Unified Candidate Zone for Submitted Applications
  • 06 Mar 2024
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Unified Candidate Zone for Submitted Applications

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Article summary


Product: Infinite BrassRing

Unified Candidate Zone for Submitted Applications (Release 19.02.11)

In Release 19.02.11, the client setting Unified Candidate Zone – Candidates can see their data across all Responsive TGs was automatically enabled for all clients. Client settings are only editable by Infinite team members.

Candidate Zone > Dashboard > Applications > Submitted Applications

  • Format: All submitted application cards are displayed in a format consistent with the Talent Gateway the candidate is logged in to. Position 2 and 3 fields show fields for this site, not original site format, or fields.

  • Content: Cards display for all reqs across all locales that are open and the candidate is filed into, manually filed into, and in an HR Status that is designated to Display job or referral status information, or jobs to which a candidate is filed into and a recruiter has posted documents or forms to.

    • The Job Title on the job card is consistent with the Talent Gateway where the candidate applied to that job.

    • All other job card information is displayed in a format consistent with the Talent Gateway the candidate is logged in to.

    • The Withdraw function is not site or locale specific, but rather, specific to your organization’s configuration and the HR Status the candidate is at.

  • The job cards are removed across all TG Submitted Applications sections per the current functions: Req Status = Closed (or Canceled or Deleted) AND > 90 days since the last HR status change.)

  • Duplicate Stacking: Example: Candidate applied to req 1BR with their Talent Gateway Profile A. Then, the candidate applies to req 2BR with their Talent Gateway Profile B. The Recruiter stacks the Talent Records in BrassRing. Candidate logs in with their Talent Gateway Profile A. They see req 2BR once the HR Status setting Display job or referral status information is enabled. The Responsive Talent Gateway checks for HR Status by the candidate’s resume key (not filtered by BRUID).

Candidate Zone > Dashboard > Applications > Submitted Applications > [select job link in card]

  • Format: All statues, tabs, branding, and so on, are displayed in this site format.

  • Content: Status, attachments, documents, and forms display with contentand values from "this job" regardless of which Talent Gateway the candidate applied to the job through.

    • Consistent with TG where the candidate applied for the job:

      • Job Title

      • Document Cards – title

      • Form Cards - title

    • Consistent with the TG to which the candidate is currently logged in:

      • Header links

      • Page title

      • Button labels

      • Tab headers

      • Status information

      • Footer links

      • Notifications

      • Error messages

      • Document Cards - Posted date, Expiry date, Action required, View, or View Packet, Review Offer

      • Form Cards - Posted date, Expiry date, Complete, or View

  • Add Files: The Attachment Category list might vary from job to job. This is because, different categories can be configured to be displayed on different Talent Gateways. The candidate sees the attachment categories that were displayed on the site that they applied through. The recommended best practice is to use the same attachment categories across Talent Gateways that the same set of candidates might use.

  • Documents and Forms Tabs: These cards exist per job, per candidate and are site-independent.

  • HR Status Categories: The HR Status Categories can be customized per Talent Gateway. To reduce confusion and keep the experience consistent, the statuses that show are from this site that the candidate is visiting. Recommended best practice is to use the same HR Status Category customizations across sites that the same candidate might visit.

  • Duplicate Apply or Reapply: For clients that allow reapply on the same Talent Gateway, the current rules are enforced. Duplicate reapply is normally prohibited unless the reqs allow reapplies and the candidates is at an HR status that allows reapplies.

    • For reapplies across Talent Gateways, before this release, the ability to reapply across Responsive Talent Gateways was allowed because, there was no check. With this release, a new rule is in place to prevent reapplies in most cases. Unless the allow req reapplies is enabled and the candidate is at an HR status that allows reapplies.

  • Other Pages:

    • Document Packet page - the packet title is displayed in the format consistent with the Talent Gateway where the candidate applied.

    • Document Packet page - Header links, Button labels, and Footer links and notifications to the candidate are displayed in the format consistent with the Talent Gateway the candidate is logged in to.

    • Open or download document - The documents open or download as they were in the Talent Gateway where the candidate has applied. This is because the documents would be of the same locale of the applied Talent Gateway.

    • View Application - The headers and footers of the view application page are displayed in a format consistent with the Talent Gateway in which the candidate is logged in to. The Review Gateway Questionnaire is displayed as it is available in the Talent Gateway in which the candidate has applied for that specific req.

    • View Job description - The job description information is displayed as it is displayed in the Talent Gateway where the candidate has applied for the requisition.

  • Notes:

    • This affects only the submitted applications section of the Responsive Talent Gateways. Additional Candidate Zone pages, unrelated to submitted applications, are NOT included in this release (they are not unified).

    • Classic TGs are not affected.

    • Candidates are not able to switch sites while on the Submitted Applications or Application Details pages. Candidates would need to log in to the appropriate Talent Gateway if necessary.

    • Headers, footers, and other branding are always inherited from the site that the candidate is on.

    • Does NOT prevent a candidate from applying to the same req across multiple locale Talent Gateways.

    • For example, the same candidate is able to apply to the same job in English and then again in Spanish. This is the current behavior and is not being changed.

    • For candidates that apply to the same job in multiple locales, they see multiple instances of the same job card.

    • This feature does help prevent duplicate applies across the multiple same locale Talent Gateways. For example, a candidate can apply to a job on an English Talent Gateway and then if that same candidate attempts to apply to the same job on a different English Talent Gateway a message displays that they have already applied to the job. Previously there was no way to block the ability for the same candidate to apply to one job on multiple Talent Gateways of the same locale.

    • For jobs that a candidate did not apply to or was manually filed in to, submitted by using an agency contact, and so on. If the req was created in only one locale, the job title on the job card is in that locale. If the req was created in multiple locales, the job title on the job card displays in the locale of the Talent Gateway that the candidate is currently logged into.

    • Any warnings or pop-ups display in the locale of the Talent Gateway that the candidate is currently logged in to, even if the message is related to a job card in another locale.

  • When candidates access their submitted applications across multiple locales, their Forms are handling is done in the following manner:

    • Offer (Document with Subsidiary Form) page displays PDF as it is created within the recruiter-created locale and the contents of the form are displayed in the locale of the Talent Gateway where the candidate originally applied for that job. The headers/footers of this form remain in locale into which the candidate is currently logged in.

    • Form page displays the contents in a format that is consistent with the Talent Gateway in which the candidate has applied, although headers/footers are displayed in a format consistent with the Talent Gateway the candidate is logged in to.

    • Offer and regular Form submission are displayed in a format consistent with the site in which the candidate applied for the job. For example, German locale is displayed for a German job application, even though the candidate is logged in to a Talent Gateway with English as locale.

    • As per the responsive candidate portal implementation design, the locale of a posted form or document subsidiary form must match the locale of the Talent Gateway to which the candidate is logged in to (provided all translations are available).

    • Clients should provide full translations for all candidate forms or fields in all locales for which candidates apply (and forms are used for). If translations are unavailable, the form might display in client's default locale or otherwise miss translated fields or options.