UT Privileges
  • 07 Mar 2024
  • 66 Minutes to read
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UT Privileges

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Article summary

Admin And Admin+ User Privileges


Admin User Privileges

  • This page lists Admin, and Admin+ user privileges.

Admin User Privileges

Change password

User has access to the Change password page where the user can change their BrassRing password.

Change time zone

User can access Change time zone in the Admin menu of BrassRing to change the date and time zone display in their profile. Requires client setting Time/Date Display by user’s Time Zone set to Yes. The default time zone for the client’s BrassRing users is set in client setting Time Zone user default. Users see the date and time based on Time Zone user default unless it is changed at the user profile level by privileged or Admin users. Without these client settings, date and time in BrassRing continues to be based on the server time of their data center.

Email lists

User has access to the Personal email lists page where they can administer their own email lists.

Edit my account

User has access to the Edit my account page where the users can edit their BrassRing accounts or upload their own signature image files. Recruiter/User signature image tokens or Enable additional user information merge fields client settings need to be enabled.

Hide ‘Full Site Home’ link in BrassRing UI

This hides the BrassRing classic view.

Hide “Help link in BrassRing classic


Hide “Help” link in BrassRing new UI

Hides the global Help link for users on all new UI pages. Your organization can optionally configure custom help links to use in place of the standard help document provided through the global help link, but custom help link configuration is not required to use this feature.

Onboarding – hide menu option

Hides the Onboard menu item in BrassRing. This is used by organizations with multiple divisions that interact with different Onboarding vendors, for example Infinite Onboard. After the vendor host configuration is in place, a Quick Link can be configured to open the different Onboarding vendors.

TDC (Talent Data Center) Transmittal Form

Obsolete. User has access to the TDC (Resume) Transmittal Form. The Talent Data Center ceased operations in 2013, so this privilege is no longer needed.

Welcome - administer panels

User has access to Welcome Screen admin to select their own Welcome Screen panels.

BrassRing Wireless

Obsolete as of Release 6.0.

Admin+ User Privileges

Add/edit agency codes

User assumes all privileges of View agency code details privilege. In addition, the user can: add a new agency code, modify agency code details in view & edit mode for code link attachments, add, modify, and delete links to agency code attachments, and activate or inactivate an agency code.

Add/edit agency contacts

User can view and manage any or all agency contact lists for Agency Managers that the client has implemented. This includes access to the Menu → Admin → Admin+ → Agency Contacts. If the client has the Agency Manager setting enabled, the system allows all BrassRing users to select the agency contact name and view all the agency contact details, except the agency contact portal password field and the ability to view the agency contact's portal view.

Agency contact Agency Manager view

For BrassRing users who can view agency contact details, this privilege enables them to view the Agency Manager view link, and the Agency Manager password field when viewing agency contact details. When opening Agency Manager from the agency contact details page, users are automatically logged in to the portal as that agency contact and can see what the contact sees. Without this privilege, users that select the portal link open the login page.

Audit - File attachments

User has access to the File attachments audit.

Audit - Login failure

User has access to the Login failure audit.

Audit - Notes

User has access to the Notes audit.

Candidate Account Retrieval

User can access Menu → Admin → Admin+ → Candidate account retreival to retrieve candidates’ Talent Gateway account details and to reset candidate passwords.

Release 20.10.12: If a user tries to retrieve a candidate that skipped sign-in and did not create an account on the Talent Gateway, a message is displayed.

Candidate exports

User can view the Candidate exports screen and resend failed exports. Privilege requires that client setting: Enable XML Integration Confirmation is set to Yes.

Clear security questions

Users can clear security questions for Agency Manager or BrassRing for the Agency contact or BrassRing user. The client must have either the Activate security questions for Agency Manager or Activate security questions for BrassRing for this setting to be active.

Codes - View list

User can view the active or inactive codes for any code list.

Codes - Administer

User can deactivate or activate a code from any code list.

Codes - Add to list

User can add codes to any code list.

Codes - Edit list

User can edit a code from any code list.

Custom Approval Workflow admin

User can access the Admin section of the custom approval.

Customize Welcome Screen message

User can customize the client-specific system Welcome Screen message.

Mass email

User can send mass email to users.

Org groups

User can administer Org groups.

Exported forms - Download

Obsolete as of release 6.0.

Lists - Administer

User has access to the List admin.

Show ‘My Help’ link

My Help link is available to users with this privilege.

Users - Add

User can add new BrassRing users.

Users - Edit

User can edit BrassRing user profiles.

Users - Export list to excel

User can export to the user list to Excel.

Users - Inactive

User can deactivate or activate BrassRing users.

Users – signature administration

User can administer BrassRing user signature files, including the upload of signature image files. It is recommended to also check Users – Edit.

Users – working folders administration

Users can transfer the ownership of a working folder to another system user.

View agency code details

Users can view all agency code lists, details, attachments, print all agency code lists and details, and export all agency codes/code lists to Microsoft® Excel.

View Agency contact details

Users can view the details for Agency contacts.

Candidate Actions User Privileges


Candidate Actions

  • This page lists the Candidate Actions, Candidate Actions 2, and Candidate Actions 3 User Privileges.

Candidate Actions User Privileges

Attachments Add/View/Delete "My BrassRing Attachments"

Users can upload attachments to a Talent Record and can view and delete any files that they have uploaded in the Attachments section of the Talent Record.

Attachments - View "All attachments uploaded via BrassRing"

Users can view all attachments for a Talent Record regardless of who attached the file.

Attachments - Delete "All"

Users can delete any attachment for a Talent Record, regardless of who attached the file.

Candidates - Send via email

Users can forward a resume by using email by selecting the Forward via email button on the Talent Record, or Actions menu. The resume is embedded into the text of the email message.

Candidates - Print

User can print the resume from the Resume section of the Talent Record and from the Actions menu.

Candidates - View forms

Enables the Forms link from within the Talent Record and the forms icon from the folder contents, search results and candidates in queue pages. The ability to view specific forms is enabled at the form level.

Candidates - Erase

Users can erase certain candidate information by selecting Erase candidate on the Talent Record and the Actions menu.

Candidates - Remove from folders (working/Inbox)

Users can remove candidates at a final status or a 0-filed status from their Inbox and working folders by using the Actions menu.

Candidates - Remove from req

Users can remove candidates at a final status or a 0-filed status from their Inbox and req folders by using the Actions menu.

Candidate profile - Edit resume

Users can edit the text of the resume in the Resume section of the Talent Record.

Candidate profile - Edit overview

Users can edit the extracted fields from the candidate overview in the Overview section of the Talent Record.

Candidate types - Update

Users can edit the candidate type for candidates in the Candidate type column from folder contents, search results, and candidates. Users are able to update candidates to any of the candidate types that they have been given access to search as defined in the Search user privileges. If a user doesn't have access to search a particular user type, then they cannot update the candidate to that candidate type.

Codes - Add to candidate

Users can add new codes of any code type to a candidate from the Codes link and from the Actions → Add codes link in Folder contents, Search results, and Candidates in queue pages.

Codes - Delete from candidate

Users can delete codes of any code type from a candidate from the Codes link and from the Actions → Add codes link in Folder contents, Search results, and Candidates in queue pages.

Codes - View associated codes with duplicate submissions

Grants viewing ability through the duplicate resumes or CV to see codes associated with each submission.

Duplicates - Stack

Users can stack duplicate Talent Records by using the Actions → Stack Duplicates menu from the Folder contents, Search results, and Candidates in queue pages.

eLinks - Send

Users can eLink Talent Records by using the Send eLink button in the Talent Record and from the Actions → eLink Link menu. This privilege also controls user's ability to eLink candidate forms in combination with the user privileges as assigned for specific candidate forms. Access to eLink forms is from the specific form page and from the Form list page.

eLinks - View history

Users can view the eLink history in the eLink section of the Talent Record.

Export - Ascii or excel (listed on master list of privileges)

Users can export candidate data in plain text (ASCII) with the Export (ASCII action).

Hide all candidates

Hides the entire candidate menu in BrassRing from the user. If selected for a user type, all other Candidate action user privileges are disabled. To ensure that candidate access is restricted for the user type, other privileges should not be given for Search, Candidate categorization, Admin, Integration, Reports, Communications, Admin+ Scheduling, Talent Gateway, Reports 2, and Candidate Actions 2.

HR status - Add/update in all reqs/all folders/my inbox

Allows users to update the HR status of all candidates to whom they have access, for example, candidates in the working or req folders to which that user is a member. If the user wants to be able to update all candidates, they need the privilege HR Status - View all. Access to add or update HR action can be completed from:

  • The HR Status column.

  • The Actions → Update Same Statusmenu in working, req folder contents or the home page Candidate Results pane.

