Troubleshooting Imports
  • 29 Feb 2024
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Troubleshooting Imports

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Article summary


Product: Event Manager.

Invalid Import Type

Cause: Import records require an Import Type as the first part of the record. The first part of the failed import records with this error is not one of the two valid import types: AssessorShift or TimeSlot.

Recommended Next Steps:

  1. Ensure that the import record starts with one of the two valid import types. If the record is meant to import an assessor shift attribute such as the shift configuration, or a specific assessor scheduled for the assessor shift, then the import type is AssessorShift. If the record is meant to import a time slot configuration attribute such as the maximum candidates, then the import type is TimeSlot.

Invalid Start and End Time

Cause: The start time and the end time provided in the import record do not correspond to time slots configured for the event.

Recommended Next Steps:

  1. The Start Time and the End Time are optional values when trying to delete an assessor shift or change an attribute other than the start time or end time of an existing assessor shift. If the start time and/ or end time for the assessor shift is not intended to change with this import, then do not include the start time or end time in the import record.

  2. If the start time and/ or end time of the assessor shift are intended to change with this import or if this import is intending to create a new assessor shift, review the time slots configured for the event. The following rules must be considered:

    • The time period of an assessor shift must correspond to one time slot or a series of consecutive time slots.

    • There cannot be a period of time within an assessor shift that is not accounted for by a time slot configured for the event.

    • Time slots associated with a new assessor shift cannot already be associated to another assessor shift.

    • If more than one set of time slots meet all of the above criteria, then the assessor shift will have to be added to the event manually. For example, if an event is configured with the following time slots:

      • 9:00 - 10:00

      • 9:00 - 11:00

      • 10:00 - 11:00

      • 10:00 - 12:00

      • 11:00 - 12:00

      An assessor shift imported with a start time of 9:00 and an end time of 12:00 will give this error because the system does not know which combination of time slots to associate with the shift.

    • The Start Time and End Time values must be provided in a valid time format (HH:mm). If the Time Format system setting is configured as 12 Hour Format, then an AM or PM designation must be provided with the start time and end time values.

Incomplete Record

Cause: The import record does not have all of the required fields to complete the action. For example, and import record with an Update action needs a value for required assessors if it is an Assessor Shift record type and a value for either Max Candidates or Overbooking Limit if it is a Time Slot record type.

Recommended Next Steps:

  1. If the import record is meant to update an existing Assessor Shift, ensure that the import record contains a value for the number of required assessors for the shift. The start and end times of an assessor shift cannot be changed through an import record. The best way to change the start time or end time of an existing assessor shift is through the Associated Time slots field in the Edit Assessor Shift notification window from the Edit Event page in Event Manager.

  2. If the import record is meant to add an individual assessor to the existing Assessor Shift, change the action to ADD and re-import.

  3. If the import record is meant to remove an individual assessor from an existing Assessor Shift, change the action to DEL and re-import. As long as the import record contains the name or ID of an individual assessor, the import record will not delete the action assessor shift.

  4. If the import record is for an assessor shift that doesn't exist yet, change the action to ADD and ensure that values for all required fields to add an assessor shift are provided.

  5. If the import record is meant to update an existing Time Slot, ensure that the import record contains a value for Max Candidates and/ or Overbooking Limit for the time slot. The start and end times of a time slot cannot be changed through an import record. The best way to change the start time or end time of an existing time slot is through the Edit Time Slot notification from the Edit Event page in Event Manager.

Invalid Action

Cause: All import records require an Action as the second part of the record. The second part of the failed import record with this error is not one of the three valid actions: Add, Update, or Del. If the import record is a Time Slot type, then the only valid action is Update. In addition to updating the max candidates and/ or overbooking limits of time slots, the Update action can also be used to update the required number of assessors of an assessor shift.

The Add action is only valid if the record is creating a new assessor shift or adding an assessor to an existing assessor shift. If the Add record refers to an assessor shift that does not already exist within the event, then the assessor shift in the record will be added to the event. If the Add record includes an assessor name and/ or assessor ID, then the assessor will be added to the shift in the record. If the shift does not yet exist in the event, the shift will be created and the assessor will be added to it.

The Del action is only valid if the record is removing an assessor from an existing assessor shift or deleting the entire assessor shift itself. If the Del record does not include an assessor name and/ or assessor ID, then the assessor shift in the Del record will be deleted from the event. If the Del record does include an assessor name and/ or assessor ID, then the assessor will be deleted from the shift, but the shift itself will not be deleted from the event.

Recommended Next Steps:

  1. Ensure that the second part of the Assessor Shift import record indicates Add, Update, or Del.

  2. Add is used for the following circumstances:

    • Adding a new assessor shift to the event.

    • Adding an assessor to an existing assessor shift within the event.

  3. Update is used for the following circumstances:

    • Editing the number of required assessors of an existing assessor shift of the event.

    • Editing the max candidates of the overbooking limit of an existing time slot of an event.

  4. Del is used for the following circumstances:

    • Deleting an assessor shift from an event.

    • Deleting an already scheduled assessor from the assessor shift.