Completing a Tax Credit Survey
  • 27 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Completing a Tax Credit Survey

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Article summary


Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federal tax credit provided to employers for promoting the hiring of individuals from certain groups who might face barriers to fair employment. This promotes workspace diversity.

Completing a WOTC tax credit survey is a US-only task.

  1. Select the Tax Credit Check task.

  2. Enter the required information. Note: The Date of Birth (DOB) field does not allow:

    • A date older than 130 years.

    • Today.

    • A date in the future.

  3. Select Initiate Survey. The WOTC survey displays in the current browser window. Note: This is the Ernst &Young's (vendor) survey site. If you have any technical issues while completing the survey, you can easily return to the Tax Credit Check page and re-initiate the survey at any point. Since the survey displays in the current browser window, you should not have browser security issues such as pop-up blockers and third-party cookie alerts.

  4. Take the survey, answering questions as needed. Based on your answers, more questions may display. You may need to download and electronically sign forms as part of this task. If necessary, upload any documents needed to complete this task.

  5. When you finish the survey, the system checks whether the employer can receive tax credits. A message about your eligibility displays.

  6. Select Complete. This marks the task as being completed. You are redirected to the Onboard application so you can finish your onboarding.

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