  • The add/update from the HR status section of the Talent Record.

  • The HR status icon from the Folder contents, Search results, and Candidates in queue pages.

  • when filing a candidate to a req or working folder from Search results or Candidates in queue page.

If the Block HR Status update when selected form(s) are not attached attribute is enabled in tracking logic, users cannot update that status when required forms are missing. Also, if the Forms requiring approval need to be in an Approved state option is also checked, users cannot update that status when forms have not been approved yet. If the user type cannot undo candidates in the following statuses Admin HR Status preference in folders user type setting is set, users cannot undo selected statuses.

HR status - Add/update in my reqs/my folders/my inbox

Allows users to update the status of only those candidates in folders where the user is a member of the req, folder, or inbox. Access to update HR status action from the Actions menu on candidate results. If the Block HR Status update when selected form(s) are not attached attribute is enabled in tracking logic, users cannot update that status when required forms are missing. Also, if the Forms requiring approval need to be in an Approved state option is also checked, users cannot update that status when forms have not been approved yet. If the user type cannot undo candidates in the following statuses Admin HR Status preference in folders user type setting is set, users cannot undo selected statuses.

HR status – View in all reqs/all folders/my inbox

User can view candidate's HR Status from: HR Status section of the Talent Record and the HR Status icon from the Folder contents, Search results and Candidates in queue pages, or on candidate results.

HR status – view in my reqs/my folders/my inbox

User can view candidate's HR Status when there is a My relationship, from: HR Status section of the Talent Record and the HR Status icon from the Folder contents, Search results and Candidates in queue pages, or on candidate results. From within My folder, the HR Status columns (HR Status, HR Status date, Updated by) are visible. From outside My folders, HR Status columns are hidden. In the Talent Record, the user sees the HR Status tab (users with neither view privilege do not see the tab). In the Talent Record, the user sees HR Status data pertaining to My folders only, or a blank HR Status table if the candidate is not in any of My folders.

Import candidate forms – export form import template

Users can export the form import template, the first step of importing non-XML candidate form data.

Import candidate forms – import candidate form data

Users can import candidate form data, the second step of importing non-XML candidate form data.

Notes – Add private

Users can add a private note in the Notes section of the Talent Record, and by using the Notes icon from the Folder contents, Search results and Candidates in queue pages. Only the user adding the note can view the note within BrassRing

Notes – Add public

Users can add a public note in the Notes section of the Talent Record, and by using the Notes icon from the Folder contents, Search results and Candidates in queue pages. Any user with the Notes – View privilege can view a public note within BrassRing.

Notes – View

Users can view any public note or private notes in the Notes section of the Talent Record, and the Notes icon from the Folder contents, Search results, and Candidates in queue pages.

Restrict Talent Record

Restricts users to only see full the Talent Record for internal candidates when they are in a req that belongs to them, or part of a working folder or Inbox.

Candidate Actions 2 User Privileges

Attachments – post to candidate portal

Users can see the pushpin for configured documents in the Post to Candidate zone on the Talent Record Attachments tab, and post to the configured candidate zone.

Attachments - sensitive attachments – all

Users can view all candidate sensitive attachments, and upload sensitive attachments from any req folder (associates the attachment with the req) and when not in a req folder (no req association). This privilege and Attachments – Sensitive attachments in my reqs only are mutually exclusive. To view or upload attachments, users must also have other applicable candidate and attachment privileges, such as: Attachments – View all attachments uploaded via Agency Manager, Attachments – View all attachments uploaded via Gateway, and these Candidate Actions privileges: Attachments - Add/View/Delete ‘My BrassRing attachments, and Attachments - View "All attachments uploaded via BrassRing.

Attachments - sensitive attachments in my reqs only

Users can view sensitive attachments only when there is a My req relationship with the associated req (user created the requisition, was selected as the Manager or Recruiter for it, or is a member of the Req team for it). Users can upload sensitive attachments from within a req folder when the req is one for which they have a My req relationship (that is, they can select the Sensitive attachment category when uploading the attachment). This associates the attachment with the req. Users can view sensitive attachments that are sent and received by using an eLink when the attachments are associated with reqs for which they have a My req relationship. Users can include sensitive attachments that are associated with any req for which they have a My req relationship if sending the communication from within that req’s folder. This privilege and Attachments – Sensitive attachments – all are mutually exclusive. When an attachment is not associated with a req, users can view only non-sensitive candidate attachments that are uploaded through the Talent Gateway, BrassRing Agency, or BrassRing. To view or upload attachments, users must have other applicable candidate and attachment privileges, such as: Attachments – View all attachments uploaded via BrassRing Agency, Attachments – View all attachments uploaded via Gateway , and these Candidate Actions privileges: Attachments - Add/View/Delete ‘My BrassRing attachments, and Attachments - View "All attachments uploaded via BrassRing.

Attachments - view all attachments uploaded via Agency Manager

This privilege allows users to view all non-sensitive attachments that were uploaded by using Agency Manager.

Attachments - view all attachments uploaded via Gateway

This privilege allows users to view all non-sensitive attachments that were uploaded from a Talent Gateway. The default setting for all user types is unselected.

Attachments - view sensitive attachments in my req

This privilege allows users to view sensitive attachments when the attachment is associated with a req if:

  • The user created the requisition (was Req creator).

  • The user was selected as either the Manager or Recruiter for that requisition.

  • The user was selected as part of the Req team for that requisition.

If an attachment is not associated with a req and the user has the sensitive attachment privilege enabled, the user is able to view all non-sensitive types of candidate attachments that are uploaded through the Talent Gateway or BrassRing (users with this privilege would therefore not need either of the Attachments privileges: View all attachments uploaded via Agency Manager, or View all attachments uploaded via Gateway to see non-sensitive attachments. User types with this sensitive attachments privilege enabled also need the Attachments – View all attachments uploaded via Gateway privilege to view sensitive attachments uploaded through a Talent Gateway. User types with this sensitive attachments privilege enabled also need the Attachments – View all attachments uploaded via Agency Manager privilege to view sensitive attachments uploaded through an Agency Manager. If the candidate is not associated with any req in BrassRing: BrassRing users with the privilege Attachments – view sensitive attachments in my req enabled can select the Sensitive attachment category when uploading an attachment from the Attachments tab in the Talent Record. BrassRing users without the Attachments – view sensitive attachments in my req privilege enabled do not see the Sensitive attachment category when uploading an attachment from the Attachments tab in the Talent Record.

Candidates - add current agency association

This privilege allows users to add an agency association for a candidate.

Candidates - add/edit tier for all reqs

Users of this type can add or edit the candidate’s tier for any req and can change the tier by using the link on the candidate grid and Talent Record grid).

Candidates - add/edit tier for my reqs

Users of this type can add or edit the candidate’s tier fors reqs with which the user has a My req relationship and can change the tier by using the link on the candidate grid and Talent Record grid.

Candidates – bulk upload

Users can add multiple candidates by using a bulk upload.

Candidates - file to all Reqs

Allows users to file one or more candidate records to any req folder.

Candidates - file to My Reqs

Allows users to file one or more candidate records to a My reqs folder. Users with this privilege have the File to My req options from the Actions toolbar on the Search results page and the Candidates in queue results page.

Candidates - file to working folders/inbox

Allows users to file candidates to a working folder or inbox. Users with this privilege have the File to folder option from the Actions toolbar on the Search results page and the Candidates in queue results page.

Candidates - look up Talent Gateway usernames

Allows users to retrieve the list of a candidate’s Talent Gateway user names or user IDs if the candidate has forgotten their login information.

Candidates - mark as viewed

If the New or Viewed tied to Req setting is enabled in your client settings, the New count on req panels is specific to a requisition. This privilege allows users to mark a candidate as having been viewed for this requisition if they have opened the candidate’s Talent Record previously, either in Search results or for another req. This user type privilege can only be enabled if the client setting for New UI is turned to Yes. Tracking as viewed per req started on 27 August 2009. Candidates viewed before the change are considered new for all reqs in which they are filed until they are viewed again. Date Last Viewed is always the date the candidate was last viewed for any req, folder, inbox, or search result. For candidates last viewed before 27 August 2009 this date is the date that the Talent Record was first opened.

Candidates - move/copy to All reqs (Classic)

Allows users to move or copy one or more candidates to any req folder.

BrassRing Classic User Interface only. Updated Build 20.01.13.

Candidates - move/copy to My Reqs (Classic)

Allows users to move or copy one or more candidates from a working req folder. or inbox, to a My Reqs folder.

BrassRing Classic User Interface only. Updated Build 20.01.13.

Candidates - move/copy to working folders/inbox (Classic)

Allows users to move or copy a candidate from a working or req folder to another working or req folder or inbox.

