User Type/Group - Third-Party Approver
  • 28 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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User Type/Group - Third-Party Approver

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Article summary


The THIRD_PARTY_ROLE user type is available for users who only complete third-party approvals. Any user can have a second user group called THIRD-PARTY-USERGROUP added, and that user will be added to the drop-down to select an internal approver.

There are some users who have no access to Onboard Manager and are only occasionally an approver. Those users can be loaded in the system with a:

  • User Type of THIRD_PARTY_ROLE.


Those users should be set to ACTIVE_NO_ACCESS for their OB_MANAGER_ACCESS.

Functionally, those users will not see the Onboard Manager application because of their ACTIVE_NO_ACCESS permission, and they will be available to be selected as a third-party approver because of their THIRD-PARTY-USERGROUP permission.

If such a user is selected as an approver, the THIRD_PARTY_ROLE user type toggles the user's permission from ACTIVE_NO_ACCESS to ACTIVE when the I-9 Section 2 level is open to be completed. Once the I-9 Section 2 activity is completed, the user is automatically logged out and their license access is toggled from ACTIVE to ACTIVE_NO_ACCESS.