualizations that you can add ‘levels’ to, to get to the list of reqs or list of candidates within a certain visualization.

What are the rows and columns settings/gear symbols? What options do they bring up?

Depending on your chart type, selecting the configure gear icon allows you to update field names and change the aggregation (count, average, percent, max, etc). This allows you to further customize your visualizations!

Is there going to be a user guide available on the home page?

Our documentation and training material for the dashboard is on the Infitite Knowledge Center. We do not have plans to make it available on the home page at this time.

For support that we can't find answers for in the Knowledge Center, is our Infinite representative the best resource?

Yes, I would start with your Infinite representative. Infinite team members have been trained so they should be able to assist you.