BrassRing Classic User Interface only. Updated Build 20.01.13.

Candidates - remove current agency associations

Grants the ability to sever a candidate's current agency referral association from both within a candidate's Talent Record. This user type privilege can only be enabled if the client setting for Agency Manager is turned to Yes.

Candidates - send candidate email

Allows users to create and send ad hoc email messages by opening a pop-up email editor screen from:

  • Req or working folders (by selecting a req and then selecting up to 50 candidates)

  • The Candidate’s Talent Record

  • The Candidate Search Results (selecting up to 50 candidates).

Candidates – send candidate SMS message

Allows users to access the Send Candidate ad hoc SMS action in BrassRing, for sending text messages to candidates by using a mobile phone number. Requires SMS messaging – enable and SMS messaging ‘From’ address client settings to be enabled.

Hide "Add candidate" menu item

Allows users to hide the Add candidate menu item.

Hide "Add contact" menu item

Allows users to hide the Add contact menu item.

Hide Talent Gateway/Gateway Questionnaire score in Talent Record

Restricts users from viewing the Talent Gateway or Gateway Questionnaire score in the Talent Record for any candidates. Forms types that are affected by this user privilege are: Talent Gateway forms, Candidate response forms, and Gateway Questionnaire forms. Users also do not have a Talent Gateway score available for selection as a search field in Candidate Search.

HR status (via eLink) Add/update in all reqs/all folders/my inbox

Allows BrassRing users to receive eLinks used for updating HR statuses, and to update them. Your organization might have triggers that pass form field data automatically. Under these circumstances, the integration might potentially fail if a BrassRing user does not complete a form containing data that is required by the integration. If your organization has integration that depends on form fields being completed, contact your BrassRing representative about possible risks and do:

  1. Option 1: Make sure that BrassRing users include any associated forms that are required for integration as a form to be completed within the eLink. There is no way to ensure that the proper forms will be completed, however, so you might want to consider Option 2.

  2. Option 2: Turn off the user privilege to Update HR status for users working outside of BrassRing. This can be done either by a certified Workbench user or through a BrassRing representative. Recipients who are system users but do not have the appropriate user privileges do not see the Update HR status option.

HR status (via eLink) – Add/update in my reqs/my folders/my inbox

Allows BrassRing users to receive eLinks used for updating HR statuses in their My reqs, My folders, or My inbox, and to update any statuses for a Req, Working folder, or My Inbox with which they are associated as a team member or owner. That is, if they are a member of the req team or working folder in which they are updating the HR status. Recipients who are system users but do not have the appropriate user privileges do not see the Update HR status option.

HR status - View undo HR statuses (via BrassRing)

Users can view the undo HR Status history in the status history tab when undo action is performed in BrassRing. The users also require Candidate Actions: HR status – view in all reqs/all folders/my inbox privilege.)

HR status - View undo HR statuses (via eLink)

Users can view the undo HR Status history in the status history tab when undo action is performed by using an eLink. The users also require Candidate Actions: HR status – view in all reqs/all folders/my inbox privilege.)

Referral status – view

Users can view the referral status of candidates from anywhere that they can access the candidate’s record in BrassRing.

Referral status – update

Users can update the referral status of candidates from anywhere that they can access the candidate’s record in BrassRing.

Bulk print - request/receive files

Allows users to bulk print candidates’ contact information and experience, education summary, resume or CV, cover letters, forms, attachments, and letter templates. Requires Bulk print enabled client setting and the Communications: Letters – add templates privilege to add one letter template per candidate per request to the bulk print. Candidate Bulk Print: Include All Attachments (not only Req specific) client setting controls whether attachments associated with other reqs to which the candidate applied are included for printing when bulk printing is initiated from within a specific req folder.

Update candidate type from type Agency

Allows users to update the candidate type from type Agency to any other candidate type. The client must have the existing Update candidate type user type privilege turned on in order for this privilege to be activated. If user does not have Update candidate type privilege enabled, they receive the error: To enable this privilege, you must first enable the 'Update candidate type' privilege.

Candidate Actions 3 User Privileges

Candidates – copy per req forms

Allows users to copy single-per-candidate per-req or multiple-per-candidate per-req forms that are on file for the candidate when manually copying or moving the candidate to a req folder.

Candidates – copy to all Reqs

Allows users to copy one or more candidates to any req folder. Updated Build 20.01.13.

Candidate – copy to My Reqs

Allows users to copy one or more candidates from a working req folder. or inbox, to a My Reqs folder. Updated Build 20.01.13.

Candidates – copy to working folders/inbox

Allows users to copy a candidate from a working or req folder to another working or req folder or inbox. Updated Build 20.01.13.

Candidates – move to all Reqs

Allows users to move one or more candidates to any req folder. Updated Build 20.01.13.

Candidates – move to My Reqs

Allows users to move one or more candidates from a working req folder. or inbox, to a My Reqs folder. Updated Build 20.01.13.

Candidates – move to working folders/inbox

Allows users to move a candidate from a working or req folder to another working or req folder or inbox. Updated Build 20.01.13.

Candidates - Do not allow on behalf approval for forms

Users are allowed or restricted from approving requisitions, requisition subsidiary forms, and candidate forms on behalf of others in a standard approval workflow. This feature uses two new user privileges: My reqs - do not allow on behalf approval for forms and Candidates - do not allow on behalf approval for forms. Clients can set one or both of these new user privileges.

Candidates – ‘Forms – my drafts’ menu

Allows users to access to candidate forms that they saved as drafts by using the candidates → Forms – my drafts menu item. If configured for your Quick Links pane, users without the privilege can access a draft by using the Add form function. If they saved a draft of that form type for the candidate, Add form automatically displays the draft.

Candidates – Forms “Print” button

Allows users to print candidate forms, including Talent Gateway and Gateway Questionnaire job response forms, for which they have view privileges. Users with the privilege see a Print button on candidate forms.

Candidates - Mass Export - All Reqs

Allows users to mass export all reqs.

Candidates - Mass Export - My Reqs

Allows users to mass export all reqs in My Reqs relationship.

Candidates – Post to candidate portal

Users can post to the Candidate Portal by using the Candidate Portal Posting page. The Candidate Portal posting page can be accessed from:

  • Candidate Results pane accessible from clicking the number link in the Total column of a Req listing pane.

  • Req folder page by using the Actions menu.

  • Talent Record accessed from inside a Req folder. If the Talent Record is accessed outside of a Req folder, the user can see the new action but it is not selectable

Candidates – Reinstate from Evergreen archive folder (unarchive)

Users can unarchive candidates, which are associated with evergreen reqs, who have been archived. This requires the client setting and configuration of Evergreen Archive custom subpanel. Users must have the ability to view the originating req folder in BrassRing and the associated archive folder which requires All reqs/or My reqs – view Evergreen req archived folder.

Candidates - View form history as pdf

Users who have the appropriate privileges can view and open candidate forms in PDF format from the history column in a candidate's Talent Record. Users can open and save these PDF candidate forms. Users must have the Candidates - View form history as pdf privilege and candidate forms must have the Candidates - View form history as pdf attribute enabled to view and open the PDF version of the candidate forms. This feature is supported only for candidate forms.

Candidates – ‘View image PDF’ button on forms

Users can access the View image PDF button on candidate forms and document subsidiary forms to convert them to an image PDF document and launch the PDF. It can then be printed or saved externally by using native functions, for example, for legal or archiving purposes. Privileges to view a form must be enabled by using a form-level attribute or the Candidate Actions: Candidates – view forms privilege.

Erase Candidate Application Data

Allows user to erase the forms, HR statuses, Notes, communications, and any other data related to the application to a specified requisition. Updated Build 20.02.10.

Notes - edit all public notes

Users can edit all public notes from a candidate’s Talent Record.

Notes - delete all public notes

Users can delete all public notes from a candidate’s Talent Record.

Onboarding – Hiring manager access

Users can access Onboard hiring manager tasks by using the action item in the Candidates menu. If your organization is using Onboard auto-launch, BrassRing also redirects and authenticates users from BrassRing to Onboarding in a separate window when the user performs an update to a specified HR status. The HR Status must be configured. If the status update requires an export and the export fails, the user is not redirected to Onboarding and an error message displays.

Onboarding – Onboarding specialist access

Users can access Onboarding staffing portal by using the action item in the Candidates menu. If your organization is using Onboarding auto-launch, BrassRing also redirects and authenticates users from BrassRing to Onboarding in a separate window when the user performs an update to a specified HR status. The HR Status must be configured. Only available if the client setting is enabled for Infinite Onboard subscription.

