Verifying Personal Information
  • 27 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Verifying Personal Information

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Article summary


Use the Personal Information page to review/edit personal information that pertains to a hire profile.

Much of the personal information is prefilled (obtained from previously used applications that are part of the recruitment/onboarding process).

Some personal information may even appear in its own customized task, and not be present on the Personal Information page.

An SSO Enabled field indicates if a new hire is enabled for SSO (Single Sign On). This is useful for clients who transition their new hires to a SSO login during onboarding. This way, onboard managers or the onboarding participants will know when a new hire is enabled for SSO.

  • True - Indicates the new hire is enabled for SSO.

  • False - Indicates the new hire is not enabled for SSO.

  1. Access a hire profile page, and select the Personal Information menu link.

  2. On the Personal Information page, review all the fields (which may be organized into categories of information, such as General Information and Emergency Contact).

  3. Select the Edit link to edit the fields:

    • Required fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).

    • Error messages provide instruction about fields that need correction, and for invalid formats.

  4. Select the Save Changes button.

  5. You can also select a pointer by the hire name to display a task-based menu:

    • Discontinue Onboarding. A Discontinue Onboarding pop-up displays, asking you if you are sure you want to discontinue onboarding for the hire. Select the Discontinue Onboarding button to proceed.

    • Print Personal Info. A separate Personal Information page displays that contains a Print button.

    Table 18. Personal Information Fields




    Hire's name: Last Name, First Name. The hire's job title and hire date also display.

    Personal Information Categories

    General Information, Emergency Contact, etc. (Depends on how the application is configured. Emergency contact information, for example, could be in its own task).

    Edit Link

    Makes the fields editable, and displays a Save Changes button.

    Save Changes Button

    Saves all changes.

    Error Messages

    Provide instruction about fields that need correction and invalid formats.