Troubleshoot Events
  • 29 Feb 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Troubleshoot Events

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Article summary


Product: Event Manager.

Event Not Found

Cause: The event name and event date combination in the import record does not exist in the System.

Recommended Next Steps:

  1. Check the Event Summary to see if there is an event with the provided name on the provided date.

    • If so, then compare the exact spelling of the event name and exact date in the import file.

    • If not, determine whether or note there should be an event with that name on that date in the system.

  2. Check the import record to see if the Event ID is also provided. if so, ensure that the Event ID matches an event with the event name and event date in the import record. If there are not two or more events with the same name on the same date, the Event ID does not need to be included in the import record and can be removed. If the Event ID is necessary, validate the Event ID be exporting the assessor schedule for the event and comparing it ot the Event ID in the export file.

Duplicate Event

Cause: There are two or more events in the system with the same event name on the same event date.

Recommended Next Steps:

  1. Determine whether there should be two or more events on the same date with the same name. If not, edit or delete one of the events.

  2. If there should be two or more events on the same date with the same name, then include the Event ID in the import record. If the Event ID is not known, export the assessor schedules of all of the events with the same name and date. The Event IDs of the events will be provided in the Export.

Invalid Event

Cause 1: The Event ID and/ or the Event Date provided in the import record are not in valid formats.

Cause 2: If an event is not configured as either an Availability or Assessor Shift type event, then it is not possible to import an assessor shift.

Recommended Next Steps to fix cause 1:

  1. Check the event date as it needs to be provided in a format that matches the system setting for date format. For example, if the Data Format system setting is Configures as MM/DD/YYY, then the value provided for Event Date in the import record needs to be in the same format.

  2. Check the import record to see if the Event ID is provided. If so, ensure that the Event ID value is numeric and the Event ID matches an event with the event name and event date, the Event ID does not need to be included in the import record and can be removed. If the Event ID is necessary, validate the Event ID by exporting the assessor for the event and comparing it to the Event ID in the export file.

Recommended Next Steps to fix cause 2:

  1. If the event in the import record should exist as an Availability or Assessor Shift type event, then create a new event with the same attributes and ensure that the event template used to create the event is configured with the Assessor Self Scheduling field set to either Availability or Assessor Shift. Event Templates with the Assessor Self Scheduling field set to none will create events that give the Invalid Event error when importing assessor shift import records.

No Event Edit Privileges

Cause: The user initiating the import does not have edit privileges for the event in the import record.

Recommended Next Steps:

  1. Someone from the event team can add the user who will be importing assessor schedules for the event to the event team and ensure that user has edit privileges.

  2. If the user running the import will be importing assessor schedules for all events in the system, add that user's user type as a super used on the System Privileges page in Event Manager Admin.

  3. If the user running the import will be importing assessor schedules for only some types of events in the system, add that user to the event team of the event templates of the appropriate event types. This will ensure that the user is on the event team for all events created with those event templates moving forward. Existing events will still need to be edited individually.

  4. Only allow users assigned to user types which are configured as super users to run imports.