Onboarding – Recruiter access

Users can access Onboarding staffing portal by using the action item in the Candidates menu. Select this privilege for any user type that requires access to Onboard. Note that you use the information that the BrassRing Support Team provided in the mapping document’s Customer Integration Details tab to coordinate BrassRing- Onboard user types with the Onboard side. This is necessary because the pass-through authentication fails unless the BrassRing and Onboard user types match. See the BrassRing-Onboard mapping document for definitions of what the BrassRing roles mean on the Onboard side. If your organization is using Onboarding auto-launch, BrassRing also redirects and authenticates users from BrassRing to Onboarding in a separate window when the user performs an update to a specified HR status. The HR Status must be configured. If the status update requires an export and the export fails, the user is not redirected to Onboarding and an error message displays.

Restrict start HR Status when filing to Req

Users with this privilege enabled cannot select an HR Status when manually filing candidates to a req. This privilege enforces filing of the candidate to the same starting HR Status that is configured for automatic filing by Autofiler or Insta-filer for that particular req form. Autofiler or Insta-filer files the candidates to 0-filed if the req form type’s configuration for HR Status for Autofiler or instafiler is None. When using the File to req action, restricted users types see the following message instead of the list of initial statuses: Initial HR status is automatically selected based on the Req form setting. The confirmation that is shown also includes the HR Status that the candidates are filed to.

Candidate Categorization User Privileges


Candidate Categorization User Privileges

Access candidates in queue

User can access candidates in queue.


User has access to their Inbox and the user appears in the User Inbox select box on the File candidates to folder page.

My Candidate menu – Hide

User cannot access My Candidates menu.

My Candidates menu

User can access My Candidates menu.

Req team folders - Can be member

The user appears in the Req team member list.

To-do list

User has access to their To do list and the Reminder date field appears to the user when adding or editing notes.

Working folders - Add & inactivate

User can add and inactivate working folders if they are the folder owner.

Working folders - Can be member

The user appears in the Users with access field from the Add/Edit working folders pages.

Working folders - Delete

User can delete working folders that they own.

Working folders – Do not remove myself from team

The user cannot remove themselves from working folders owned by another user.

Working folders - Filter

User can filter the folder contents from req folders, working folders, and Inbox.

Working folders - Transfer

The user can transfer ownership of working folders that they own to another user.

Communications User Privileges


Communications User Privileges

Batch letters - Administer all

Users can process letters in batch.

Blurbs – add

Users can add blurbs. BrassRing users with this user type privilege see the Add blurb menu item under the Admin → Communications menu and the Add blurb action on the Communications: Blurbs page. The Blurbs – Administer privilege must be selected for this privilege to be available for selection.

Blurbs – administer

Users can administer blurbs.

Blurbs – delete

Users can delete blurbs. BrassRing users with this user type privilege see the Delete icon on the blurb administration grid on the Communications: Blurbs page. Blurbs – Administer must be selected for this privilege to be active.

Communications - enable

Users can send communication, email, or letter templates to one or more candidates. The Send communications icon appears for that user. This can be accessed from the Actions menu on the Candidate Results page. When Agency Manager is enabled, users can also send email or letter templates to an agency contact for the selected candidates.

Communications templates add

Users can add communication and email templates. BrassRing users with this user type privilege can see the Add communications template menu item in the Admin → Communications and the Add communications template action on the Communications: Communications templates page. To make this setting active, the Communications templates – administer setting must be enabled.

Communications templates administer

Users can deactivate letter templates from batch letters and communications or email templates.

Communications templates – configure for automation manager

Users can configure communications or email templates for use by Automation Manager’s automated notifications for each Trigger Type. For example, a user can see and configure Designate template as setting on the Add communications template and Edit communications template pages in BrassRing.

Communications templates delete

Users can delete communications or email templates. BrassRing users with this user type privilege can see the Delete icon on the Communications template grid on the Communications: Communications templates page. To make this setting active, the Communications templates – administer setting must be enabled.

Create document – edit preconfigured document name

Users can edit the pre-populated Document name field on the Create document page.

Create document – enable

Users can create document by using the Create document action.

Create document – minimize “Document Template” section

Create document page opens with the Document Template section collapsed for users with this user type.

Document packet - Edit preconfigured subject

User can edit a pre-configured Subject field on the Send communication page at document packet generation time.

Document packet – send

Document packet is available in the Send communications screen in BrassRing for users of this user type. The Candidate Zone must be enabled.

Document packet – view

Users can select the link in Communications history to view the contents of a document packet that was sent. The Candidate Zone must be enabled.

Document packet templates – add

This privilege enables the Admin → Communications → Add document packet template for BrassRing users of this user type. Document packet templates – administer needs to be enabled.

Document packet templates – administer

This privilege enables the Admin → Communications → Add document packet template for BrassRing users of this user type. The Candidate Zone must be enabled.

Document packet templates – delete

The Delete icon is enabled in the Document packet templates screen in BrassRing for users of this user type. Document packet templates – administer needs to be enabled.

Document templates – add

Users can create document templates for use with the Create document feature. BrassRing users with this user type privilege can see the Add document template menu item in the Admin → Communications menu and the Add document template action on the Communications: Document templates page. Document templates – administer must be enabled.

Document templates administer

Users can administer document templates. BrassRing users with this user type privilege can see the Document templates menu item in the Admin → Communications menu in BrassRing. They can view, edit, activate, or deactivate existing document templates to which they have access. They can also do last-minute edits when using document templates to create documents by opening the template from the Document Template section during document creation, editing, saving, and reuploading the file. Last-minute editing includes editing a structural element, removing blurbs or parts of blurbs, changing candidate information, or editing the document footer. Users can last minute edit all document contents except merge tokens. Last-minute edits change the generated document for the intended candidates, but don’t change the original document template.

Document templates - delete

Users can delete document templates. BrassRing users with this user type privilege can see the Delete icon on the Document template grid on the Communications: Document templates page. Document templates – administer must be enabled. It is unchecked and inactive by default.

Hide communications /elinks for non-system users

When this setting is turned on for a user type, the options to send eLinks to non-system users are hidden, whether they would be the main recipients (To:) or the secondary recipients (Cc: and Bcc:). This includes:

  • eLinking candidates:

    • When users eLink a talent record from the Actions menu in the candidate listing page in a req folder

    • When users send an eLink from a talent record

    • When users send an eLink from the eLink tab of the talent record

  • eLinking forms from the Forms tab of the talent record:

    • When users click the eLink blank form button

    • When users click the eLink icon in the eLink form column

    • Requesting or scheduling an interview

    • When users click the Send interview request button on the Interview schedule tab of the talent record.

    • When users click the Schedule interview button on the Interview schedule tab of the talent record.

If the client setting eLink CC/BCC is set to Yes, the Hide communication/elink user privilege overrides the client setting such that the email address text box also won’t display for nonsystem users for CC or BCC. When Hide communication/eLinks to non-system users is enabled, the eLink history contains email addresses only for system users in the Recipient email column of Candidate eLink history and Form eLink history.

Letters - add templates

Users can add email and letter templates.

Letters -delete templates

Users can delete email and letter templates.

Numbering formats administer

Users with this privilege and Communication: Document templates – add, or Document templates – administer privileges can access Add Numbering Format or Numbering Formats: Edit actions to define numbering formats for use when creating document templates.

Relationship views templates, blurbs, and fields

User can access the View relationships option in the Admin → Communications menu. That action provides a relationship view between templates, blurbs, merge fields and single and multiple conditions. Template administrators can perform text string searches within communication entities or view all relationship instances for existing communication entities. Relationship searches return related communication entities as hyperlinks, allowing users to access and view individual entities simultaneously.

System email templates administer

Users can add, deactivate, and delete system email templates when the email type configuration client setting is enabled.

System email templates View

Users can view system email templates when the Email type configuration client setting is enabled.

View all stored communication history

From the candidate’s Talent Record, users can view saved correspondence (when client setting is enabled), which includes: read-only copies of the content of all eLinks, interview schedule emails, email correspondence and letter correspondence that is generated from an email or letter template that has the Saved correspondence setting set to Yes. For template-based communications that cannot be sent because no email address is on file for a candidate, Saved appears in the communication history grid of candidate’s Talent Record (rather than the standard Sent) when Communications saved for candidates missing email address is enabled. When a form is completed by using a link included in the communication body and the candidate does not have an email on file, then the Completed By field for the form displays: [email protected].

View stored communication history for my reqs only

From the candidate’s Talent Record, users can view saved correspondence (when client setting is enabled) for their own reqs, which includes: read-only copies of the content of all eLinks, interview schedule emails, email correspondence, and letter correspondence that is generated from an email or letter template that has the Saved correspondence setting set to Yes. For template-based communications that cannot be sent because no email address is on file for a candidate, Saved appears in the communication history grid of candidate’s Talent Record (rather than the standard Sent) when Communications saved for candidates missing email address is enabled. When a form is completed by using a link included in the communication body and the candidate does not have an email on file, then the Completed By field for the form displays: [email protected].

