What's New
  • 22 Feb 2024
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What's New

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Table 28. New Items



References to Expertise Manager were removed.

New Default Background/Login and Hero Images.

As part of efforts to improve Infinite BrassRing Platform branding designs and user experience, there are enhancements to out of the box images to improve the overall style in Infinite BrassRing Platform applications. Newer default images for the background/login and hero images are provided.

New Background image and Dashboard Hero image (default):


New Onboard (and other applications) Hero image (default):


Depending on the branding you have configured, there may be a visible change inherited. There are three possible scenarios. A new topic ([Default Background/Login and Hero Images]) describes the actions that may be to be done.

Default Background/Login and Hero Images

Specifying Theme Logo, Dashboard Hero, and Background Images

Specifying an Onboard Hero Image

Creating a Branding/Customizing Checklist

When to do this action by?

Immediately following the November 2020 release windows on these dates:

US Stage - Thursday 5th November

EU Stage - Thursday 12th November

Production - US - Saturday 14th November

Production - EU - Friday 20th November