Create a Campaign from a BrassRing Requisition
  • 16 Mar 2024
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Create a Campaign from a BrassRing Requisition

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Product: BrassRing on Cloud

Create a Campaign from a BrassRing Requisition.

You need to be a recruiter or on the req team for this function to work.

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  1. In My Open Reqs, select a Req.

  2. Select Action → Manage Campaign.

  3. The Lead Manager Edit Campaign window opens with the campaign details prepopulated from details of the Req.

    The new Campaign under My Campaigns
  4. Insert any required information for the Campaign, and select Save & View.

  5. The Campaign is listed in My Active Campaigns, and All Active Campaigns.

    Creating a campaign from a req populates the following fields in Lead Manager:

    • Campaign Name (Req ID - Job Title).

    • Status = Active.

    • Recruiter.

    • Job Title.

    • Job Description.

    • Apply URLs.