Data Insight Tool, Infinite Lead Manager, and Analytics User Privileges


Data Insight Tool and Infinite Lead Manager User Privileges

  • This page lists user privileges for Data Insight Tool, Infinite Lead Manager, and Analytics.

Data Insight Tool User Privileges


Users manage Data Insight Tool (DIT) as Administrator who can grant access to other users.

User (Non-Administrator)

Users manage Data Insight Tool (DIT) as Non-Administrator. Their access to DIT is determined by the Administrator.

Lead Manager User Privileges

Campaigns - Add/Edit

Users can add or edit Campaigns.

Campaign - Add Notes

Users can add notes to campaigns.

Campaigns - View All

Users can view all Campaigns.

Campaigns – Delete

Users can delete Campaigns.

Campaign - Delete Any Notes

Users can delete any notes from campaigns.

Campaign - Delete My Notes

Users can Delete Campaigns under My Notes from Campaigns.

Communications - Manage Templates

Users can manage communication templates.

Leads – Add

Users can add Leads.

Lead - Add Notes

Users can add notes to Leads.

Leads - Access Non-Consented (GDPR)

This limits that users can view or edit the Lead record. Users with this privilege can access Leads who require consent but have not yet provided it. Clients can use this privilege to task a subset of individuals with notifying Leads that their data is on file and requesting their consent to retain and use it.

Leads - Consent Required (GDPR)

When users with this privilege, and the Leads - Add privilege, create new Leads, those Leads are marked as requiring consent. Until these Leads provide consent, their records are hidden from view to all users, excluding users with Leads - Access Non-Consented (GDPR) privilege. Their records are not synchronized with Watson Campaign Automation until consent is obtained.

Leads - Confidential (Administer)

Users can edit confidential leads.

Leads - Confidential (Bulk Reassign)

Users can reassign confidential leads in bulk.

Leads - Confidential (View)

Users can view confidential leads.

Leads – Delete

Users can delete Leads.

Leads - Delete Campaigns

Users can delete Campaigns.

Lead - Delete Any Notes

Users can delete any notes from Leads.

Lead - Delete My Notes

Users can Delete Notes under My Notes from Leads.

Leads - Export to BrassRing Requisition

Users can export leads to BrassRing reqs

Leads - Export to BrassRing Working Folder

Users can export leads to BrassRing working folders.

Leads - Export to BrassRing Contact

Users can export leads to BrassRing contacts.

Leads - Send Communication

Users can send communication to Leads.

Search - Require Reason (OFCCP)

OFCCP Reason is required when running searches.

Leads - View/Edit

Users can view / edit Leads

Analytics User Privileges

Analytics User Privileges

  • New Hires - New UI

  • Metrics panel Pipeline - New UI

  • Metrics panel Requisition Aging - New UI

  • Metrics panel Requisition status - New UI

  • Metrics panel Requisitions - New UI

  • Metrics panel Success - New UI Metrics panel

Obsolete User Privileges

The following user privileges are obsolete and should not be used.

  • EEO Pipeline - Metrics panel

  • Pipeline Volume - Metrics panel

  • Requisition Activity - Metrics panel

  • Source Yield - Metrics panel

  • Time-To-Fill - Metrics panel

  • Requisition Status - Metrics panel

  • Requisition Age - Metrics panel

  • Pipeline Cycle Time - Metrics panel

  • Pipeline Conversion Rate - Metrics panel

  • Source Comparison - Metrics panel

  • Hire Analysis - Metrics panel

  • Offer Success Rate - Metrics panel

  • Custom Analytics

  • EEO Pipeline - Business Analytics

  • Hire Analysis - Business Analytics

  • Offer Success Rate - Business Analytics Pipeline

  • Conversion Rate - Business Analytics Pipeline

  • Cycle Time - Business Analytics

  • Pipeline Volume - Business Analytics

  • Requisition Activity - Business Analytics

  • Requisition Age - Business Analytics

  • Requisition Status - Business Analytics

  • Source Comparison - Business Analytics

  • Source Yield - Business Analytics

  • Time-To-Fill - Business Analytics

Integration User Privileges


Integration User Privileges

  • This page lists Integration, and Integration 2 user privileges.

Integration User Privileges

BrassRing sourcing Enabled

Used for the menu to show the BrassRing Employer Network link.

Assessment - Batch configuration – Edit

User can edit the batch configuration when adding a req.

Assessment - Batch configuration – View

User can view the batch configuration when adding a req.

Assessment – Manual entry

Enables an option on the Run Assessment screen for privileged BrassRing users. They can select the option to manually enter responses for individual behavioral assessments (type = Behavioral) on behalf of a candidate who has completed a paper assessment. When the option is selected, the user is redirected to the manual entry screen in the Assessments system.

Assessment – Run

Users can administer assessments.

Assessment – Run optional assessments

Users can choose from the client’s full list of assessments to send invitations for assessments that are not required for the req.

Assessment – Run retake

Users can allow candidates to retake assessment.

Assessment - View history

Users can view assessment results.

Civil Service Register - enabled

Civil Service Register available for user.

Community Gateway Posting

Not active – do not use. If active, this allows a user who has been set up with a BrassRing Community Gateway account to post reqs to job boards by using the BrassRing Community Gateway. For more information on the BrassRing Community Gateway, contact your Regional Client Business Manager.

Event Manager – enabled

Event Manager is enabled for use by this user type.

External sourcing – Enabled

Obsolete. Deactivate this privilege if active.

Import reqs

Users can import reqs.

Interview Builder – Add to Interview Template


Interview Builder – Copy Interview


Interview Builder – Create Interview


Interview Builder – Create Interview from Template


Interview Builder – Create Interview from Template within Req


Interview Builder – Create Interview Template


Interview Builder – Edit Interview


Interview Builder – Print/Send Interview


Interview Builder – Score Interview


Posting interface - post and define my defaults

Allows the user to edit their own posting profile in Menu → Admin → Posting interface defaults and the ability to post out to Job Board aggregator posting partners.

Posting interface - Post and administer my and others' defaults.

Allows the user to edit their and other users' posting profiles in Menu → Admin → Posting interface defaults and the ability to post out to the Job Board aggregator posting partners.

PreciseSource – enabled


Recruitment Services posting

Allows the user to post a req from the posting page in BrassRing directly to Recruitment Services. An account with Recruitment Services must first be set up in order for this integration to be active. Do not use this privilege without having the integration in place since the link shows on the posting page but does not direct to an active page.

Integration 2

CRM – Add/link candidate to CRM

Allows users to add candidates to Lead Manager from BrassRing

CRM – General search

This grants access into Lead Manager by using the BrassRing Candidates menu.

CRM – Manage campaign

Allows user to create a campaign in Lead Manager from a requisition in BrassRing. For campaigns already created from the req, selecting Actions → Manage Campaign opens the campaign in Lead Manager.

CRM – Source from campaign


CRM – Unlink candidate from CRM

Allows users to unlink talent records from lead manager records when erroneously linked, either manually or automatically by the synch process. Typically reserved for system admins

CRM – View candidate in CRM

Allows users to view the candidate's Lead Manager record.

SMS – aggregation vendors

Users can see an SMS Aggregation Vendor menu option in the Communications menu.

Interview Manager User Privileges


Interview Manager User Privileges

Interview Manager User Privileges

  • This page lists Interview Manager privileges.

  • By default, users can view, edit, manage, cancel interviews where they are creator or coordinator . This default privilege cannot be altered.

  • Only creator or coordinator can Cancel an interview.

User Privileges

Restrict Interview Creation

Enabling this privilege disables the users, that have access to My Reqs, ability to create interviews. Default state of this privilege is not selected. This means there is no restriction to create My Req Interviews.

Restrict Manage Interviews for “My Reqs”

Enabling this privilege disables the users, that have access to My Reqs, ability to edit or manage interviews. Default state of this privilege is not selected. This means there is no restriction to edit or manage My Req Interviews.

View – “All Req” Interviews

Enabling this privilege gives the user type access to view interviews that are part of All Reqs that the User has access to. Default state of this privilege is not selected. This means that the user type cannot view ALL REQ interviews.

My Reqs User Privileges

  • This page lists My Reqs, and My Reqs 2 user privileges.

My Reqs

My reqs - attachments add

Users can add attachments.

My reqs - attachments delete

Users can delete attachments.

My reqs - attachments view

Users can view attachments.

My reqs - Cancel / Undo cancel

User can cancel and undo cancel reqs.

My reqs – Close

User can close reqs from open status for reqs.

