Using the Job information Page to Update New Hire Start Date
  • 27 Feb 2024
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Using the Job information Page to Update New Hire Start Date

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Article summary


Using the Job Information page, you can update a new hire's start date (per job application) if you are configured to edit it.

You reach the Job Information page by either:

  • Selecting a pointer icon by a hire name on the Currently Onboarding or My Tasks pages. A menu displays that contains various selections, including Job Information, which displays a Job Information page in a new hire profile.

  • Selecting a hire name on the Manage New Hires, Currently Onboarding, or My Tasks pages. The hire profile page displays, which has a menu that includes Job Information, which displays the Job Information page.


  1. Select a pointer icon by a hire name on the Currently Onboarding or My Tasks pages. A menu displays that contains various selections, including a Job Information menu item:

  2. Select the Job Information menu item to display a Job Information page with the following columns:

    • Job Application Name (read-only)

    • Onboard Start Date (read-only)

    • Onboard End Date (read-only)

    • New Hire Start Date (capability driven, per job application). This start date is either a:

      • Link if you have the privilege to edit AND if Onboarding End is not complete.

      • Read-only field.


  3. Select the link in the New Hire Start Date column to open a pop-up with the start date value auto-populated.

  4. Update the new hire start date and select Save. Note: The start date cannot be earlier than the current (today's) date.

The updated start date is applied across all the activities for that job application for the new hire.