Enable Locales
  • 29 Feb 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Enable Locales

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Article summary


Product: Infinite BrassRing

Locales in BrassRing

  • BrassRing is a globalized software application. Globalization refers to the set of practices and tools that are used to develop software so that it can be translated and adapted to the language conventions of different regions and countries. Globalization ensures that all displayed text in the user interface, workflow items, and transactional data is set appropriately for different world locales.

  • BrassRing cannot determine the preferred locale of the non-system users. BrassRing attempts to display user interface text in the language of the user’s locale. The locale is stored in BrassRing for system users. To determine which language to use for non-system users, BrassRing takes the following actions.

    • If the user’s locale is not known, BrassRing displays the browser language.

    • If the browser language is not supported, BrassRing displays the language of the client’s base locale. Alternatively, if the client enables this feature, BrassRing determines whether it can use a next-best language for a non-system user. The client must have already purchased and enabled the locale to use it as the next-best language for the non-system user.

    • BrassRing login screen is localized. Each time a user accesses the client's URL from a browser, the system checks whether the language of the user's browser setting is a language purchased by that client. If a match is found, the login screen opens in that language. Otherwise, it opens in the client's base locale.

  • Locales must be purchased before they can be applied.

  • Implementing a language in the BrassRing system requires a number of configuration steps to be taken. Standard BrassRing fields are translated automatically but custom fields are not, therefore translations have to be provided by your organization to successfully roll-out additional languages. Throughout Workbench, fields, options, or labels that are translatable are indicated with the plus icon. Selecting this icon allow you to translate the item. The below checklist includes items that must be translated in order to utilize the specific part of the system in the desired language.

Enabling Locales for Talent Gateways Only – Checklist

  • Enable language in Client Settings (Infinite Task)

  • Complete Req Form translations in Workbench

  • Form Name

  • Form Fields: At a minimum, any candidate-facing fields that will be visible to the candidate on the Talent Gateway.

  • Form Field Options: At a minimum, any candidate-facing fields that will be visible to the candidate on the Talent Gateway.

  • Complete Candidate Form translations in Workbench

  • Form Name: Any candidate-facing forms that will be displayed to the candidate on the Talent Gateway or sent to the candidate to complete.

  • Form Fields: Any candidate-facing fields that will be displayed to the candidate on the Talent Gateway or sent to the candidate to complete.

  • Form Field Options: Any candidate-facing form field options that will be displayed to the candidate on the Talent Gateway or sent to the candidate to complete.

  • HR Status Categories

  • Document Subsidiary Form (Form name, fields, and field options)

  • Talent Gateways

  • Create new language gateways

  • Custom text

  • Create Global Talent Gateway (if desired)

  • Gateway Questionnaires

  • Name

  • Section Names

  • Any text/verbiage

  • Communications (Communication and Document Templates)

  • Codes – Job and Source Codes

  • Attachment Categories

Enabling Locales for Talent Gateways and BrassRing User Interface – Checklist

  • Enable language in Client Settings (Infinite Task)

  • Complete Req Form translations in Workbench

  • Form Name

  • Form Fields: At a minimum, any candidate-facing fields that will be visible to the candidate on the Talent Gateway.

  • Form Field Options: At a minimum, any candidate-facing fields that will be visible to the candidate on the Talent Gateway.

  • Complete Candidate Form translations in Workbench

  • Form Name: Any candidate-facing forms that will be displayed to the candidate on the Talent Gateway or sent to the candidate to complete.

  • Form Fields: Any candidate-facing fields that will be displayed to the candidate on the Talent Gateway or sent to the candidate to complete.

  • Form Field Options: Any candidate-facing form field options that will be displayed to the candidate on the Talent Gateway or sent to the candidate to complete.

  • HR Statuses

  • HR Status Categories

  • Req Subsidiary Form (Form fields and options)

  • Document Subsidiary Form (Form name, fields, and field options)

  • Talent Gateways

  • Create new language gateways

  • Custom text

  • Create Global Talent Gateway (if desired)

  • Gateway Questionnaires

  • Name

  • Section Names

  • Any text/verbiage

  • Communications (Communication and Document Templates)

  • Blurb Categories

  • Codes – Job and Source Codes

  • Attachment Categories

  • Candidate Types

  • Instructions

  • eLink Response Instructions

  • Add Candidate/Contact Instructions

  • Session Expiry Instructions

  • Update your users to include their language of choice on the User Profile.