My reqs - Decline / Undo decline

User can decline and undecline req. User must have this status, All reqs - View decline, All Reqs - Decline/Undo Decline, or My reqs View declined to see the Req Addendum Form if it is attached to status.

My reqs - Delete / Undo delete

User can delete and undelete reqs.

My reqs – Edit

Users can edit any reqs.

My reqs – Edit visible tiers

Users can edit the active tiers that are shown within their own reqs by using the req action link.

My reqs – mass update

Users can perform mass updates of reqs by using the Mass Update action for which they have a My reqs relationship.

My reqs – notes (Notes tab) – add/view

Allows users to view and add notes on the Notes tab (for req forms that are configured to display a Notes tab) in requisition View mode. Users can also use [Panel Standard] Notes field in user-defined panel configurations. If either My reqs – notes (Notes tab) – delete, or My reqs – notes (Notes tab) – edit privileges are checked, this privilege is automatically checked and uneditable. If either of those privileges is unchecked, this privilege remains checked but becomes editable. Similar Reqs 2 privilege exists for All reqs.

My reqs – notes (Notes tab) – delete

Makes the delete icon and Delete column visible and allow users to delete all notes in the requisition Notes tab. Similar Reqs 2 privilege exists for All reqs. Similar Reqs 2 privilege exists for All reqs.

My reqs – notes (Notes tab) – edit

Makes the edit icon and Edit column visible and allow users to edit all notes in the requisition Notes tab.

My reqs - Open

Users can open reqs from approved status for reqs.

My reqs - Put on hold / Undo hold

Users can put on hold and undo hold reqs.

My reqs - req sub form add

Users can add req sub form.

My reqs - req sub form edit

Users can edit req sub form.

My reqs - req sub form delete

Users can delete req sub form.

My reqs - req sub form view

Users can view req sub form.

My reqs - View approved

Users can view reqs in the approved status.

My reqs - View cancelled

Users can view reqs in the cancelled status.

My reqs - View closed

Users can view reqs in the closed status.

My reqs - View declined

User can view reqs in the declined status. User must have this status, All reqs - View decline, All Reqs - Decline/Undo Decline, or My reqs - Decline / Undo decline to see the Req Addendum Form if it is attached to status.

My reqs - View deleted

Users can view reqs in the deleted status.

My reqs - View on hold

Users can view reqs in the on hold status.

My reqs - View open

Users can view reqs in the open status

My reqs - View pending

Users can view reqs in the pending status.

Update multiple reqs simultaneously

Allows update of the Recruiter, Manager, and Req team fields for multiple requisitions, where user is the req creator, a req team member, hiring manager, or recruiter, simultaneously from the requisition output grid. Users cannot: update multiple req drafts, update multiple reqs simultaneously by using a Req import, update multiple reqs simultaneously through Integration, or update a Recruiter, Manager, or Req team field configured as a parent or child field for field association by using the update multiple req field feature.

View my reqs Open menu – hide

Users can hide My Open Reqs menu item.

View my reqs Pending menu – hide

Users can hide My Pending Reqs menu item.

My Reqs 2

My reqs – edit autofiler notifications setting on reqs

When Autofiler notification is On for a My req template, users can select Turn off Autofiler notifications for this req on the Add/Edit req pages to prevent or allow automatic sending of notifications to Req Team members when candidates for the req are auto-filed to the req folder. The ReqAutofile client setting needs to be enabled. If Autofiler notification is Off, then Turn off Autofiler notifications for this req is selected and uneditable.

My reqs – Reopen

Users can reopen reqs from closed status for reqs.

My reqs – view Evergreen req archived folder

Users can view archive folders for evergreen reqs with which they have a My req relationship. This requires client setting and configuration of Evergreen Archive custom subpanel. Users must be able to view the originating req folder in BrassRing to view the associated archive folder.

My reqs “Do not allow on behalf approval”

Users are allowed or restricted from approving requisitions, requisition subsidiary forms, and candidate forms on behalf of others in a standard approval workflow. This feature uses two new user privileges: My reqs - do not allow on behalf approval for forms and Candidates - do not allow on behalf approval for forms. Clients can set one or both of these new user privileges.

Notifications and Outlook User Privileges


Notifications and Outlook User Privileges

  • This page lists Notification and Outlook User Privileges.

  • Notification user privileges require the Notifications client setting to be set to Yes, and the user must not have Disable Notifications set to Yes set for their account in Menu → Admin → Edit My Account.

Notifications User Privileges

Added to new req

Users see real-time on-screen alerts when they are added to a req team.

My req - edited

Only applicable to the Classic BrassRing UI. Displays a notification to the user, in the notifications section, if there has been an edit to a req that they have a My relationship to.

Req approval request

Users see real-time on-screen alerts when a req is sent for their approval.

Req approval status change for my reqs

Users see real-time on-screen alerts when a req approval status changes for any req with which they have a my req relationship.

Outlook User Privileges

Outlook Plug-in - Send interview request

From the Talent Record action, users can send an interview request to potential interviewers by using Microsoft® Office Outlook calendar invitations. This user privilege requires the Scheduling: Requests/Schedule interviews user privilege to be enabled, and the client settings Enable Outlook Plug-in and E-mail type configuration to be enabled.

Purge User Privileges


Purge User Privileges

Create candidate purge

The Candidate purge menu item in the Admin+ menu in BrassRing is visible when this privilege is turned on. Users can define one or more candidate purge criteria sets, select the Purge candidates option, and save for scheduling. The saved criteria set is added to the grid on the Manage purge criteria sets page.

Create candidate purge/partial purge report

The Candidate purge menu item in the Admin+ menu in BrassRing is visible when this privilege is turned on. This privilege was previously called Create candidate purge report. Users can define one or more candidate purge or partial purge criteria sets, select the preview operation, and save for scheduling. The saved criteria set is added to the grid on the Manage purge criteria sets page. This setting allows the user to run a preview report of the purge or partial purge operation.

Create partial purge

Users can access Candidate purge action in the Admin+ menu to define partial purge criteria sets, select the Partial purge operation, and save for scheduling. The saved criteria set is added to the grid on the Manage purge criteria sets page

Scheduled processes queue

The Scheduled processes queue menu item in the Admin+ menu in BrassRing is visible when this privilege is turned on for a user type. Users can schedule purge or partial purge preview report operations or purge or partial purge operations.

Reports and Analytics User Privileges


Reports and Analytics User Privileges

  • This page lists Reports, Reports 2, and Analytics user privileges.


Blank report privilege - to be used in the future


Data Export Wizard

User has access to the Data Export Wizard.

Custom Reports

User has access to all custom reports that have been built for the client.

TRM Dashboard - Enable panels but restrict report generation access

From Welcome Screen admin, user can select any of the six individual TRM dashboard panels that the user has been given access to. For example, if the user has been given access to the Req aging report, then they can select the Req aging panel from Welcome Screen admin. The user is able to view the selected panels but cannot drill into the reports from the panel.

TRM Dashboard - Enable report generation but restrict panel access

From the dashboard panels on the Welcome Screen, the user is able to drill down to the more detailed report by using a Drill-down link. To allow users to drill down from the TRM dashboard Welcome Screen panels the Enable panels privilege must be used with this panel.

TRM Dashboard - Req aging

From Standard reports, user has access to the Req aging report.

TRM Dashboard - Diversity hires

From Standard reports, user has access to the Diversity hires report.

TRM Dashboard - Source yield

From Standard reports, user has access to the Source yield report.

TRM Dashboard - Time to fill

From Standard reports, user has access to the Time to fill report.

TRM Dashboard - Talent pipeline

From Standard reports, user has access to the Talent pipeline report.

TRM Dashboard - eLink responsiveness

From Standard reports, user has access to the eLink responsiveness report.

Reports queue and administer report frequencies

User can view and download all completed reports in the BrassRing reports queue.

Candidates/Reqs - New hires

From Standard reports, user has access to the New hire report.

Candidates/Reqs - Cost per hire

From Standard reports, user has access to the Cost per hire report.

Candidates/Reqs - Open req activity

From Standard reports, user has access to the Open req activity report.

Candidates/Reqs - Status summary

From Standard reports, user has access to the Req status summary report.

Candidates/Reqs - Req history

From Standard reports, user has access to the Req history report.

System – HR action activity

From Standard reports, user has access to the HR action activity report.

Talent Gateway (all reports related to Talent Gateways)

From Standard reports, user has access to all Talent Gateway reports: Site activity, Search agents, Candidate activity, Req activity, Candidate referring URL. This privilege does not include the Self-Delete activity report.

Talent Gateway – Self delete activity

From Standard reports, user has access to the Self delete activity report.

Billing – Resumes loaded

From Standard reports, user has access to the Resumes loaded report.

System – Log of erased records

From Standard reports, user has access to the Erase audit log.

