Viewing Submitted Candidates
  • 29 Feb 2024
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Viewing Submitted Candidates

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Article summary


Product: Agency Manager

Viewing Submitted Candidates

  • The Submissions in progress screen displays the information of submitted candidates that have not been processed by the organization.

  • The organization determines whether Active Candidates can be viewed, and the columns displayed on the page.

  • The organization determines whether Rejected Submissions can be viewed, and the columns displayed on the page. Submissions can be rejected if:

    • The candidate exists in the client organization's system.

    • The candidate referral rights for that candidate are currently attributed to another agency/agency recruiter.

    • The candidate information was submitted with the Agency's contact information in place of the candidate submission information.

    • Updating a candidate’s contact information does not resubmit the candidate through the system’s submission processes.


View Submitted Candidates

  1. To view submissions in progress, click Submissions in Progress.

    • Candidates are typically processed immediately; however, when traffic is high, it might take up to an hour to process the candidate.

    • The candidate appears on the Submissions in progress screen of the Agency Manager through which the submission attempt was made.

    • Candidates might appear multiple times in the Submissions in progress page. Each instance represents an application.

View Active Candidates

  1. To view Active Candidates, click Active Candidates.

    • You can view candidates that you have submitted.

    • Candidates might appear multiple times in the Submissions in progress page. Each instance represents an application.

  2. Select the Candidate Submission to view the candidate's submission record.

  3. Select the Candidate name to view the candidate's contact information.

  4. The Questions completed column in the Active candidates window displays Yes or No, which indicates whether candidate completed the organization-specific, or job-specific, questions.

    • The Questions completed updates within 1 hour of the time that the candidate submits their responses.

View Rejected Submissions

  1. To view Rejected submissions, select Rejected Submissions.

    • You can view candidates that you have submitted.

    • Candidates might appear multiple times in the Submissions in progress page. Each instance represents an application.

  2. Select the Candidate Submission to view the candidates’ submission record.

  3. Select the Candidate name to view the candidates’ contact information.

Privacy Policy Pending Approval

Agency Manager might be configured to have a privacy policy that is applied to candidates. When submitting these candidates, a notification appears stating “Candidates with an asterisk have a privacy policy in pending approval status”.

The candidate receives an email with a link to accept the submission. They must click this accept link to complete the submission process.