View and Export Agency Codes, and Manage HR Status Masks
  • 07 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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View and Export Agency Codes, and Manage HR Status Masks

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Article summary


Product: Workbench


View and Export Agency Codes

  1. In Workbench, select Tools → Settings → Code Types.

      The Code type administration window

    • Select view for the Agency code to view the code type details for the agency.

    • Select the edit pencil to edit the code type details.

  2. Select Administer code list to view, export, or inactivate, codes in the code list.

  3. To export a code list, select Edit Code list, insert a name for the file, and select Launch.

Agency Manager HR Status Masks

  1. In Workbench, select Tools → HR Statuses.

  2. Select Agency Manager masks.

      The Agency Manager HR Status masks window

    • Select Add New to add an Agency Manager HR Status mask.

    • Select Edit Mask to edit the masks HR status or Agency mask label.

    • Select Activate/Inactivate to inactivate active masks, or reactivate inactive masks.