System – System user

From Standard reports, user has access to the System user report.

System – Code breakdown

From Standard reports, user has access to the Codes breakdown report.

System – Diversity breakdown

From Standard reports, user has access to the Diversity breakdown report.

Billing – Detail file name

From Standard reports, user has access to the Detail by file name report.

Billing – Acknowledgements sent

From Standard reports, user has access to the Acknowledgements sent report.

Custom panels

User can view custom reports in the Dashboard Report Panel in the Welcome Screen.

Standard Reports menu

User can view the Standard reports menu.

Reports 2

BrassRing Home page - View Candidate Diversity Distribution

Users can view more visualizations specific to requisitions. The visualizations display diversity distribution information of the requisition. These visualizations do not have any actions and they provide overall distribution about gender and race diversity in two different charts.

Candidates/Reqs – Agency scorecard

Grants the ability to view the Agency scorecard report. This privilege should only be enabled if the Agency Manager client setting for Agency Manager is set to Yes.

Display Hiring Analytics

Only applied to the classic BrassRing user interface.

Metrics Dashboard Access

Allows users to access the Metrics Dashboard. User types with only this Metrics Dashboard privilege are granted view-only access to the My Metrics Dashboard and the My Dashboard Library. Users are able to change the chart type, update the filters of the visualizations, and get the latest version of a subscribed visualization.

Metrics Dashboard Admin

Grants the user type Admin access to the Dashboards. Admin users see the fields that their user type is granted access for. This is for security reasons, as fields are boty displayed and results are generated for those fields. The Metrics Dashboard Access privilege must be enabled to enable the Metrics Dashboard Admin privilege. Selecting the Metrics Dashboard Admin privilege automatically enables the Metrics Dashboard UserAllow Edits privilege.

Metrics Dashboard User – Allow Edits

Grants the user type edit access to the Dashboard Visualizations. All Admins automatically get Edit access. The Metrics Dashboard Access privileges must be enabled for enable the Metrics Dashboard Admin privilege.

System - OFCCP search activity

The type of searches users can run are determined by OFCCP, which requires users to provide reason of why a search was conducted.

Talent comparison summary

Grants the ability to run a Talent comparison summary report. If this privilege is checked, all users that are associated with this specific user type sees the Talent Comparison action within the Actions toolbar in working and req folders in BrassRing.

Unsecured DEW



All Analytics User Privileges apply to the Classic BrassRing User Interface Metrics Panels and are obsolete.

  • EEO Pipeline - Metrics panel

  • Pipeline Volume - Metrics panel

  • Requisition Activity - Metrics panel

  • Source Yield - Metrics panel

  • Time-To-Fill - Metrics panel

  • Requisition Status - Metrics panel

  • Requisition Age - Metrics panel

  • Pipeline Cycle Time - Metrics panel

  • Pipeline Conversion Rate - Metrics panel

  • Source Comparison - Metrics panel

  • Hire Analysis - Metrics panel

  • Offer Success Rate - Metrics panel

  • Custom Analytics

  • EEO Pipeline - Business Analytics

  • Hire Analysis - Business Analytics

  • Offer Success Rate - Business Analytics

  • Pipeline Conversion Rate - Business Analytics

  • Pipeline Cycle Time - Business Analytics

  • Pipeline Volume - Business Analytics

  • Requisition Activity - Business Analytics

  • Requisition Age - Business Analytics

  • Requisition Status - Business Analytics

  • Source Comparison - Business Analytics

  • Source Yield - Business Analytics

  • Time-To-Fill - Business Analytics

  • New Hires - New UI Metrics panel

  • Pipeline - New UI Metrics panel

  • Requisition Aging - New UI Metrics panel

  • Requisition status - New UI Metrics panel

  • Requisitions - New UI Metrics panel

  • Success - New UI Metrics panel

Reqs User Privileges


Reqs User Privileges

  • This page lists Reqs, and Reqs 2 user privileges.

Reqs User Privileges

Access secure reqs

Users can access secure reqs.

Add job req

Users can add a job req for those req templates to which they have been given access. For these users, the Add new req action appears on the Reqs menu and actions lists when viewing reqs lists. For req cloning, add Reqs 2: Save req as new privilege.

All reqs - attachments add

Users can add attachments.

All reqs - attachments delete

Users can delete attachments.

All reqs - attachments view

Users can view attachments.

All reqs - Cancel / Undo cancel

Users can cancel and undo cancel for any req.

All reqs – Close

Users can close all reqs from open status.

All reqs - Decline / Undo decline

User can decline and undo the decline of any req. User must have this status, All reqs - View decline, My Reqs - Decline/Undo Decline, or My reqs - View declined to see the Req Addendum Form if it is attached to status.

All reqs - Delete / Undo delete

Users can delete and undelete any req.

All reqs – Edit

Users can edit all reqs.

All reqs – Edit visible tiers

Users can edit the active tiers that are shown within any req by using the actions menu.

All reqs - Open

Users can open all reqs from approved status

All reqs - Put on hold / Undo hold

Users can put on hold and undo hold for any req.

All reqs - req sub form add

Users can add sub form.

All reqs - req sub form edit

Users can edit sub form.

All reqs - req sub form delete

Users can delete sub form.

All reqs - req sub form view

Users can view sub form.

All reqs - View approved

Users can view all reqs in the approved status.

All reqs - View cancelled

Users can view all reqs in the cancelled status.

All reqs - View closed

Users can view all reqs in the closed status.

All reqs - View declined

Users can view all reqs in the decline status. User must have this status, All Reqs - Decline/Undo Decline, My Reqs Decline/Undo Decline, or My reqs - View declined to see the Req Addendum Form if it is attached to status.

All reqs - View deleted

Users can view all reqs in the deleted status.

All reqs - View on hold

Users can view all reqs in the on hold status.

All reqs - View open

Users can view all reqs in the open status.

All reqs - View pending

Users can view all reqs in the pending status.

eLink req – blank

Users can eLink a blank req.

eLink req - to modify

Users can Link a req in Edit mode.

eLink req - to view

Users can eLink a req in View mode.

Route reqs for approval

Users can route any pending req for approval that they have access to.

Search reqs (should be only those which the user is authorized to view)

User has access to Menu → Reqs → Search. The user can search across any req templates that they have access to for any req status they are authorized to view: All reqs or My reqs, depending on user privileges.

Update multiple reqs simultaneously

Allows update of the Recruiter, Manager, and Req team fields for multiple requisitions simultaneously from the requisition output grid. Users cannot: update multiple req drafts, update multiple reqs simultaneously by using a Req import, update multiple reqs simultaneously through and integration, or update a Recruiter, Manager, or Req team field configured as a parent or child field for field association by using the update multiple req field feature.

Reqs 2 User Privileges

All reqs – edit autofiler notifications setting on reqs

When Autofiler notification is On for a req’s template, the user can select Turn off Autofiler notifications for this req on the Add/Edit req pages to prevent or allow automatic sending of notifications to Req Team members when candidates for the req are auto-filed to the req folder. The client setting ReqAutofile needs to be enabled. If Autofiler notification is Off, then the Turn off Autofiler notifications for this req setting is checked and uneditable.

All reqs – mass update

Users can perform mass updates of reqs by using the Mass Update action.

All reqs – notes (Notes tab) – add/view

Allows users to view and add notes on the Notes tab for req forms with the form attribute that is configured to display a Notes tab in requisition View mode. Users must also have access to the requisition through Org group security. Users can also use [Panel Standard] Notes field in user-defined pane configurations. If either All/My reqs – notes (Notes tab) delete, or All/My reqs – notes (Notes tab) edit privileges are checked, this privilege is automatically checked and uneditable. If either of those privileges is unchecked, this privilege remains checked but becomes editable. Similar My req privilege exists.

All reqs – notes (Notes tab) – delete

Makes the delete icon and Delete column visible and allow users to delete all notes in the requisition Notes tab. A similar My req privilege exists.

All reqs – notes (Notes tab) – edit

Makes the edit icon and Edit column visible and allow users to edit all notes in the requisition Notes tab. A similar My req privilege exists).

All reqs – reopen

User can reopen all reqs from closed status.

All reqs – view Evergreen req archived folder

Users can view archive folders for evergreen reqs. This requires the client setting and configuration of Evergreen Archive custom subpanel. Users must be able to view the originating req folder in BrassRing to view the associated archive folder.

Save req as new

Users can save a new req from any existing req that they have access to. For these users, the Save As New action or button appears when editing a req, and on Actions lists for pages displaying req lists. For creating new reqs, enable Reqs: Add job req privilege.

Social Networks – Authorize Company Accounts

Allows users to authorize the posting of jobs to company accounts and pages (up to 25 depending on enable Social Media Integration – maximum allowed company accounts setting), and view the posting history for the company accounts and pages. Users with this privilege see a link User Types under each social media account in the Company Accounts section of the Post to Social Networks screen, where they can select user types to be authorized. Requires the Enable Social Media integration client setting and Talent Gateway setting Social media integration – allow post to my social networks, where reqs are posted.

Social Networks – Post to Company Accounts

Allows users to post jobs to company accounts and company pages (up to 25 depending on enable Social Media Integration – maximum allowed company accounts setting), and view the posting history for company accounts and pages. Requires the Enable Social Media integration client setting and the Talent Gateway setting Social media integration – allow post to my social networks, where reqs are posted.

Social Networks – Post to Groups

Allows users to post jobs to their own social media groups and view the posting history for their groups. Requires Enable Social Media integration and Enable Social Media Integration – post to Groups client settings and the Talent Gateway setting Social media integration – allow post to my social networks, where reqs are posted.

Social Networks – Post to my accounts

Allows users to authorize and post jobs to personal accounts, and view the posting history for their accounts. Requires Enable Social Media integration client setting and the Talent Gateway setting Social media integration – allow post to my social networks, where reqs are posted.

Social Networks – Post to my pages

Allows users to post jobs to personal pages, and view the posting history for their pages. Requires Social Networks – post to my accounts privilege, Enable Social Media integration client setting and the Talent Gateway setting Social media integration – allow post to my social networks, where reqs are posted.

Social Networks – Send Social Referral Email

Allows users to send social referral email by using the social media referral merge token in email templates to send links to job posting details and social media posting options for up to five reqs. Email recipients can view the job details page and then post to their social networks or directly post to their own social network sites. Requires Enable Social Media integration client setting and Talent Gateway setting Social media integration – allow post to my social networks, where reqs are posted

Social Networks – Source Information

Allows users to display the social media source on Talent Records. Requires Enable Social Media integration client setting and Talent Gateway setting Social media integrationallow post to my social networks, where reqs are posted.

View all reqs Open menu – hide

Restricts access to BrassRing Classic Open req listing pages by using the View all reqs and View my reqs menu items, and the Candidates → My folders menu item. This setting is used to ensure that BrassRing users can only access candidates in Req folders in the Candidate Results page when an uneditable default sort is in force for fair hiring purposes.

View all reqs Pending menu – hide

Restricts access to BrassRing Classic Pending req listing pages by using the View all reqs and View my reqs menu items, and the Candidates → My folders menu item. This setting is used to ensure that BrassRing users can only access candidates in Req folders in the Candidate Results page when an uneditable default sort is in force for fair hiring purposes. These privileges were designed to be used with the existing All/My Reqs - View open, and All/My Reqs – View pending privileges to allow the user to have access to the All/My Open Reqs and All/My Reqs Pending Approval panes, but restrict navigation to the classic equivalent page. However, this dependency is not enforced through Workbench.

Search User Privileges


Search User Privileges

Access secure candidates

Users can search and view secure candidates in the search results. They can also view secure candidates in req folders without having a My Candidate relationship but must also have one of the All Reqs privileges to access the req folder.

Define - Output fields

User can define their own output fields for the Candidate search results page by selecting Edit output fields.

Define - Search fields

User can define their own search fields for candidate searches. Search fields can be edited by selecting Menu → Candidates → Search → Edit Search Fields.

Hide Filter Folder

This makes Filter Folder and Set Quick Filters options unavailable to the user type. The user cannot filter folder results or set filter options on any BrassRing pages.

Hide Search from Candidates menu

Hides the candidates menu items Search and Saved Searches to limit the searching done in BrassRing to the Candidate Search action configured for custom subpanels. When set, these privileges are unavailable for the user type: Define - output fields, Saved searches - create and maintain overnight searches, Saved searches - create and maintain personal searches, Saved searches - subscribe to other's overnight searches.

Quick Search Only (My Candidates Only)

This restricts search function to Quick Search of user’s own candidates. Searchable candidates include: Candidates in Req folders with which the user has a My Reqs relationship. The search is run on Reqs in Open, On Hold, or Closed statuses, Candidates in the user’s working folders (both active and inactive) and Inbox. User types with this restriction are not able to use full-function searches in BrassRing, including: Candidate → Search Candidates, Candidates → Saved Saerch, and Candidates → My Candidates → Find.

ReqID to conduct search – optional

If this setting is turned on, a new page or section that is called Associate search to req appears when the user searches from the Candidate search, Save search, Filter folder, and Find My candidates pages. The new page or section has three fields: Associate search to req (radio button), Select req (single select) and Search reason (text box or single select).

ReqID to conduct search – required

If the setting is turned on, a new page or section that is called Associate search to req appears when the user searches from the Candidate search, Save search, Filter folder, and Find My candidates pages. The new page or section has one field: Select req (single select).

Saved searches - Create and maintain overnight searches

User can save candidate searches as overnight searches and maintain those saved searches. Access to save candidate overnight searches is from the Saved search button from the Candidates Search page and from the Search results page. Users with this privilege have the Overnight search option for the Search type field on the Save search screen. In addition, users with the privilege can access their overnight searches from Candidates → Saved searches → Subscribed overnight searches.

Saved searches - Create and maintain personal searches

User can save candidate searches as personal searches and maintain those saved searches. Access to save candidate personal searches is from the Saved search button from the Candidates Search page. Users with this privilege have the Personal saved search option for the Search type field on the Save search screen. In addition, users with the privilege can access their personal searches from Menu → Candidates → Saved Searches → My saved searches.

Saved Searches - restrict filing to only working folders in overnight searches

Users are restricted to be able to file search results of overnight searches to working folders.

Saved searches - Subscribe to other's overnight searches

User can subscribe to other users' overnight searches. Access to subscribe to other users' overnight searches is from Candidates → Saved searches → Available subscription searches.

Security access groups - override resume security codes

This is applicable only for clients who have Resume security that is activated from Client Settings: CTID Security = valid CTID + session.codesecurity set to Yes. Users with this privilege are not be restricted by security codes to access resumes from candidate search.

Talent Gateway User Privileges


Talent Gateway User Privileges

Featured job – allow user to select a job for display on featured job list

User can select a job for display on featured job list.

Posting - Allow to continue posting after close, hold, cancelled, or delete

User can keep a req posted to Talent Gateway or Agency Manager sites when an open or posted req is moved to a closed, hold, cancelled, or delete status. Can also be accessed from My Open Reqs, All Open Reqs, and Home Page panels.

Posting – enforce minimum duration settings

If minimum posting duration is set in Workbench Talent Gateway Admin, the duration for the posted job is enforced for users of this type.

  • Unpost: If the req has been posted to a Talent Gateway and the minimum duration has not yet elapsed from the initial posting, then the uposting check box is disabled. The check box is only enabled after the minimum duration has elapsed. The duration begins when the req is initially posted to a given gateway.

  • Days to remain posted: Only values which meet the minimum posting duration are shown to the user. For example, if the setting is 3 days, then users would not see an option for 0, 1, and 2 in the pull-down menu. As time elapses, the pull-down menu might change. For example, on day 2 of the duration, 2 would be available for selection. Users can return to the posting options screen and edit the posting for additional posting time. For example, if the user comes back on day 3, the user would be allowed to select 1 from the list. The duration begins when the req is initially posted to a given gateway.

Posting - Modify days until being posted

User can modify the Days until posted field from Edit Talent Gateway/ Agency Manager options. Can also be accessed from My Open Reqs, All Open Reqs, and Home Page panels.

Posting - Modify posting sites

User can post open job reqs to any Talent Gateway or Agency Manager site. Can also be accessed from My Open Reqs, All Open Reqs, and Home Page panels.

Posting – Select/deselect Assessment Batch

User can select which Assessment Batch is launched when candidates apply on a particular Talent Gateway.

Posting – Select/deselect Event Batch

When posting a req, user can select which Event Batch is launched when candidates apply on a particular Talent Gateway.

Posting - View Gateway Questionnaire details

User can preview or review details of Gateway Questionnaires when they are in the process of posting a job requisition.

Questions - Edit questions and scoring

User can edit Talent Gateway and Agency Manager site or job questions and associated scoring. Can also be accessed from My Open Reqs, All Open Reqs, and Home Page panels.

Questions - make "Edit site options" non-editable after posting

Once the req is posted, the users cannot edit the site questions to be posted after the req has been posted.

Questions – Multiple questions scoring

Users working on the Edit site questions page from the Edit Talent Gateway/Agency Manager options can score multiple questions on one page and save the data. Not available unless Questions - Edit questions and scoring privilege is checked.

Select / deselect Gateway Questionnaire

User has the privilege to select a Gateway Questionnaire for a req posting.